Anyone else get "Estimate" Electricity bills?

For the last 3 months I have really been a scrooge when it comes to Electricity, only doing my washing during off peak times,turning off powerpoints, rugging up instead of using the heater,usng indoor solar lights instead of turning lights on.

Even turning off the fridge when theres not much in there

Thinking i was going to get a low Electricity bill this time, well shocked when the highest bill for the year came in.

Apparently it was based on a estimate so no meter read , EnergyAustralia says they allow one estimate a year so obviously they are saving money not having to come out to read .

I guess i have to work out when they are going to do a estimate and start using more

If i am doing all that to save, i feel so sorry to be a family with kids , I couldn’t imagine their bills !!!

And this “ estimate “ isnt fair because its apparently based on your average over the year


  • +6

    I hear they estimate for a number of reasons (scary looking dog, electricity meter box locked etc).

    But they do, do (heh) an actual read at some point later, and when they do an actual read they refund you back the money. For example if you were supposed to pay $150 quarter 1 and $150 quarter 2, but they did an estimate quarter 1 and you paid $200, and they did an actual meter read in quarter 2, they will see that you overpaid in quarter 1, and thus refund that extra you paid (I'm guessing into quarter 2).

    The issue here is the cost of opportunity of the money (you would've had more money in that quarter which you could've invested, spent etc) but you don't lose, lose if they do an estimate (assuming you stay for the next meter read).

  • +3

    The meter dictates the usage, even if they do an estimate, the next time they do a meter read will fix your bill to what it should be, so it should take the overcharge into consideration.

  • +4

    You can submit your own meter reading these days -…

  • +3

    The Energy Australia policy on estimated readings is here:…

    Included in there is "Submit your own meter reading", as a result of which they apparently will adjust your bill.

    I don't see what the problem is.

    <Sorry, duplicate of comment from others>

  • Thanks guys i had no idea of that

  • +1

    Definitely check the meter yourself. Otherwise they will charge you more for the tiered usage or something like that.

  • +3

    only doing my washing during off peak times

    Check that you actually have a tariff with off peak.

  • yes i think theres no off peak

    • post up the 2nd page of a bill with a reading on it. Blank out any identifying info.

      As others have said, you can enter your own reading.

      Some of the meter readers are lazy gits. I got a letter that the dog was dangerous and they couldn't read my meter. He's a standard poodle and he barks at strangers. He was on the other side of a 2m high fence 1 metre from the meter box.

      • It doesn't matter if you have an aggressive shih tzu or a passive bulldog, no meter reader is going to assume that your dog is friendly. It's part of their safety training. You're right though, most of the time, they will skip reading your meter if you have a dog or a furry little spider in your meter box - and TBH, so would most people.

        • The dog is on the other side of the 2m high fence/gate more than an arms length from the meter. The dog has been there for 7 years without an issue and with no missed meter readings then suddenly a letter and no meter reading…

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