A plumber tried to charge me $400 for a blocked drain.

Has anyone else had issues with plumbers?

I called a plumber to unblock one drain. The plumber gave me a price of $400 for one drain. Even though they advertise from $69. Then he proceeded to charge me $39 for the call-out fee.

Edit: from the forum's feedback it looks like it's a common market strategy, so I feel like it's unfair to name one business in the title.

The views are mixed, with a slight advantage to unreasonable. Some comments are unrelated, trolling, or off-topic.

Thank you for your contribution and feedback.

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    • From $79 that would be a simple plunge and run 5 mins on the job and gone.

    • It will always from $xxx as they don't know what is the other end.

      If you have 10 stories apartment, they not going to check your blockage for $69 for sure.

  • Sounds about right. $39 call out fee is very cheap.

    • +6

      for abit of bait advertising. yeah great.

      • Did you actually call and ask them what the price was to unblock a drain? Perhaps the "from $79" is to change a tap washer.

        • +1
          • @john46352: So you already knew it was going to be $400, and then got upset when they told you it would be $400? Not sure I follow.

            Edit - saw the ad below the invoice. People can say prices start from anything they like. Maybe that's if the P trap has something stuck in it and takes them 5 minutes to get it out.

            • @brendanm: I didn't know what the price would be until after the plumber arrived.

  • +13

    I remember booking an A/c guy to for a fix. Website said no call our fee - free quote! He rocked up did a 10 min inspection and quoted me $1k for the repair. I later email and said no thanks and he then sent me an invoice for $200 for a call out fee. I told him to stuff it and sent a screen shot of the website saying no call out fee. Took the better part of a year for them to finally agree to drop the invoice. Asked around and found a guy who did the job $250 cash. I have no issue with a call out fee as I value my time as much as the next person but it needs to be advertised properly.

    • +4

      Couldn't agree more. I couldn't see anything on their website about any call-out fees. But likewise, I see nothing about there being free quotes.

      I'd find it extremely hard to believe that during the entire process of booking the call-out, that there was no discussion what-so-ever about there being a possible call-out fee. Whether it was in an email confirmation or over the phone.

  • -2

    How many people have been charged $69 to unblock a drain by a plumber or WP plumbing?

    • -2

      very quiet

      • +8

        Maybe ask how many people have even used WP plumbing, then delve deeper.

          • +3

            @john46352: Just because your question is getting the answers you want doesn't mean it's the right question.

            • @HighAndDry: I asked by a plumber as well. It's an open question about the industry.

    • See earlier comments, mine was $620 + $350 so $970

      • nasty

        • I know it is very expensive, but what can I do, if I get another guy to do it the second time it might cost me more. And because I am working I really don't have a lot of choices, I had to take half a day off just to be there. If yours does block again say within 3 month, make sure you ask for a decent discount to get him to come back and fix it.

          • @Aerith-Waifu: Yeah I got a plumber to do it for $250 with a receipt. Very nice guy.

  • +1

    female choice plumbers charged my female friend $200 to unblock her bathroom sink drain… it was just a hair block, I showed her how to use draino and not get ripped off.

    • -3

      ok thanks Ill give them call.

      • +7

        maybe try reading that last message again?!

        • +4

          Did you just assume John's gender??

          • @Switchblade88: I don't have to be female to call female choice plumbers…

            • +1

              @john46352: This is pretty funny and sad.
              Since you have a hard time understanding, I will explain it to you.
              He is not recommending "Female choice plumbers".
              His friend got ripped off for an easy job that could have been unblocked with "drano" that you can buy from coles.

              • @TheEnd: Wow trolly "sad" $200 is better than $400…

  • +10

    From $69.

    Whenever the word from is used, disregard any amount related to that word.

    $5,000 is still from $69.

    All* items on sale. *See exclusions. It means it is not all.

    This sort of dodgy practices has been around for ages. Wise up or pay the chum tax.

    • +2

      Hahaha. God can you imagine tshow if Harvey Norman put "from" on all his product prices, and then you get to the checkout and it's actually double the price? Then he gets on Neil Mitchell when everyone loses it, defending the decision with "O we put "from" it's your fault consumer".

      It needs to be a reasonable range, $69 to $400 to me is not a reasonable range.

      • +9

        If the plumber has to dig up an entire concrete patio and half your backyard to fix a pipe busted by a root, it's not going to be $69. Or $400.

        Places like Harvey Norman have "from" advertisements all the time. "15 inch laptop from $259!!!". Then you get there, and the $259 laptop is using a less powerful processor than a raspberry pi, and a screen with a resolution of 640x480. There is still a laptop available for that price, it's just not the one you want.

        • +10

          Then you get there, and the $259 laptop is using a less powerful processor than a raspberry pi, and a screen with a resolution of 640x480.

          Sure. But it's there. And you can buy it for $259.

          I doubt this mob have ever unblocked a drain for $69.

          • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: As I said, if it's simply a P pipe or a bend or whatever that's blocked, maybe it will be. I personally doubt it as well, bit they did only charge $39 for a call out, which I would have thought is unheard of.

        • But you have that option to buy it. otherwise its bait and switch.

          • @john46352: So do you. I suppose I am cynical by nature, if I saw someone offering drain unblocking "from $69", I would automatically assume it will be nowhere near that, as I know roughly hourly labour charge, plus travel, plus insurance, plus plus plus. You would lose money at $69.

            • @brendanm: No, probably more caused by nurture. I understand the word 'from' and plumbing costs more than $69. But $69 to $400 is a difference. An unreasonable difference to me. I don't want to be cynical and have read between the prices. I want plumbers to give honest estimates over the phone and on their marketing material. I asked 3 times over the phone for a rough estimate for unblocking a drain. They must know what the cost is usually. I probably should have cancelled the appointment, but I assumed their advertising was honest.

              Do you really want to be cynical?

              • +1

                @john46352: As I said before, if it's under concrete and is blocked by a tree root you'll be ok for many many thousands, so saying "$400 is much more than $69" is pretty pointless. Did you ask them if there was a call out fee if you didn't like the price?

                I'm not a plumber, but if I'm sent on an out job in my line of work, it's $110+gst an hour from the moment I'm getting ready for the job, to the moment I've unpacked my tools back at the workshop. If a customer wants to chat to me, they are paying $110+ an hour for it. People can't work for free.

                I don't want to be cynical, but you have to be. Everything is being made to get money or something from you. If something sounds too good to be true ($69 drain unblocking), it probably is, and is probably a trap.

                • +1

                  @brendanm: Yeah that's alright if you tell the customer upfront you charge $110+ and say "the job may take between 2-4 hours etc.." I don't believe people should work for free either just advertise more accurately. From this discussion, I see there seem to be an acceptance of plumbers doing this.

                  It could be stopped, they reduced underquoting in real estate. All the houses I researched went for within the quoted range whereas my mate 10 years ago saw properties get passed in above the quoted range.

                  • @john46352: I don't support it. You just have to use common sense. This sort of stuff will never be stopped as it's too hard to police. Just apply the common sense test, "would I go get in my car that I payed for, full of specialist tools that I payed for, drive to someone's house using fuel I payed for, spend an hour unblocking a drain using said specialist tools and my knowledge, and then only charge $69 for this?". If you wouldn't do it, it's likely no one else would either.

                  • @john46352:

                    Yeah that's alright if you tell the customer upfront you charge $110+ and say "the job may take between 2-4 hours etc.."

                    But they can't say that without coming out first. If it's just a hairball under the sink, it may well cost just the $65.

          • @john46352: Bait and switch has occurred many times before. Stores print catalogues advertising a great deal, but they may only stock 5 or 10 of them. By the time the majority of buyers get to the store, the great deal is gone, leaving products that will net the retailer better profit. Some have been caught over it and fined in the past (IT Warehouse).

            You're also comparing a retail outlet selling a static product, where the cost is predefined and won't change and time/materials will not need to be factored into it, compared to a call-out service for fluctuating issues requiring an undefined amount of time and other materials to resolve. If you went to Harvey Norman for tech support for a product you bought from them, for an issue outside of warranty, bet bottom dollar that charges will fluctuate depending on how difficult it is to fix Laptop not booting, could be a simple hard drive broken and replaced or could be the screen is broken and needs to be replaced. Those 2 will have significantly different charges attached to them in terms of material costs to repair and time required to replace/fix.

            • @sghetti: Yeah, I know they are different industries. I am merely pointing out if unblocking a drain is more likely to cost $300-500, it shouldn't be advertised from $69.

              • @john46352: I agree, it’s a marketing tactic used everywhere by retailers. While it’s unethical it’s not illegal.

                The issue here is that if everyone else is doing it, then if WP don’t as they want to remain “ethical”, then they won’t have a business for long as they’ll fail to compete and take customers off their competitors.

                It shouldn’t be this way and it’s terrible excuse “if everyone else is doing it”, but unfortunately that’s the way things are going with the economy as it stands, it’s cut-throat.

                • @sghetti:

                  While it’s unethical it’s not illegal.

                  It is illegal under the ACL.

                  Problem is nothing gets done unless enough individuals lodge complaints.

      • I can. They do. brendanm has pointed it out.

        That's one of the reasons I don't like walking into HN.

        I agree that it is ridiculous but it's never going to change unless consumers actually stop tolerating it.

        • That's the power of reviews and so forth. I put my opinion up and if there are enough people who agree then no one will use wp plumbing, and they will be forced to change their practice. Or the ACCC might get involved and regulate and/or enforce to encourage change in the industry.

          • +1

            @john46352: That is indeed the power of reviews.

            It's good you posted supporting evidence. That should always be the first thing you do when posting a negative review.

            I am reserved in this particular case as there seems to be some poor advertising practice but the charges are within the realms of reasonable. I completely agree that the advertised charges should be more upfront but consumers are equally to blame.

            As long as consumers are attracted to "free first consult" or "from $x service", of course businesses are going to keep doing it.

      • God can you imagine tshow if Harvey Norman

        I'll stop you there. I think I've got where your problem is - noone actually buys from HN at retail prices.

      • +2

        Based on my own experience with getting out plumbers for various blocked pipes, it sounds entirely reasonable. The plumber doesn't know what the situation is until he gets there and has a look. $39 call-out fee is the cheapest I've heard of.

        Sorry to say, it's your own ignorance here that is the issue, not the plumber's pricing. Too bad you are new user with no track record and no record of what your real identity is, but you are happy to slag off a plumber doing his job.

    • This sort of dodgy practices has been around for ages.

      And are a breach of the ACL since 2011.

      • +2

        It's unenforceable (or not effectively enforced).

        Some things can be effectively governed, somethings require the masses to make a small effort and wise up.

  • +3

    I think this would make the front page based on the rate of reply.

  • +3

    Sounds about right for a plumber why you raging? when i call plumbers half the time they dont even turn up?

    • I not raging I'm putting up a review. I disagree with the practice.

      • +1

        They didnt do anything wrong…it was 'from $79' i understand you might of expected the job to cost $79 but they didnt say that…

        If it is too good to be true then it probably is….plumbers charge north of $100 an hour that sometimes includes the travel time to get to these small jobs bigger jobs they might just swallow that into the price to get the work

        In life you get a quote if you dont like the price tell em to find someone else. But the call out fee should of ben disclosed when you booked the job otherwise i wouldnt of paid that so you 'might' have something there

        • +5

          Yes there is a big difference between $69 and $400. I wasted 3 hour waiting for him and was charged $39 and the drain is still blocked. I would of accepted something up to $300, however, the plumber didn't even look at the drain before quoting. He came in and said 450, then $400 and wrote the quote. I asked about replacing a toilet, immediately he said $400 without looking at it. Then I showed him the drain and asked why so much? That when he couldn't explain the charge being really high, so I told him to leave. I also paid a call out fee of $39.

          "too good to be true" - I don't accept this notion for Victorian plumbers. They should be more honest and accurate from the get-go.

          • +4

            @john46352: This information should be in the initial post - having read this I can now understand why you'd be p1ssed.

            • @takezo: Yep, if he can't justify what you consider a high cost for the repair then a completely different story.

              But I feel there are details being hidden/missed here, it feels like as soon as he quoted what you considered to be a ridiculous amount you've immediately disregarded anything else he's said.

              If you quizzed him on why the cost was so high, an experienced plumber would be able to pull any number of reasons out (legitimate or not) as to why the cost is higher, highly doubt they'd stumble on a question like that, they'd have to answer something like this every day. I feel he's probably made some explanations and you've completely disregarded them as you were already in an emotional state due to the initial quote.

              • @sghetti: I think you might be reading into this. It was pleasant. I said it was too steep and he said ok have a nice day. I did ask him why so much. also, recap he quoted before seeing the job. I will say Victorians love their plumbers. Anyway thank you for your opinion.

        • +1


          They didnt do anything wrong…it was 'from $79'

          In which case, there must be a scenario where someone is actually charged $79 for the job. And the OP was asking if anyone had ever heard of this or knew of this. And there have been….. zero… such responses.

          Under ACL you cannot advertise something that you cannot meet, or have no intention of meeting.

          Likewise, to buy into an earlier-in-this-thread mention of Harvey Norman; even they cannot advertise a computer 'from $479' or whatever, and then have one of them available, and it's at the back of the Tennant Creek store. There must be a reasonable number of sale/advertised items available. Hell, we as OzB denizens know this only too well!

          So, the OP's plumber must be able to provide drain unblocking for $79 to more-than-just-one someone more than just one time. Otherwise they are foul of ACL.

          Unfortunately, there is no real mechanism of holding this sort of practice to account. The process for complaint is via local state's consumer affairs/fair trading firstly (but they will insist on the consumer having tried to settle the matter with the trader in the first place). But in this case there is no actual loss. It is just a misleading/false advertisement. And Fair Trading will never take this on for a local suburban plumber. Perhaps for a giant telcom, or national retailer they might.

          Back to OP. Yeah… give a bad review. Whinge on this forum, Facebook, whatever. You have not actually suffered a loss, but highlighted a dodgy practice. You've done a community service.

          • @Roman Sandstorm: Thanks Roman. I did lose $39 and still have a block drain. By ACL did you mean ACCC?

            • @john46352: ACCC and ACL have different functions. The most practical summary is

              ACCC - deals with practice at a policy level.

              ACL - deals with cases.

              • @[Deactivated]: Australian Christian Lobby?

                You usually report fair trading issues to the ACCC

              • @[Deactivated]: Nearly.

                ACL - Australian Consumer Law - is a legislative framework at the federal level, providing basic consumer guarantees and practices.

                For normal consumer complaints/ripoffs/etc each state has their own department of Fair Trading, (or Consumer Affairs), which has complementary legislation designed to protect consumers.

                If your TV is dodgy, or you think you've been ripped off by a tradesperson, or you notice glaring false advertising, you must report this to your local state.

                The ACCC - Australian Competition and Consumer Commission - is the umbrella federal body which, among other roles, enforces and maintains consumer legislation.

                At times they may take action against large corporations, businesses which operate Australia-wide, etc. But they won't be of much help (beyond providing advice to go to your state body) if you feel aggrieved by a trader.

                • @Roman Sandstorm: You're not wrong. I was just going for a practical summary. Too often you see people say ACCC when they mean VCAT (or other state equivalent) to enforce the ACL.

          • +1

            @Roman Sandstorm: You’re expecting someone within these forums, looking at this specific post, under these specific comments to have used this specific plumber to provide feedback on a specific service they received and use that as the basis for reporting them for false advertising? A bit far fetched if you ask me! On what grounds would you report them for false advertisement? “I put a post on a community bargain forum for WP Plumbing, asking if anyone received such service from them for $69, no one replied so it’s fact that no one received that service!”

            Perhaps OP could call the plumber back without disclosing their previous contact and ask what service they’d perform for the $69 or $79.

            • +3

              @sghetti: I asked everyone in the local Macca's men's toilet. I can confirm. No one responded.

            • @sghetti: @sghetti

              You’re expecting someone within these forums, looking at this specific post, under these specific comments to have used this specific plumber to provide feedback on a specific service they received and use that as the basis for reporting them for false advertising?

              Not at all. The gist of my comment that it would be largely poinitless to complain about the dodgy advertising, as the OP has not really suffered any loss.


              I did lose $39 and still have a block drain

              I feel this was a separate issue. They did inspect if for you, and provide a quote. (Yes, misleading, and not $79.) But they did do some work… and I don't think many here would feel $39 unreasonable to provide such a service.

              But yes, your point about the 'misleading' $79 drain clearing is fair.

              I suggest composing your thoughts from your (and other) posts here, and send an email to Fair Trading in your state. You'll have done all you can then, and it could give you piece of mind.

              • @Roman Sandstorm: No thankyou Roman I prefer to talk to the ozbargain community and see what the opinions are.

  • +1

    Sounds fair to me.

    • ok fair enough. Not to me though.

  • +1

    Yeah plumbers are the worst in my opinion. They literally hold you for ransom and you don't really have a choice once they step in the door.

    I once blocked my then gifriends toilet after taking a massive dump that overfilled the water level. We were in a rush to get it remediated before her parents arrived home and it costed around $400 as well! It literally took the guy 30 mins…

    • +2

      Username checks out

    • +2

      next time take smaller manageable frequent dumps XD

      • +5

        more fiber jack

  • Hopefully someone sends this thread to the plumber.

  • +1

    That is a normal price, the Jet blaster and the CCTV camera are quite expensive bits of equipment. We've had blocked drains, had 2 plumbers unblock them over the last while, $300 and $500 for a similar scope of work.

    If the drain could be unblocked by using a flexible rod or something it would be cheaper. Unfortunately you had a bad blockage, but how is that the plumbers fault? It's your blockage.
    Had you known exactly what was wrong and what would be involved to fix it they probably would have quoted you $400, but that's not the nature of blockages. Don't know until you get in there.

    • It would never be $69 though would it? I think over the phone they could of said. It usually costs $300-500 to unblock a drain if we don't have pull up concrete or there are no other complex issues. Or on their website say "drains usually cost $300-$500 to unblock".

      They were advertising from $69.

      It's misleading.

      Refer to this - https://imgur.com/gallery/Zvi0BeZ

  • They came and used all the latest high tech.
    Them and probably you are in a wealthy area, grow a pair

    • Hahaha… username checked out… :D

  • +2

    Quite often, excluding their trip time to your house, they (tradies) often cost more per 6 minutes than your visit to a medical specialist (usually $210 and up for first consult and you get medicare rebate with GP referral letter)..

  • +2

    wish i had become a plumber. yes they charged me $380 for a blocked toilet drain with jet blaster but i can understand they have many costs to ran their business such as insurance call outs and have to deal with a lot of shit etc. since you only paid for the quote and feel they charge too much why dont you hire a jetblaster for a couple hundred bucks and do it yourself?

    • A good suggestion for next time, I ended paying another plumber $250. He cleared it within 30 an hour.

  • Seems a bit excessive, last time I've paid $300ish to get the toilet seat removed, master blaster down the drain to clear the clog. That's including the usual Canberra tax…I would've thought Melbourne will be cheaper?

  • +1

    I'm just happy that this is making the front page.

    About 10 years ago we had a semi-retired plumber from the local paper that charged an affordable hourly rate but I think he dead. If you can find a $150/hr plumber you're doing well in Sydney's East (and that's "cash" - plumbers make the most on the books, and off them). Of course my mechanic pays rent and charges a bit less.

  • +2

    Why are your drains blocked ? Pouring grease or wet wipes down them ? There is a great Youtube Channel called 'Drain Addict' who looks to be from Sydney. I'd pay $400 to get my poop on his Youtube channel.

  • +2

    john46352 / OP, there are many types of people in this world, and certain advertising attracts certain types of people.

    In respect to the fees, $400 to unblock a drain is quite fair. When we used to hire a lot of trades, plumbers normally charge $150 for a call out fee, with most jobs costing $200-$400. They always came out when promised and got the job done. Jet blast and CCTV included for $400 is very standard and can go up to $550 for emergency callouts.

    Using the word from, as a wary adult you should normally come to understand, that depending on what you want done, the charge will be different. My cheapest use of a plumber was $50 for a 5 min job to cap off a gas pipe. $39 for a callout fee is nothing and just covers for travel to and from your property.

    I've had a plumber come out and unblock a toilet for me using the plunger for $80 for record, so there you go. It was a 7 min job and we had a chat up to 15 mins and he went away.

    Advertising is there to move the world around. The word 'from' was invented for a reason.

    Just remember you don't hopefully use a plumber every week.

    • +1

      Thank you for your opinion @Gallifr3y. The advertising is pretty clear and they are not the only ones doing this for sure. However, if you allow such behaviour to occur it will only get worse and worse. So the "weary adult" your talking about becomes untrusting and cynical of their neighbour until everybody is ripping off everybody and we are all cynical. That's not a community i want to live in. I don't have a problem with $400, $4000, and so forth quotes, just be upfront about it. Don't advertise 'from $69' with no intention of providing any services for that.
      Why was I wrong to believe the advertising is true and correct? Do you have to be cynical to survive in Victoria?

      I should add they knew it was an outside storm drain before the appointment not a toilet.

  • i also asked him about installing a toilet. That costs $400 apparently.

    $400 is cheap.

    • -2

      You can do it yourself.

    • Bunnings and Aldi toilets are only $300 installed

      • Plus a pan collar, plus a mini cistern tap, plus plus plus…..good luck with the $300 installation.

      • -1

        about 250 at bunnings now.

        • Lol… wrong. You can’t get a brand new toilet and have it installed by Bunnings for $250. Their website says $275 excluding the cost of the toilet.

          • @pegaxs: "about" the comment thread is talking about installing.

  • +1

    There was that recent news stories about Uni grads in typical professional degrees/occupations earning less than those doing TAFE tradie stuff - ofcourse as expected the ABC are not the type to point out that's because the industry is pretty much a bloody ripoff.

    If you find a rare good tradie def keep them in your book to use and recommend.

    • Yeah for sure.

  • OP, how much time did the plumber spend unblocking the drain in total (from the time they got to your house to the time they drove away)?

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