• expired

Transformer 3D Autobot or Decepticon Car Badge for $3.49 Delivered Australian Wide


~This badge/emblem comes with self adhesive on the back.
~Durable high quality badge with reflective chrome-style lettering.
~Easy to apply.
~Can be used to anywhere you like.
~For car body decoration, dashboard, motorcycle and scooter.
~Please use detergent to clean the surface of the target before stick it on.
Comes with adhesive on the back, just peel and stick.

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Auto Boutique

closed Comments

  • more expensive than a couple of months ago

    • The australian dollars drop down, The cost price increased.Paying too much when bringing things into Australia.

      • +3

        The Australian dollar peaked briefly at US$1.10 and is now sitting at US$1.05. It is a drop, but not a large one.

      • WTF are you talking about?
        Australian Dollar increased in price, if anything you should be decreasing the price, cost less australian dollars for the same amount of USD/yen

        Checking the exchange rate history, the last time exchange was as low as it is today was May 1
        The date you posted the previous deal was April 7 when it was 1.04, which is lower than the any exchange rate after that date. No reason how you could increase the price given it would have been even cheaper after the previous bargain

        • +1

          Take it easy Willis sheesh

      • +3

        LOL, must be the bloody carbon tax then, no?

        • I blame the sun spots…no, hang on, didn't we have an eclipse or something? That'll always play havoc with things magical! :)

        • +1

          I blame the terr'ists.

      • +1

        AUd:USD on 7 april was 1.0449
        and before that it was lower

        today its 1.047


      • http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=AUD&to=CNY&view=1Y

        shows the australian-china exchange rate is currently more favourable than it has been all this year

  • +1

    damn beaten…
    here is the link.
    and here is the manditory DX link: (stolen from the other post)

  • +2

    geez people. The guy has to eat.

    • +2

      Yeah, but he doesn't have to lie! ;)

    • say you come to here to the forums and see someone selling those logitech cashback products for $10 each or something. I'd be pretty pissed off.

  • +8

    Does anyone think I will have street cred with a Deceptacon Kia Rio?

    • +3

      i wouldn't mess with you.

      • +9

        i wouldn't bother messing with you.

    • For sure, I would think this would nicely transform into a baby stroller.

      • +4

        Excellent…it will go faster then….and be more popular with the ladies.

        • +1

          Don't know about the latter lol

    • I do with a Decaptacon Daewoo Lanos….

      • At least you know that our robots can cook up a mean Korean BBQ (once it finishes conquering us Puny Humans of course).

  • -2

    Lol all these comments/complaints for a mere 50c. Think about how much money you've all saved via OzBargain. Im quite sure that amount is far greater than a mere 50c. I dont think you can even get a McDonalds icecream cone for 50c anymore. Lol. Either buy it or dont buy it if 50c is such a big deal to you. No point in making comparisons to a few months ago. A lot changes in a business in a few months regardless of the strength of the aussie dollar etc.

    • +1

      The reasons stated for the increase arent very good and are why you got negged, op would of been better served by staying silent or just saying the cost of doing business has caused the increase. Just because the cost goes up doesnt mean something isn't a bargain. That's why ppl say honesty is the best policy

      • -3

        No need to neg me. The price is what it is. I dont think Oz Bargain is a place for haggling. Either you consider the item a deal and purchase, or you consider it not a deal and state why (provide links as evidence etc), then neg it. I just dont agree to all the cry babies here complaining over 50 cents. Dont buy it if 50 cents bothers you that much, but look at the deal overall and decide whether its still cheaper to buy and ship it from somewhere else or not. The business doesnt have to state why prices have gone up - it could be because they are sourcing from somewhere new, shipping costs have gone up for them, or they have had to bring on more staff because of the increase in business. Its just people here expecting too much and being unappreciative which seems quite a habit of some at Oz Bargain.

        • Thanks for your understanding. The price really depends on so many things. 50Cents more will not make us become millionaire.We cannot beat all the prices. At least we make the price more reasonalble.

  • +4
  • +4

    I guess you can say there more than meets the eye to this deal

  • Almost as bad as people with flower & southern cross stickers on their cars.

  • +4

    Does anyone else think putting this on your car makes you an immediate douche?

    Hmm maybe I'm alone on this one..

  • +1

    These were cool when I saw the first one. Now every man and his dog has them it's lost it spark.

    • +1

      you mean lost it's all spark

    • I should shave one onto my dog. That'd be so badass.

  • fake stuff

    • As in fake merchandise or they send you a photo of what you purchased…. I don't understand your neg?

      • fake merchandise

      • Have ever bought something and they sent you a photo of the item instead? lol

        • think there was a ebay scam where they sent the photo of the bean rather than the beans themselves. But yeah quite a few people were scammed because they did not look at the proper description hidden below

        • -1

          Whats with all the random negging on my comments, especially on ones where I havent even expressed an opinion? O.o If you disagree or have a problem, speak out, at least give a reason.

        • -1

          Whats with all the random negging on my comments, especially on ones where I havent even expressed an opinion? O.o If you disagree or have a problem, speak out, at least give a reason.

          incorrect grammar.

        • Mi apologees gramma poleece <3

        • hahahahaha

  • it cost more coz the movie is out tomorrow!

    gonna see these on cars soon..

    • i thought the movie came out yesterday?

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