Best Almond Milk for Frothing for Coffee?

We wanted a dairy free milk for our coffees, and Milklab( was too expensive so we tried some supermarket brands. We settled on the Aldi almond milk (about $2.30/L) as it didn't separate when frothing, had a good consistency and tasted quite good.

I've noticed Coles now stock some 'barista' almond milk - Australia's Own Barista Organic Almond Milk for $4.50/L( and Coles Dairy Free Barista Almond Milk for $3.50/L( We tried the Australia's Own and it frothed well, and had a very smooth, less nutty taste than the Aldi almond milk, so we prefer it now. We haven't tried the Coles version yet.

Anyone else have a preferred brand?


  • But almonds don't have nipples.

  • +1

    My partner swears by Blue Diamond 'Almond Breeze', won't drink any other brand of almond milk. YMMV.

    • -1

      OP is asking what almond milk is best for frothing.

  • -2

    Not possible, it's like 2% almond and the rest is water. There's no real fat in it either (basically nonexistent). If you can froth almond milk, I will have a good laugh.

    • +1

      2.5% fat (3.5% almonds) actually(, and Hilo( is 1.5% and can be frothed. Hell even full-cream( is 3.6%

      Almond milk actually has more fat than soy milk (1.8%)

      • Very interesting. I just did a search and found a few photos. I have to say I am genuinely surprised. Apparently low fat milk froths the most, even if the taste isn't as rich as milk with more fat content.

        • Soy milk however, that always proved to be a PITA when I was a barista. Not sure why, given it has more fat than Hilo

  • +1

    Honestly, if you haven't committed 100% to Almond milk, try Oat milk. It's recently started to become popular and therefore is now easily accessible at supermarkets and higher end coffee shops.

    Most of the baristas that I know much prefer to work with oat milk as it has the closest consistency, "frothability" and flavour profile to actual milk. Nearly all of them agree that it is by far the best non-milk alternative for coffee.

    • -2

      Salty goats milk

    • +3

      Most of the baristas that I know much prefer to work with oat milk… Nearly all of them agree that it is by far the best non-milk alternative for coffee.

      Their pockets are probably being lined by Big Oat and their Oat Lobby henchmen

  • its nut juice right eh ?

    • +3

      Nut juice city limits?

  • Milk lab is my fav. I avoid cafes with anything else.

  • Most cafes I've seen using bonsoy for coffee.

  • Get an Aeropress and drink coffee black, the only way it should be drunk :)

  • I use Blue Diamond Almond Breeze unsweetened. It froths well. I buy it from Costco.

    • +1

      We use Milk Labs in our cafe and everyone comments on the beautiful froth and the taste is superb.Worth the money…

      • Thanks, I'll give it a try. I'm always open to improving my coffee experience.

  • Coles has a new in-house branded range of milk, one of which is an almond milk that is apparently made for frothing.(

    Otherwise, Australia's Own has a similar 'barista' range also available at Coles, both are worth a try I'd say.

  • +1

    I have had this same issue for a year.
    I have not tried the barista almond milks because they are so costly. I usually purchase bulk when the Almond milks are 30-40% or so off. So far I have found the best for frothing to be PUREHARVEST Activated Almond It's Organic Unsweetened and second best is Blue Diamond Almond Breeze regular or vanilla flavoured but Unsweetened. Both give decent froth.

    I started on Almond milk to decrease my carb intake using regular Milk and have found the lower the Carbs the less the Almond milk will froth. So far Australia's Own Organic Almond milk is the lowest Carbs of all Almond milks at Coles and Woolies but it will not froth on it's own. The carbs in it are .3 for every 100 mil. So anything above .3 will froth better and .3 does not froth at all… TOO much water I think.

    Since I have purchased bulk of Australia's Own I now use 1/3 of that and 2/3's of the other one to get some froth, it is not a lot but it will do till Australian Own is gone.

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