Is There a Way to Keep Accessibility Service on for Apps Like Greenify / LastPass / BitWarden on Non-Rooted Devices?

Geenify needs this to automate the app hibernation on non-root device.
But the Accessibility Service for this app can not be kept on, it always been switched off by the system?

LastPass / BitWarden needs this to auto fill app for Android < 8, and needs this to auto fill website in browser even Android >= 8


  • Yeah, nah, can’t anymore. Android power savings overrides it

  • Even choose not to battery optimized that app, it still does this annoy thing.

    I don't understand the idea in this design, if this is a feature / setting, and the user has made the choice of this setting,
    why not let the user do it? I thought only Apple makes this kind of decision for the users.

    Now with this, the password managers experience on the Android is horrible, iOS's password manager integration experience is
    10 times better than Android.

    Maybe I should just cancel the Note 10+ 's order and wait for the iPhone 11, though the Note 10+ seems to be a productivity super power
    (DeX Station , Galaxy Link etc)

    Yes root the phone would solve the problem and you can use exposed framework, but not everyone wants to root their phone

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