Setup for FTTP NBN - Routers/Switches/Modem/Phone

I have bitten the bullet and am shelling out to upgrade from FTTN to FTTP on the NBN.

I am doing this because my FTTN connection maxes out at 28 Mbps and I really want 100 Mbps (and 1000 Mbps in a few years). On FTTN 28 Mbps was the best it was ever going to achieve thanks to be 1.2km to my node.

Anyways I have a closet I am going to have the NBN NTD installed in. The closet has a power point, and I've run ethernet cables from the closet to 4 different rooms in the house.

As the NTD will only have 1 active UNI-D port, I have to plug something into that to then distribute the internet signal to the 4 different rooms via ethernet.

I have some 1gb routers and switches. I don't think I can plug a switch directly into the NTD as the switch (HP J9803A) has no WAN port.

So I am guessing I need a router to plug into the NTD via the routers WAN port. I can then plug the switch into the routers LAN port and/or just plug ethernet straight to the 4 other rooms via the routers LAN ports.

Then there is the home phone. The NTD has a Uni-V port. I figure I can run an extra Cat6 to one of the 4 rooms and then just connect up that second outlet in that room to the Uni-V port and plug the handset in there?
I dont want to have the phone in the cupboard to I am assuming the above will work fine?


  • That will cost a fortune right? Have you considered looking into non-nbn fixed wireless?

    • Yes it costs a fortune.

      Fixed wireless was an alternative, but I've made the decision and I am proceeding down the FTTP path.

      FYI - we are in a holiday town and 4G phone network is smashed at Christmas/Easter. Data virtually unusable at those times.

      5G years away.

      • Just making sure you realise that fixed wireless is not the same as 4G..? Sorry if you are aware already.

        • Yeah good point.

          In my street the people further away from the node (1250m+) are on NBN fixed wireless.

          I only hear bad things from them, and my FTTN sucks ass.

          So I am not interested in NBN fixed wireless.

          4G reception here is good and sometimes the speeds are impressive, but its inconsistent - and particularly bad at peak holiday times - no internet for 10 days over Xmas / New Year isnt going to be great.

          Technology Choice is a big investment but I'm planning on staying in this house for a long time and I use the Internet enough to justify it in my mind.

          Does annoy me that 20% of Australians got it free….

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