I'm curious, there's a value to the points, redeeming flights and all that. This I understand.
Buying upwards of 100,000 points per transaction suggests to me that this isn't exactly a top up purchase (or is it?)
It's likely used for a flight right (business class)? - Wouldn't it make sense to churn through some credit card bonuses to get this?
Thanks for anyone who has insight.
Lots of purchaser use points to buy business class tickets for others and make some profit.
Eg. if 100k points get you return business class ticket, its worth only $1200 for person who is buying points. But actual business class ticket cost is around $5k so there is chance of cool profit of $3.5k.
Even if they buy at 1.5cpp, they can still make some profit but since Ozb people are happy to offload their points at 1c or 1.2cpp it has become standard.