Been looking for over a month and haven't been able to find any deals. There's been some online ones that were ok but the brick and mortar stores are holding firm at full rrp almost. It's been a year since release. What's up with that?
No Xbox One X Deals. Whats up with That?

[Sounds of me checking ozbargain 15 times a day looking for an Xbox deal]
Yep it told me about this thread lol
Yeah, its slim pickings. I jumped on an EB deal about a month ago, using discounted EB Games gift cards.
It's been on sale a bunch over the last few months, but nothing recently. I've seen it below $500 multiple times - quick search on here shows this too. Sit tight, I'm sure we'll see some more deals soon.
Retailers preparing for Christmas deals
That's 4 months away. You'd think Father's Day deals would have console deals.
Fanboy tax.
Might be some deals with the current 15% ebay code?
$526.15 for Xbox One X 1TB Console + The Division 2 Token + Crackdown 3 Bundle(
$526.15 for Xbox One X Console (1TB) - Metro Saga Bundle(
Extra 5% off with Gift cardsSomething to remember when buying gift cards: if you have a price protection credit card, using a gift card most likely means you can't claim it on price drops…
you also can't claim price protection on bundles anyways
Code doesn't work with MS eBay store but BigW still working
I was lightly looking a while back but after not finding any decent deals, I've decided to just not bother until the next gen comes out next year.