Is it easy to do it yourself ? (if no investment or expenses claim)
Do You Lodge Tax Return by Yourself ?

yes. MyTax is really good.
Don't pay the LAZY TAX. Do it yourself.
The only time i had an accountant do mine was when i was settling the sale of an investment property, and i needed advice and support through the capital gains process.
Its a super easy thing to do, even if you have investments etc!
When I didn't have an investment property I did, this is my first year with an accountant and so far am very disappointed - I don't think they've brought anything to the table that I didn't already know re: deductions - and have so far taken over two weeks and still not lodged it. I'll be doing it myself next year.
I agree.
I've tried several accountants and only one justified his fee and he retired a year later :-(.
Another cost me $10k in tax as they didn't give good advice on a property that was a PPR and then became an investment.
None of them ever had an understanding of how to deal with a lease-back company car that was full private use but also part of the company pool when at work. One claimed the full amount, another claimed none, another claimed 8/24ths.
Up until last year my GF was paying a CBD accountant $1400 for her relatively simple return.
It's dead easy, especially these days with just about everything pre-filled.
Does it count as Yes if my partner handles it?
depends if you pay for said service.
I usually leave spare coins on her bedside table for coffee. Does that count as paying? Or is that just tipping?
I was going to ask the same question.
Funnily enough, my old boss (accountant) had his partner (engineer) complete his.
I do mytax and then if the estimate seems weird I go see an accountant. A few years back it showed I owed $1000 and then the accountant added in some claims that I didn’t know I could claim and got the owing down to about $300.
yes as the only income i get is from centrelink
I still find it useful doing it myself even though it's gotten more complicated over the years. I now have investment properties, shares, and other things I have to think about but as it's come over time it's been fairly ok to keep track of.
It's a nice feeling actually being in control of your finances through and through - although obviously there is a risk you stuff it up which would be nice not to have.
Can do it myself but my brother is an accountant and likes doing it for me.
Always through agent here. Self employed and the extension for filing by agent is helpful.
Good accountants know which button to push and which not. They also know the average of how much each occupation claims, so that a standard return can be lodged without causing much attention. Its no rocket-science, and you can do it yourself, but you don't want to get yourself flagged, ending up getting reviewed.
By yourself if its just simple stuff like work income, interest etc
Save yourself the $100+