Got our first baby on the way and the misso reckons this model is the one to go for. Seems like a pretty great price compared to what I can find online. Not sure if baby gear shops can be haggled down to beat this.
Don't forget cashback!
Got our first baby on the way and the misso reckons this model is the one to go for. Seems like a pretty great price compared to what I can find online. Not sure if baby gear shops can be haggled down to beat this.
Don't forget cashback!
Thanks mate 👌
FWIW we just had a baby and along with the Redsbaby models this was our top pick. We went with Reds as it was substantially cheaper while being as good or close to as good.
I think Steelcraft was someway behind as a third pick but it added quite a lot of weight, and then others like City Select we weren’t keen on. The City more so than others we used felt like handling a shopping trolley for the dual infant compatible model we were after.
Thanks will check out before committing!
Hi Jimmy congrats, just friendly advice from ex vista user, this pram is Big and heavy, to make matters worse it's awkward to lift it make harder to lift to car trunks, we have travelled pram called qb qbit+ in the end that becomes our main pram everywhere, try uppababy minu or bugaboo bee, or any travel pram, your wife will thanks you laters.
Thanks sounds good to me!
My misso is only 155cm the pram is practically as big as she is.
Thanks for the suggestions!
Not awkward to lift at all for me because you put it in the trunk in pieces (chassis + each seat). I do it one handed with a 10kg kid on the other arm. Similarly I can assemble and disassemble one handed. The dual trigger on the chassis is the hardest bit. Not fun of course but you get used to it. My partner can do it too but she's bigger than 155cm.
But with two kids it is heavy when assembled. Not highly maneuverable. Not great for a tiny missus but nothing will be.
Bargain on gumtree $630 for 2015 chassis with bassinet, main seat, rumble seat and skateboard.
AFAIK as long as you get a 2015 model the differences are basically cosmetic. Google it.
There was a recall on one part (height extender iirc) make sure you check if you need it.
Great pram. We got the Uppababy vista 5 years ago, it was a dream to manoeuvre, the roomy basket was excellent for grocery shopping and going out, plus it was easy to fold. The only thing I didn't like was the bucket seat, would've preferred if it could lay out flat
This offer includes bassinet :)
Looks awesome, but be sure to test it out in store first, as it looks fairly bulky, and 12kg can be heavy for some people.
Yep will go back to suss it out this weekened
Christ… I thought the bugaboo was expensive.
The Bugaboo is still more expensive. This would be equivalent to the Bugaboo donkey.
Donkey looks good…but misso always worried about manoeuvrability being a wider pram
We had the Buffalo. Similar size as donkey and we hated it. The Vista is also big, but the design looks much better and that would be the pram I'd buy if we could start over.
Everything is god damn expensive ive found so far..and reviews for all baby things vary wildly
Gumtree. Honestly. You don't need new stuff. The kid won't care.
When I see a parent with a new exxy pram I actually think they're a bit of a prat for throwing money away (and wasteful since not re-using something that already exists).
Gee just wanted the best for our kid :( my parents definitely didnt have any luxuries like this when i was a kid. Maybe you're right though. Its easy to get caught up in the baby spree whirlwind. Our budget for wishlist originally was 2-3k for baby gear setup but its quickly ballooned out to 5k :(
@Jimothy Wongingtons: I get it but it's a mentality worth shaking. It's so easy to get back to your original budget when you have access to gumtree on your phone. Set up some saved searches and look each day.
The more time you have the cheaper you'll get it. And if you buy second hand you don't lose much when you sell it later (depending how long until your finished having kids).
My wife didnt want anything over 7kg :(
Same but we value sturdiness over weight.
i ended up getting lucky on amazon prime day and got a maxi cosi for $86, its around 6.8kg
Very nice!
Easy to say with first baby still on the way!
This is very similar size and weight to the BJ city select we had for our first. We bought a maclaren stroller for a holiday when bub was 6m and never really went back to the city select, even for next 2 kids. Sturdy is good but small, light and maneuverable won for us.
Having said that though, everyone’s use and needs differ. If you want a big one get a big one. We had to go through the process to realise it wasn’t for us. Lucky we bought cheap ($450 from amazon) and sold for no loss.
Ahaha having seconds thoughts now. Now idea how our parents coped with all this back then
Why? The pram weight isn't a big deal:
Heavy prams break into pieces to put in and out of the car.
Single kid. It's light enough when using it with a kid in it.
Double kid. An extra 5kg is nothing compared to the total weight with kids. It will be heavy.
Maneuverability would have more impact than weight.
Ps: and yes I live on a hill which is where weight will have a direct impact.
We have this pram. It's fantastic. Don't regret the purchase at all..
My only issue is that it is a big unit - doesn't fit in the boot of my Golf without removing one of the rear wheels - which is easy enough to do.
I got a nissan navarra. Its a piece of shite and has had 5 million things wrong with it but the canopy is good for storage lmao
It's sad that this pram costs more than my car
Have a look at redsbaby if you haven’t already.
Thanks will do
Great pram, bought it this year for our twins
Double congrats!
I'm sure it's a good pram, the missus wanted one, but we couldn't justify the price. Compromised and got a Baby Jogger City Select (off Amazon for $450). So far so good.
That was our starting point…but youtube and baby forums are slippery slide….
Indeed it is! Good luck with it all!
I don't understand how any company can charge this exorbitant price for what equates to a bit of lightweight aluminum tubing and some fabric that you get at most, 2 years use out of. Absolute ripoff. Do they at least have a good resale value so you can recoup some of the losses?
We're trying to justify it by basing it on a 4 year useful life. We also plan to try for a second baby in 2 years. So there's that too. Based on facebook marketplace we can prob resell it for 500-600 after 2 years. Not great but better than nothing…
Far out the baby product companies are really having a rort aren't they? Would be a good idea for someone to start a new company and undercut all of them. Can't imagine it would be too hard at those prices.
Walking around baby bunting i wss thinking i should get out of lighting and swap to baby gear importing 😂
$800+ loss in 2yrs. That’s terrible. Id be buying used if you really want this pram.
Well we expect to get 4 years at least out of it
@Jimothy Wongingtons: Buy everything second hand. Kids don't cost much if you're sensible.
If you're buying new yes it's $$$. In particular, furniture and prams are a rort.
Just remember you are seeing people's asking price on marketplace. Not what they sell for 2md hand. You could be stuck with it
You wont be. The vista is an easy sell when not poorly priced
We used it for 3 years with our first. Preferred it over the stroller. Now we're onto our second do hopefully we'll get at least 5 years out of it.
I got this and then used a little briefcase size folding pram instead .
Just had a newborn so will give it another go in Basinet mode
Congrats on the baby to be! :)
We got the 2015 one for our first baby. We didn't really use the bassinet much (less than 10 times) but were rumble seat, we definitely put it through it's paces with our first kid. Just had the second baby and it's still working great!
It is a slightly heavier pram but it is a solid unit. Takes a little upswing motion for me to get it in the car but no biggie. I wasn't really happy with it initially because because of the weight but it had been by far the best baby purchase besides those thick playmats you see at the baby expo. It also has some decent storage underneath.
Fyi we did buy a cheaper smaller stroller but kept coming back to this cause it's really easy to maneuver and set up. Two pieces. Click click boom.
Thanks :)
Yeah storage for us is a big selling point, and easy set up and pack down is also great.
BUt now with all the feedback from other users I am a bit worried about weight/size. I'd personally be okay with it but if the misso was out by herself I'd be a bit worried about it.
It really isn't that big or too heavy tbh. Baby ends up being heavier than the pram and it can take a beating when you take it onto rockier paths. I'm always heading out by myself and can handle it better than the husband (Haha don't tell him I said that). It really is easy to handle and take out on a daily basis to do grocery shopping, head to the park, busy city etc… Anyway, I'd rave about this all day if I could.
With that said, if your wife is not precious or fragile, by that I mean needs a man to carry everything for her (including her bag) and she can handle her own - then this pram is great! If she's the type of person who needs that then maybe try another.
Go try it out a few times. We did and I still didn't like it on the second round… but I'm glad we got it.
Good luck with whatever you choose and the new chapter ahead. It'll be the best thing that ever happens to you even when you feel like shiz from the sleep deprivation. :)
P.s sorry for the typos… predictive texting fails with bub in one hand and phone in the other :D
Yeah i was thinking the same. We're going back to try this weekend. Thanks for the feedback!
After 6 months with 10kg pram, we decided to buy 5kg Babyzen Yoyo. Big pram is great for newborn but not for your back and small space so don't spend too much on it. Save money for something more practical and for your kids education. If you want to buy any pram, just buy it during the baby show. Usually they are $100 cheaper than the biggest discount in store and they do give away some stuff too.
babyzen yoyo seems pretty great on paper, have to go see if baby bunting has a demo model to play with. Our bub born in Q1 2020, and I think the next baby show in QLD is not till June - might be worth it to stick it out a bit..
We have a 2nd hand 2015 model of the Vista and we love it. I highly recommend the vista, and that's a good price too if it includes a bassinet. I love being able to do the food shopping with the huge basket and walk home.
A compact pram such as a yoyo isn't really suitable for a small baby, and even at 6 months our baby was pretty small for a compact pram.
I also don't think the yoyo is worth the money. There are lots of other prams on the market now that are comparable and half the price. We went with the Easywalker XS, we bought it online but you can now buy it at Baby Bunting for $350. It's small enough to use as carry-on, and has a bumper bar unlike the yoyo.
Thanks for the feed back now really don't know what to get :(
Congrats Jimmy & Mrs. Jimmy .