Alright, what are you getting your Dad for Father’s Day?
OzBargainers respond with the cheapest place to get it :)
Alright, what are you getting your Dad for Father’s Day?
OzBargainers respond with the cheapest place to get it :)
That is tantamount to getting a woman an Iron for Mother's Day
Just without the complaining and outrage! Father: woohoo! A functional present I can use! Mother: don’t you think I like anything other than cleaning?
Let’s face it anyway, gernis are fun for kids and fathers alike!
Which would be a bit strange, as most of the clothes that need ironing are male clothes.
I had to pay $5 for each of my kids to buy me some junk from their school.
hahaha.. same… surprise junk when I get home tonight
So cute!!! Haha
3D printed shirt with my wife on it. He's a big fan.
a photo printed on the shirt
of your wife for your dad?
a shirt
I'm confused…
He's giving his Dad a t-shirt with a picture of his wife.
… I think we get that … but why would dad be walking around with a photo of his daughter in law on it?
ummm, how do you 3d print a shirt …
why is your wife on the shirt? if it were a photo, i'd be worried that it's revealing image of his daughter in law …
since it's 3d printed, are you 3d printing your wife's breasts onto a shirt for your father to wear?
Not that sort of photo. Not printed from a 3D printer. She's photogenic.
This store does the printing. Send in a nice photo and 'open sesame' your product has shipped and spends 4 weeks in transit.
I could never get upset at such a creative bunch of people, who obviously own 3d printers, and have a high expectation when they read 'wife'
voila.. is the word I believe your looking for
open sesame.
your giving the wrong impression of what type of shirt it will be again
That looks very 2D.
Ok everybody, after some investigation, they mean a photo printed over an entire shirt, giving the illusion of a 3D image. Whew.
But it will still be a picture of his wife on his dad's shirt.
Yes, it's a shirt
@theHMASfriendship: Your disappointment that it is just a shirt is coming loud and clear…Or am I projecting?
I just have so many questions…
getting him a set of miura golf irons.
hey its me ur dad
Nothing :) every day should be fathers day.
Sorry to hear that
I am also trying to find something under $100 for my Dad he is retired , lives alone . Has a motorbike , likes to tinker. Any ideas for things that arent to big for when he moves (renting)
Fishing charter day trip.
Blow up doll
I am getting him a gift that is commensurate with the type of father he has been….
ie nothing
are we meant to bite on that comment ?
Ive been through a large patch like that. I got to a point when I realised A. i couldnt make him unlearn his opinion nor did I need to like it. B I wanted a clear conscience if something would happen.
You should do some crack and blame him for what you do wrong!!! I hear that’s all the rage these days!
When I was a kid I had a friend who’s father had died young. When people asked him what he was getting his father for Father’s Day he would say “grass seed, for his grave”. People would be shocked but I thought it was hilarious. Tempted to use it myself, now I’m an orphan.
40% of people in retirement homes get no visitors. Just go visit some random , im sure there is some guy with alzheimers who could do with some cheering up. When you walk through I bet you there is at least one who thinks you are a relative and would get a kick out of a visit.
Yeah, prisoners probably get more visitors than old people. I want to go from healthy to dead very quickly.
probably should get behind the euthanasia laws. to some its not an existence . but you could do something on that day that convinces someone else its worth being here
@Fysh: Oh man, I was very happy with the Euthanasia laws. I’d like to see them extended. If I know I’m going to get Alzheimer’s I don’t want keep going. They are the ones treated the worst in the old people’s homes.
Nothing. Those days are over. Now it's the usual weekend visit with the family, he just wants to see the grand kids.
KFC Wicked Wings 15 for $10 deal courtesy of OzBargain!
Bunnings voucher. ( It’s what he asked for. )
Bunnings voucher to do stuff around the house Mum’s been asking for for ages
just got a pair of yellow earth sheep skin indoor slippers
same as last year. Lynx Africa shower pack.
Ryze Tello drone from JBHifi - $129 on sale
Nothing, haven't spoken to mine since he never contacted me on my 21st birthday or thereafter.
A dad can have many kids, but a kid can have only one dad.
Make that connection.
My father has 3. One that doesn't speak to him (she still has a great father, just not biological), one that speaks to him only to have a relationship with his third child, one who is still a child. I expect over the next 10 years he will end up with three of his children no longer wasting their time on him. The thing about being an arsehole to your children is it makes them not want to be around you.
Plus meat.
A mail order bride and a case of ale.
nothing - i hate him
AFL finals ticket.
Got my Dad Issey Miyake Bleue From Amazon Au $25 AUD, it was the last one in stock however the product appeared again a few days later again also the last one in stock, weird.
Well my dads passed but the daughter got me something from school today at the Fathers day stall and the wife got me a Gundam kit I had been wanting.
Ended up buying something that popped up as a Facebook ad called the Wheelie Ezy I think. My dad lives in a property so usually has to walk the bin out every week down the driveway. Now with this tool he can now hook it on to his car towball securely and drive it down. Not cheap for how basic it is but couldn't be bothered making it myself.
You must be kidding. Sounds like more work
Depends on how long the driveway is, like some on this postie's route
Some of the letterboxes are at the end of driveways several kilometres long…
Pobably more around 500m long. Long enough that this is worth while. He's already driving a car up and back before and after work and literally looks like 10 seconds to hook the bin on and off and that's it.
Booked a trip to Phuket for a week for dad and mum.
week for dad and mum.
He will remember.
A candle for his grave
P30 lite.
Russian MRE
Estranged from father. inb4sympathy.
Nothing, Father's day in my country is in June.
Tablet. He already broken his cheap ass Aldi one.. So I got a cheapie, doesnt matter if he breaks it again.
getting myself on behalf of the kids a pressure cleaner. and a crustacean dinner at home