Hi all,
I'm writing this today to seek advice to make a decision on my real estate query.
I've got 1 property I live in which was built new I owe roughly $500k on it and could sell it for $800k to $850k. I've got an invesment property that i bought as my first house which was sold to me at 450k but now the market in this area is flooded with new homes, could only really sell it for $395k to $415k if i'm lucky, owing currently approx $295k.
My idea was to sell the house I'm in and use the profit to pay off my first home which was bought for $450k but i only owe around $295k. I would relocate here and give up my mining job and either study or find something i enjoy more cause mining isn't my cup of tea anymore.
I've got myself a small family and I've only just turned 30. I've got no other debt and we paid out the car, My wife works and we have 2 small children, ones at daycare and the other one is new.
Reasoning why this is my consideration:
- Debt does bother me, I hate the feeling of being bound to a job to pay off debt. I like feeling free to leave anytime I desire or if shit hits the roof. Considering if my debt was gone it may help me handle being at the mines,I don't know.
- Opens up pathways to studying something and working less or choosing jobs and hours.
- Spending more time with my family since they're so young, this would entail helping my wife out aswell, she is time poor with her sole trading job.
Sounds like a great plan! What's the dilemma? Usually there's another option in a dilemma.