Does My Xiaomi Purifier 2s Have a Problem?

Hi all

I received a Xiaomi 2S to compliment my earlier model 2. In the same room the 2 and 2s show different pm2.5 results, the 2 suggests 20-30, the 2S .001 to .002. The 2S should be the more accurate of the two. I found the 2 would cut in and out with traffic in the room, folding sheets etc whereas the 2S doesn't.

It was purchased from kogan.

What's everyone else's experience?


  • Just to get the most obvious out of the way - is there any kind of seal/cap/etc on the filter for the 2S that may have been left on?

    • I thought the sensor had nothing to do with the filter since it is at the back, on the outside.
      I have got the 2s, and although it’s reading under 10 most of the time, when cleaning the room, blowing a scented candle, cooking etc, it can spike up to 150

  • is one in your bong smoking room?

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