Looking for a reputable reliable system/installer for a new residential 6.6kw solar system.
Seems lots of choice and options with panels and inverters.
Also seems quite a variance in customer service post install from reviews I’ve read
I want a reliable system and I’m edging toward a fronius inverter (many are offering growatt but I’m unsure about warranty?) .
There are so many panels to choose from though?
I want a black frame panel ideally.
I’ve looked at seraphim, qcell,Risen, jinko, Canadian etc, all have reviews that are good and bad
I also want to be able to bolt on a battery at some Point down the track
I’ve about 8 quotes so far (that are hugely different in price )but each supplier contradicts the other on who’s reliable and will offer back up on going which is very important for me.
Any help and experience is appreciated. Good and bad!!
Thanks in advance
My advice is to get a battery now, change in regulations or an inspection requirement could mean no one will install the battery or the cost will be to high to bother. Also cheapest isn't always the best. Make sure you have your last 2 years of usage if you can so you get the right amount t of kw