Weet-Bix 575g at 1/2 price ($1.90) at Coles. This comes out to be $0.33 per 100g (compared to $0.42 per 100g for the 1.2kg one at $5).
1/2 Price Sanitarium Weet-Bix Breakfast Cereal 575g $1.90 @ Coles

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Lol don't be too fussed about the number, it'll probably start shrinking to 550g then 525g etc
cough Cadbury cough
Thats the weight they came up with, when they filled the whole box.
Not sure why you got downvoted.
The details show there are 18 servings per pack.
Each serving = 30g (2 biscuits)
30g x 18 = 540gSo question remains… why 575g?
Unlike the Coles and Woolies home brand version which aren't very nice, Aldi's version tastes great and is much cheaper than brand names.
Aldi also isn't owned by a tax avoiding church
The term is tax minimisation not avoidance …..
They pay tax to God …. Might be too busy to collect.
Thank God I buy the Aldi one then.
Do remind us - who owns Aldi and where does it’s Australian-derived profit go?
Our soon-to-be European overlords. But they can duke it out with the robots later.
Germany > tax avoiding church IMO
I think the Aldi one still works out cheaper per g.
It does. And by a lot. It really grinds my gears at how "1/2 price" is a huge lure to spend yet everyday prices of practically the same thing elsewhere. But to be fair not everyone is blessed with a local Aldi.
Thanks, I'll take a look at Aldi's next time. Wondering if the "taste" is due differences in the sugar %.
Would support but Aldi's version doesn't seem to be fortified (added vitamins and minerals). Please correct if I'm wrong.
This is real cost effective saving for someone that eats 10/day Monday-Friday, thanks OP
That's.. an awful lot of empty carbs, but alright.
What's wrong with wholegrain wheat?
Your body can't differentiate between whether its wholegrain or not..has the exact same effect on your body..ie: the glucose that's released and the insulin your endocrine system needs to produce to deal with it.
Its all empty carbs that you don't need unless maybe you're about to partake in some high intensity exercise. Otherwise is terrible for you and will just make you fat.
@Bullion78: I've been eating 8 every day throughout high school and upped it to 10 after graduating. I work out 3 days/week and haven't gained any bodyfat while eating at a surplus with all dem carbs. I'm 6'1 @ 82kg so either this empty carb talk is inaccurate or I have a fast metabolism..
@dsiritz: The difference is mate is that you're young.. and you are burning it as energy. That's the difference. You could also have a very fast metabolism.
You must be very regular
Also half price at IGA Supermarkets.
Just be aware Sanitarium is owned by Seventh-day Adventist Church…
Just be aware Sanitarium is owned by Seventh-day Adventist Church…
Okay, I'm aware.
…Now what? Was that supposed to influence whether I purchase these, or something?
I think he means we'll be blessed by eating these? Lol
Yep definitely…..1 Weet-Bix = 1 prayer
Or 1 Weet-Bix = 1 No vote?
A couple of things that could influence you if you didn't know about SDA
- Sanitarium/SDA only hires people who share their christian beliefs.
- They pay no company tax
Yes this - I personally boycott Sanitarium products on these grounds.
People argue that the money that doesn't go to tax is being used for good churchy things. But when the church goes and spends $1m+ to campaign against SSM (Then only something like less then $20k to support victimes of abuse in the church) you have to question if you really want this money in control of the church who feels they get to decide what is "good"
spawnlaeer here got it
Oh to be discriminated against as a potential employee for not believing in their make believe god haha
Plus they get to avoid paying tax, unlike probably 99.9% of us on here who don't get to tick a box on their tax return that says "no tax for me thanks, i've found jesus!"
@lordezekiel: Just imagine if you were to decline employment to someone for believing in their make believe god - the chaos!
Oh the irony of this whole protect our religious freedom thing - they scream discrimination but basically want to cement their right to discriminate against others.
Who makes Coles, Woolies. Aldi?
I'll stick to Vitabrits, no added sugar!
And no dirty religious tax avoidance after taste
That's not fair. I love that aftertaste.
Vita Brits certainly have a different flavour (better imo).
However, Weet-Bix have added vitamins that Vita Brits don't.
This post helped me. I had to buy the $5 1.2kg pack before. Now its time to stock up.
Just last week Vita Brits was $3 for 1 kg saving 10% more on weight than this deal at Coles .
I been stomaching 6 Vita's as a night time snack lately, not sure if thats a good thing or not before bed time but its delicious and warming
Terrible idea… carbohydrates (weetbix) converts to sugars (which if unused as energy via physical/mental effort) = fats!
Thought so, was tying to remain ignorant to that lol
Not saying i didn't use to do the same thing for years - those huge bowls of cereal late at night before bed, so good yet so bad haha
@Godric: Ask your doc to test your hBA1c. You might be one of the lucky 30% that can get away with high carb consumption without long term harm to your health such as becoming diabetic. But if its over 5.5.. day goodbye to high carb eating and hello to diabetes at some time in the future if you don't curb those habits.
Are the plastic inside the box meant to be sealed? I got 2 boxes where the plastic wasn’t sealed at all?
Not sealed but rather folded