I have been looking at a few providers for the NBN50 plan. I can see they increased by $10 from what i saw last month. Any good deals around that can reduce the price?
I have been looking at a few providers for the NBN50 plan. I can see they increased by $10 from what i saw last month. Any good deals around that can reduce the price?
30 would be great right now. I am currently with MyRepublic on the 50 plan. Got speeds of around 43 even during peak so was quite happy. Then co-existence started and I get max 16 down.
What do you mean coexistence started? If you're talking fttn I thought it begins with coexistence and then ADSL gets cut off.
I started my plan in Feb, had excellent rates (43 down) until about end of July, when after coming back from holidays the rate had dropped to 16 down. Questioning support about it I get 'it is clear co-existence is in affect in your area and affecting your rate, sorry can't do anything about it'. It started in January according to support but I haven't had any issues seen until about a month ago
@wiipantz: I had them for ADSL in the past and haven't had any issues. Guess I will try Belong once the 12m contract is up
@knobbs: You could probably get it fixed. Might have to unplug your modem until NBN agree to send a tech to fix a fault.
Superloop for 1 month free
I checked their website. It doesn't show a month free for me. Where do I find the 1 month free?
I get this when i search my address- You can only get the Standard Plus and Premium plans month by month.
Which costs $70 and $95 respectively :(
One other thing to note
try to get a month to month or 12 month plan
If the NBN writedown occurrs for $30 billion
the wholesale prices will drop
then the small players will drop the price
With optus 5G home being rolled out, the write down will occur sooner than later
I reckon within 12 months. you can get NBN50 for $60 a month
Thanks for the tip.. Cheers
i'm looking for a NBN plan now too..
it's so hard considering different companies throttle different websites.
does Aussie BB throttle torrenting?
any provider have a good offer for setting up a new fttc connection?
Belong 55 dollars/month for 50/20 speeds. 30Mbps guarantee though and 12 month contract.
Extra 80 dollar SIM credit included.
I've been getting a constant near 50/20 speed.