• expired

Ben & Jerry's - Pint tub ALL YOU CAN CARRY for $1 [Bri - Jul 8] [Mel - Jul 14] [Syd - Expired]


Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane's biggest pint tub grab (allegedly). 60,000 pints of ice cream available in exchange for a gold coin donation with all proceeds going to OzHarvest. And it's all you can carry!

But donate more because it's for a great cause!!!

When: Friday 1st July, 12pm - 7pm
Where: Sydney Central Station Western Forecourt, Corner of Lee and Pitt Street
Link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=245204972163148

When: Friday 8th July, 12pm - 7pm
Where: King George's Square, corner of Ann and Adelaide Street, Brisbane
Link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=245042565512052

When: Thursday 14th July, 12pm - 7pm
Where: Southern Cross Station Zone 4, Spencer Street, Melbourne
Link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=230950400263280

From Ben & Jerry's Facebook event link:

We're proud as peanuts (in a chocolate swirl) to introduce Australia’s biggest pint tub giveaway, which sees more than 60,000 pints of ice cream up for grabs.

Ice cream fans are invited to cone-on-down to Sydney Central Station on Friday 1st July and scoop up as many pint tubs as they can carry in exchange for a gold coin donation with all money raised going to OzHarvest.

From OzHarvest website


OzHarvest is a non-denominational charity that rescues excess food which would otherwise be discarded. This excess food is distributed to charities supporting the vulnerable in Sydney, Canberra, Newcastle and Adelaide.

Currently in Sydney OzHarvest delivers 150,000 meals per month with a fleet of 7 vans.

Australia wide OzHarvest delivers 180,000 meals per month with a fleet of 11 vans.

OzHarvest believes that good food should not go to waste. In fact, by distributing it to those in need, we turn excess food into a resource and save thousands of kilograms of food from being dumped as landfill each year.

Food is generously donated by those with excess. By distributing this food to various charities, we assist them to better and more efficiently address the underlying social problems in our society. With this support charities are able to redirect funding to programs assisting those who are disadvantaged or at risk.


Edit: Added Melbourne - WOOOHOOOOOOO! (and now Brisbane)
Edit: Link to OzHarvest and added info on what they do. So GET INVOLVED!

Related Stores

Ben & Jerry's
Ben & Jerry's

closed Comments

  • damn.. sucks its not at the manly location

  • +4

    good deal, great cause. they could get away asking for more and they should. but hopefully people give more without having to be asked :)

  • +3

    All you can carry…

    Are you allowed to use implements? Mainly, bags? A suitcase even? Is there a stipulation you have to use your arms?

    • +1

      No you can't.

      Saw a reply on their wall:

      "… you're not allowed to use a bag, but you can take as many pints as your hands or hoofs can carry!"

      • +1

        even though - not sure how this is going to work? any normal person could carry 4 litres easy? $1/2 for 4 litres? there will be a stampede?!
        why not just sell it for a decent amount eg. $2 a litre and make more money for your charity that way?

        • +3

          there's probably some sort of ridiculous notion that people will do the right thing and pay more……

        • +9

          but for every 1 decent person there will be at least 3 freeloaders?

        • +2

          3 freeloaders = 3 ozbargainers

        • +20

          Don't you mean 1 ozbargainer = 3 freeloaders?

  • +1

    Wear big chunky, long shoes and take a whole lot of duct tape and stack them up and tie them to your shoulders you will get heaps

  • Lol here's hoping all these people wanting to carry 20 pints of ice cream away are less than 10 minutes away from their freezer :D

  • +6

    Okay so this is in the city…. How are most people going to get the ice cream home before it all melts?

    • +26

      I'm going to carry it with my stomach.

      • +1

        All you can eat ice cream!!!

        • +1

          Brain-freeze medics on standby

    • +2

      Brisbane City is small so it'd probably be equivalent to buying from a suburb in Sydney :)

    • -2

      Just thought of the solution, bring an eski.

  • Does anyone know if there is somewhere you can park in Brisbane for free while I pickup this icecream?

    I wouldn't go unless I could do this somehow…

    • +1

      ask anna bligh. to my knowledge no

  • +1

    I counted my homer beer money jar just yesterday, got nearly $90 in gold coins, looking forward to this now lol

    • +2

      Ah good plan, preparation is the key to success !! I would prefer to just hand over a twenty and go crazy.

  • And as long as your not planning on eating it that night, an hour won't be so bad in a bag as long as it's not near anything hot and you let it freeze for a day or so

    • +1

      Take along an insulated bag to pop the ice cream in. Carry the ice cream out in your hands, then pop it in the bag. That'll keep the suckers frozen for a while.

  • +3

    Tax write-off, good idea actually

    • Your gold coin donation is not tax deductible if you get something back in return, in this case, ice cream

      • +2

        I think shenlong was referring to tax deductibility for Ben & Jerry's.

  • can u grab as much as you can.. then come back.. pay another $1 and grab some more?

    • change your shirt to a different color, wear a cap and a pair of fake glasses.

  • +1

    This is going to be a bloodbath in Sydney. The boxing day sales are bad, but practically free ice-cream? I'm calling it now and predicting multiple injuries. I am going to go just to see the carnage.

    Also just a quick rundown on the math: 60,000 tubs across 3 cities = 20,000 tubs per city. Now lets say each person can carry 4 tubs (I'm low balling here) then that means there will only be enough for 5000 people in each city.

    I wonder if there will be any left at the end of the day? Report back.

    • Lol, 4? I reckon I could grab atleast 8!

  • The pint tubs are quite small and light. You could stack them up each arm but you would get more if someone was helping you (is this allowed?) It's not as easy as it looks especially if the tubs are wet covered in condensation…but at $11.95 a tub retail :-)

  • +3

    I work across the street from brisbane location. I have about 50 freezes available to me.


    • +2

      so watcha wanna do the next day? open a ben & jerry store?

  • i think with my hands i can carry about 10 tubs easy my freezer probably can only fit that much anyway. wasnt it 60000 tubs for sydney? didnt know it was gonna be spread across 3 cities lol

    • think it also depends on how far you have to take the 10 tubs of ice-cream in winter. Bring gloves. :)

  • +9

    My boyfriend loves ice-cream. I'm going to pretend I bought it all for him.

  • omg :)

  • +8

    the question isn't how much ice-cream can you carry, the question is how much weight will you put on?

  • +6

    Hmm, good publicity stunt, cause riots in 3 major cities, get into the evening news.

    Still wondering if I should go there in body armour. :)

  • +2

    Sounds like a good reason to buy double-sided sticky tape :D Nah, I really doubt it'd work.

  • which part of the station is this gonna be in exactly…i presume its not in the main concourse

  • +4

    I dreamt about armfulls of ice cream last night, and woke up with a big grin! Thanks spaiydz!!!

  • Where is Zone 4 at Southern Cross Station?

    • +1

      If I had to take an educated guess, it would be the area closest to cnr Collins and Spencer St (where the giant Tutankhamun statue was).

      Reason being that all recent large promos are always there, maximum exposure and large area.

    • +4

      Between Zone 3 and Zone 5

  • bring sticky tape to bind all cartons together. :)

  • +2

    You just know there will be 'normal' people there donating $2 and taking 1 or 2 tubs only :-)

  • By the time you get there I doubt they'll be any left, unless you come early.

  • +7

    The OzBargainer will be grabbing ice-cream, but the OzEnterprenuer will be selling freezer bags on the day!

    • +2

      and broden would set up a stall to sell his $1 pint tubs at $10

  • Great idea and for a good cause too……… just disappointing that there are people queue jumping - shame on you!

  • +2

    I just came back, scored 12 tubs, huge line and moving very slowly. If you just want 1 hang around the end and someone will more then likely give you one as they walk away struggling to carry it all.

    • did u turn up at 12pm?
      did they have a box or something to put your donation in?
      what flavour were there?

      do u still get to keep it if you drop it when u r walking away?

    • +2

      12 tubs

      Challenge accepted!

    • How many varieties were there?

      • When I got there there was only one flavour on the table at a time.

        • which was……….?

        • +2

          …the taste of sweet satisfaction

        • My willingness to be extra generous will diminish if there is only 1 flavour (not that I'm complaining as it's for a good cause)

        • +1

          It was Triple Caramel Chunk on the table I ended up at, but there were two tables being loaded from two trucks and a van… Other people report seeing Half Baked.

          It did kinda seem a bit of a waste of an hour of queueing.. oh well, the ice cream's nice enough (be stuffed if I'd pay $12 a tub for it, though).

  • +6

    Rumour is a new dance craze has been invented purely due to the Ben and Jerry's giveaway…it's called the 'Tubstep'

    • +5

      Btw…if you don't get the joke, it's basically what you call trying to juggle 12+ tubs of ice-cream at the same time as walking to the car trying not to drop any

  • Guess heaps of people turned up. Does anyone know if there is any left at this time?

  • meh i scored 14 no biggie…mthey only had triple caramel chucnk though which i hate but they had a stack of half baked as well so not too bad. wanted cheesecake and cookie dough only to be honest but oh well

    • If you had queued up a bit earlier, they also had vanilla :D

  • Got away with 8 tubs, everybody was so happy!

  • +5

    Being dairy intolerant gives me the shits…..

    • +3

      asian? :P

      • +2

        I wish it was that simple to explain my intolerance :(

    • Plussed for sense of humour

  • once again, adelaide fails

  • Anyone lining up there at this hours? Can someone report live from the queue? Just want to know whether there is any stock left at this time of the day…

  • Yes please can someone report live? Planning to queue up around 5.30. Wonder if there would be any left at that time. Thanks!

    • which state u live in?

      • Sydney. is the queue long still?

  • Lined up around 3:30pm. Line was moving fairly quickly. From the back of the line to the front took about 15 mins max. Scored 8 tubs pretty easily. Only 2 flavours from what I saw: Half Baked & Triple Caramel Chunk.

  • Got 12 tubs, my wife got 11!

  • so crap that this is in the city.. it would take me 40mins to get there by train

  • 20 000 per city, hmm. Anyone know what time Sydney ran out of stock today?

    Would love to head in to the Brisbane one next week, but not sure whether there'll be anything left.

  • There really wasn't any point lining up early; gradually the queue had halved and sped up about a couple of hours after.

    • Oh, by the way they don't supply spoons so be sure to BYO.

  • +5

    Went twice, once at 12pm and again at about 3pm; took me 1hr30mins and 20mins respectively. Scored 14 tubs all together. For people in other cities, I'd definitely recommend going later, or get there really early. Not much variety in flavours though, only got 2 - caramel chunk and the chocolate fudge one.

    As for the other people I saw, there were some that only took 1, but most took 4-8 tubs each, with the few elite going 10+. Saw a hardcore family of 5 who even bought an esky along! Only rule was that if you dropped a tub while picking them up, you had to stop straight away. The best & easiest method I saw was to stack up 2 columns of 4 on the table and then pick them up with both your hands, having them lean onto your body. YMMV depending on your height, strength, estrogen levels (your boobs/moobs limit how many you can stack on your body), etc.

    • -1

      Sounds like the charities will have done well out of your visit…..

  • +2

    Me and the gf got 8 each…loaded them into the esky prepacked with ice packs no problems.

    $191.20 worth of ice cream for $4 ($2 each…it was charity after all).

    Will hand out to friends and family over the next few days as they visit.

    Went around 4pm…15min wait.

  • +18

    some stupid cow in my office stole my only tub of half baked without asking. i was giving my 10 tubs of caramel away and she decided to raid my personal stash when i wasnt watching, then acted like it wasnt me who waited 1.5hrs in the cold for it. gunna spike her cereal with laxatives on monday

    • +5

      report her for theft to your boss and emphasise the pain and suffering youve gone through and how its going to effect your productivity lol

    • +3


      Just buy another tub of half baked and spike that. That way you can't legally get in the shit for it. But she will, wink wink

      • +2

        lol if i was gunna spend money on ben and jerrys id eat it myself
        but good plan there sir
        i like the way you think

  • Just out of curiosity, how big were the tubs? 1L? 500ml?

  • I lined up at 5-5.30 yesterday and the queue was pretty long. After standing in the queue for a while (< 30min I'm guessing), someone came around to announce that they were running low and it was only 1 tub per person from then on and donation optional. The queue moved pretty fast after that. There were only 2 flavours left at that point too - half baked and triple caramel chunk or something.

    I'm quite disappointed, but at least they did reduce down the quotas, so no-one would miss out.

    Also I noticed that hte icecream has a best before date of 21/7/2011 so for anyone who took quite a bit and can't eat that fast, it might be a problem.

    • +4

      lol i ate all of mine already

      goes off to jog 50km

    • +2

      bearing in mind the charity involved….. it would be quite ironic if most of it got thrown away…….

  • Thanks foobar :)
    P.S. No I had never heard of a pint before (If I did, I wasn't taking notice).

  • +3

    So this is all you can carry tubs? I thought it was all you can carry icecream.
    I was like wtf cheap ass ozbargainers eating the icecream from their hands like rabbid beasts.

  • +3

    I got myself 14, and my friend got 13. 27 between two people :D, for any ultimate stackers out there, lay your left hand across your body, and stack them like a pyramid sideways down. works like a charm!

    • +1

      how about a youtube vid to help your ozbargain friends out

    • wouldn't it rolled off if the tube were on it's side?

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