Does electricity usage increase if you install solar panels?

All need some infput

Before I installed solar , last 12 months of electricity usage is consistently around 110kwH

After I installed solar , I got a letter from alinta stating my electric usage has increased and so I will put on different fare type

I dint understand and called them and they said nothing to worry about that letter

But now looking at last 3 months bill the monthly usage has increased 3 times to 300kwH

Is this normal ? Anyone came across this situation ?


  • +5


  • The poor neighbours it does .

  • +1

    There are solar panels on my home and electricity bill has noticeably reduced.
    I would go out and check the meter daily / weekly, whichever suits you, and track power usage. Triple the usage is abnormal. I would look inwards at members of your household or defective appliances.

  • +2

    Confirm specifically if someone is checking your meter or not. They could be estimating your consumption incorrectly.

  • +6

    OP- something is very wrong

    The power that comes from your new panels, first goes into the house and anything left over gets put into the grid.

    If you are using more than the panels are producing, then you draw power from the grid.

    There is NO WAY IN HELL that adding panels can increase your power usage from the grid.

  • +1

    Is someone mining cryptocurrency?

  • 300 kWh per month is not particularly high….10 kWh per day is pretty normal usage for, say, a 3 bedroom house. Conversely, 110/30 = ~3.6 kWh per day is super, super low. Admittedly you'd hope to be lower than average given you have solar panels, but I don't know your circumstances. Maybe you have 5 bedrooms and a pool, in which case 10 kWh per day would be on the low side.

    Did you have a new meter installed when the solar panels were done? Seems possible to me you were being hugely under-billed beforehand.

    • +1

      Yeah likely that he had the old spinning disc type and had been leeching electricity for free because that old spinning disc spinning slower when it aged. Now retailers catch up lol

  • +1

    did you replace a preexisting solar system which had a high feed in tariff?

  • It's possible you were being under billed this whole time.

  • This sounds wrong. You should make sure you are on a plan that has a good Feed in Tariff (FiT) rate for your state. Then, it's worth joining a supplier who shows you your Solar savings/genration in your app against your usage (daily) so you can monitor this yourself which may resolve the issue for you. I'm with AGL and I can see daily solar generation from my panels against power i bought from the grid - in kwh and $. AGL are not the cheapest but this daily monitoring is valuable to me as it helped me change my habits of when to use major appliances, which ends up in me saving money. Hope this helps.

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