I am looking to upgrade my parents network solution and after some advice. Their home is quite large and has a solid concrete floor on the second floor and some brickwalls. As a result their cheap wifi solution of a couple of AV200 powerline kits and and two cheap tp-link APs is not ideal. My house was easy, as it is all ethernet and one AP. But theirs is more complicated. So here is what I was thinking:
Option 1:
Replace crappy tp-link wifi router with edge router X. Connect one long range AP upstairs directly to the router. Use the existing AV200 powerline to get another long range AP downstairs and try and set up some kind of roaming. UBQ guides show multiple ways and I am not sure about the best way. The downside of this is that there are 4 powerline points in total and due to the age of the house, they require some what regular resets.
Option 2:
Replace everything with an AV/Mesh combo like tp-link deco. I feel the APS need to be linked by ethernet or powerline because of the many solid walls. I am just not a fan of consumer networking products.
Option 3:
OZB suggestion.
There are too many solid walls to new ethernet I think.
Keep buying usb xiaomi repeaters and uggjng them in until everything works. I've got 3 usb ones active it it works all around even outside