This was posted 13 years 7 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Play World of Warcraft for Free (up to Level 20)


As in the title now this game is free to play up to level 20, after you become addiction you have to pay.

I have to add I don't like this type of game myself, it is like drugs.

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closed Comments

  • Blizzard is revamping their trial system completely under the new changes, which allows players who enjoy their experience of levels 1-20 to pay (appropriately) $20 USD and unlock the Burning Crusade expansion content.

    think ya still ahve to pay 20 bucks (prolly to get the game)

    just that there is no monthly subscription

  • +2

    at some ways you could look at this as an inverse or unbargain… once you've gotten hooked you'll be out 20-30 bux a month!

    think they rejigged the game to make it easier to level up to 60 and made the game more about being at that level.

    can you make as many characters as you want?

    just hope they dont make it one of those free to play - but you have to pay to get decent eq/items, so rich players get all the advantages.

    • Doubt it. Blizzard (read: Activision) loves money, but at the moment, the paid-for items are just flavour items like mounts and pets. If they allowed buying gear, levels or gold, people would blow a gasket.

      If anyone remembers when they released the Spectral Steed mount, Half the 80s in Dalaran were riding one. No-one knew how popular they would be, so a tonne of players bought one, thinking they'd be only one with it. Turns out a billion other guys were thinking the same thing, so they quietly started using regular mounts again.

  • Additionally, anybody who has already purchased the vanilla World of Warcraft will automatically receive access to Burning Crusade content, as a sort of "thank you" from Blizzard.

    Good bye level 60 twinks.. if they still exist.

  • +48

    just wanna neg this so badly, cursor hovering over neg right now

    Once you WOW, you never go back

    Not a bargain in the long run, when you become so addicted to it(I stopped at Level 12) that you can't wait to get home to play it. It makes you think of what lands to explore today and the swords you will buy when you get the gold.
    It totally becomes your life and you start eating on the computer, you begin storing food on the table and stay upto 3-4AM to finish raids. Pretty soon, you're buying adult diapers and playing 15-20 hours a day. Your girlfriend breaks up with you and you don't give a shit.

    Please don't play this addictive game, word from the wise

      • im with you. but i think it is just the first MMO you play is the one you get addicted to. after you quit one, you have to face the fact that all those hours you spent on the previous one, meant absolutely nothing.

    • +13

      you forgot to mention the sad look your soon to be ex friends will be giving you when you tell them that you play WOW and how good it is

    • +6

      lol at level 12 you are not raiding anything!

      nor would you even had a chance to get hooked

      but yes this game is highly addictive - I managed to quit about 6 months ago

      the point is there is no winning at this game, its an endless gear grind and a complete waste of time

      the game model does not lend itself to casual gaming - so don't think you can play "just a bit"

    • +4

      This man/mob/npc speaks the truth!

      There's a genuine reason it's called WarCrack, by those who've been there, done that. It's SUCH an awesome & tempting drug, I must never play with ever again.

    • +13

      Lost 6 years of my life to this!

      • +2

        Vote on the deal…not how it affected your own personal life.

        • +1

          Cocaine, first 3 sniffs are free. Vote on the deal, not how it affects your personal life.

      • lol, take his neg as a joke.

      • +6

        Your avatar + this comment just made my day.

        P.S. I played for over a year, sold the account/gold for about $1,000 (something like $0.50 an hour lol) and never looked back.

        • +2

          wow $1000 for a virtual life

        • +1

          @Knightelf: Haha, my job is done then.
          BTW, I was Mustaine on Thaurissan.

  • +5

    It is like give you free drugs and drinks and you will have to pay for it when you can't live without it.

    • +2

      Was about to make the same comment. Like when gangs in the US have been found to give away free heroin to new customers to increase their sales.

      Give em enough of a taste and they'll be back.

  • I am in! where do i get the game?

    • +8

      you can downloaded from the dealer's website

      • +15

        I believe the drug dealer calls himself 'Blizzard'

    • +1

      Make sure you can control yourself when to play it before you decide to start.

      • I know i can coz i won't be paying for it

        • +3

          not yet

  • Nice I might have to get my old account back.

  • +7

    alrite, everyone please take your seat in circle. Hello my name is "tight" - i'm a WOW junkies … (and the the rehab starts)

  • +2

    Wow I can't believe there are people who still play wow!

  • +3

    Lord of the rings online is free. You can pay extra for in-game stuff if you're serious but it's OK for free casual gaming.

    It's like methadone for WOW addicts.

  • +2

    I played WoW for awhile, got to level 80 and then I started to get bored of it. I should have chosen a different class though. I got sick of playing as a Rogue.

    I've had friends with over 200 days worth of play time though… =\ Crazy guys…literally.

    • +4

      200 days play time is a lot? LoLz @ your friends. Try becoming a high warlord with the legendary mount (on the original version before they made the changes).

      But yeah… don't get into this game please. I don't get addicted to such games so it was easy for me to let it go. I've got friends who dropped out of uni (one even during his final semester after studying for 6 years in uni). A cousin who spent a few years of his life at home and playing only WOW who thank God broke the addition finally. From what i understand he had level 80 of every class for both factions with 1/4 of them with decent epic/legendary gear. Imagine the life that went into that.

      DON'T DO IT.

      • +1


        Don't do it.

      • -3

        my brother in-law destroyed his marriage. lost his job over it. and then became addicted to real drugs. it just started WOW and with drugs to keep him awake to play the game, and then…

        • +6

          Guns don't kill people … people kill people

        • Guns don't kill people
          I kill people
          With guns

          jonlajoie aka MC Vagina

        • cool story bro, email to [email protected]

        • Ha-ha.

  • No kidding…I was down that path before…
    WOW at home, WOW at work, WOW in the toilet, WOW anywhere..!!!

    But at free play till level 20,…now I am thinking of going back to it~~~
    and this game is so successful….once u try it, U can't stop playing it.

    Too much money and time need to be invested in it… the virtual world.

    • +2

      Don't the real world is better than virtual world :p

      • +4

        You can't Charge, hamstring, intercept, execute in the real world. Nor can you dance with a sexy undead. :X

        • +1

          You can, you would just get some strange looks and possibly some jail time.

        • You can't ride a praying mantis and teleport then?

  • +1

    Do you have to pay anything for the vanilla WoW software to get started to then be able to get this free game time up to level 20?

    • +1

      No, the deal is that the game is free to play until you want to get past level 20. To get past there you'll have to buy the game for $20 (and then I assume start paying the monthly subscription fees)

      It also looks like you only have the 8 basic races from the start of the game for the trial - you'd have to pay to get any of the newer races (blood elves etc)

  • +9

    reads title
    shivers inside
    remembers fondly
    swallows urges
    closes page
    walks away

    still thinking about it

    Curse you WoW and your seductive nostalgia. Never again.

  • In the spirit of Ozbargain, since I am a tightarse I have never played WoW. Instead I played a subscription free, lesser addictive MMO. It's good to be tightarse sometimes!

  • since I'm a starcraft orientated person I never have the urge to want to play this

    • people are demanding world of starcraft, you better watch out lol

  • +1

    I wouldnt dare to start WOW even if Blizzard give $10 to new players reach level 20 during the free trial. Was addicted to some MUD RPG when on dial up, then some other online games and even facebook games, but manage to quit all. Sticking to offline PS3

    • +1

      Pretty much this. If you have an addictive personality and have found yourself hooked on lesser games, WoW will rock your world and turn you into a junkie.

      • +1

        i tried WoW on a private server till lvl 16 and realised its the social life that gets you addicted and the constant grinding of the same spells/mobs gets you tired fast. So no population in the world map = no point staying. Never looked back since :D

  • +4

    From someone speaking from experience who played WoW on and off over the last 5 years (at one time addicted), all I can say is I really enjoy gaming and I find WoW one of the great pleasures in life that I truly enjoy. I still game but only casually (yes some people do really play casually). I do not play every night and the nights when I play, it is usually 1-2hrs when I felt like it and I refuse to raid. It is not because I am a bad gamer, far from it. But I want to play only on my own terms, not because someone has scheduled me in to wipe at some boss for the next 2 weeks at 7pm til 11pm every night!

    These days I play because not only do I enjoy it but I worked out it is cheaper for me to play WoW than the other alternative - online shopping! I maxed out my credit card in 3 months after I quit WoW - purchasing practically EVERYTHING on sale that I read on forums such as Ozbargain that I did not even know I need! That took me way longer to recover from than a WoW addiction. So yes, I have to vote positive to this deal! ;D

    • +2

      I agree. Some of WoW was the best gaming experiences I ever had, you level up (which is amazing these days with the quest revamp), you play with a few guys you know, and befriend those you don't, and it's like any other multiplayer game but with a superior story-telling element.

      That ends the minute you join a raiding guild. You'll bust your balls off for the best gear and once you get it, you enjoy and flaunt it for a month before the next patch comes around. You'll have a weekly schedule and need to play 6-8 hours a week. You'll need to grind gold and materials in your own time to support your raid expenses. I've see so many players burn-out at the hardcore raiding level, which is why those guilds have such high turnover. It becomes a job. Self-control is the name of the game.

      • :( sadface

  • +1

    Let's do this ….


    • +2

      I might not WOW anymore

      but at least I still have fried chicken!

  • +5

    10 gigabyte download, after the initial 30 meg installer download. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

    • +1

      my TF 2 download was 10gb too.

  • -5

    waste of life

    • +2

      to have you here.

  • +1

    It's a worth a play to see what the fuss is all about. I bought the game with the free month and I just never got into the game nor did I get addicted. Graphics aren't great, I found that the ones in real life were better.

    • +1

      Yeah the graphics in "real life" is verrrrry realistic…

    • Are the sword you slay orcs with and your fireball spell in real life better too?

  • So much hate for this game, even from other gamers, usually ones that haven't ever played it.

    I'm a casual gamer and enjoy WoW occasionally. I don't raid because that defeats the purpose. I don't see the difference between WoW and other games. I got completely into Halflife 2 and Bioshock when they came out and I don't see people up in arms about them.

    Unbelievable that this deal gets three negs for personal reasons.

    • -1

      I'm sure most people giving advice to not play it, have played the game to a certain extent. If you realised most of them can quote something only a WOW gamer would know.

      Obviously you don't seem to understand the true addiction WOW can create cause you're a causal gamer… or also known as a mediocre gamer.

      • -1

        I'm a casual gamer because I have a job and a family and I choose to put them above gaming. If that makes me 'mediocre' compared to you, so be it.

  • WoW is great and is probably the most bang for buck in gaming at the moment (thats if you enjoy MMOs)

    WoW does cater really well for casual players these days so if you want to play nows a decent time.

    The only issue is that a lot of people do take it to the extreme with some of the end game content. You can easily get around this by not trying to be the world or server first to do something in the game. Ive enjoyed all raid content in wrath and cata so far and I only play for a couple of hours on a sat or sun.

    The game is only a absolute time sink if you make it that. TBH I dont see how people can spend so much time on it these days. They have limits on how often you can raid and earn conquest points (which would only be a few hours a week) Spending more time will come with absolutely no reward.

  • I like how all of the the users here with a pic of themselves, look like they've been hit hard by gaming addiction. I.e. long untrimmed hair, pasty complexion, poor posture, looking like they regret something.

  • This is like releasing legal drugs

  • I think this is a fine line between losing their profit and getting new players. Lv 20 (without auction and banking) is absolutely pointless for existing users while enough time to addict new comers!

    • whats the go no auctions?

      auctions are the best thing about WOW!

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