Just received an email from PS Plus with a redemption code for this deal.
WH-1000XM3 is available at $329.97
Mod: Want a code? Request it in the Code Request/Giveaway Megathread
Just received an email from PS Plus with a redemption code for this deal.
WH-1000XM3 is available at $329.97
Mod: Want a code? Request it in the Code Request/Giveaway Megathread
Shows $329.97 to me not $249.95
Showing as $249.95 for me
Yeah I was wrong, I thought the headphone is $249.95
looks like
Ear phones are $249
headphones are $329
To see the discount you need to enter the code on the coupon activation page first
Once the code is confirmed, it redirects to https://store.sony.com.au/playstation-network-offers
From there it shows all the products with the discount applied.
If you have the code you and redeem it in the cart to apply the discount.
Looking to purchase WF-1000XM3 for my partners birthday.
Appreciate if anyone can help out with a code
my partners birthday
How many partners do you have?
Just noticed the comment ;)
Only the one, headphones got shipped this morning… so will only be 2 days late.
Better late than never!
Here's a screenshot of the page for anyone that wants to try their luck making a price-protection (or even price-match if you want to push your luck) claim on it:
Would you be able to forward the PS+ code email you received (only if you've already claimed the code); so I can ask for a price-match and show them the email with the code in case they ask for more evidence on whether they can price-match it?
What companies still offer price protection?
But you have to have bought it already.
Do you have a screen shot for the sony xm3 headphones?
Many thanks for this screenshot. Price match worked for me.
Congrats, that's good to hear.
Where at, if I may ask?
Sorry for the delay. I got mine PM'ed at TGG.
Also where at?
Sorry for the delay. I got mine PM'ed at TGG.
At where?
With Amex cashback offer work out $175 each if you buy 2
Buying 2 will be $0.10 short of $500 still.. Aghh!
Just goes over the $500 with delivery
Free delivery once you click through to checkout
@7am: Don't sign in as a member. You'll be charged for delivery (for me it's $6). Brings total up to $505.90.
Have you gotten notification from AMEX yet about successful cashback?
not yet
I did it weeks ago and it was instant, as has always been the case for me. Hell the cashback notification usually arrives before the stores own order confirmation.
I’ve recently sold some on eBay for $320-$330 so it’s worth buying the second pair and just selling them if you have the Amex offer available to you and no one to split with. The pair you sell will likely be close to covering the cost of the pair you keep and with Amex cashback you could easily end up spending under $100, possibly closer to $50, on your own pair. Combine with an eBay listing promo for no listing/final fees and in the initial purchase use cashrewards for a small additional bit back. If you do have someone to share with that’d be the nicer thing no doubt though.
Are you referring to this PS Plus deal? Or you mean a different AMEX Sony transaction you made previously?
@PorkHunt: It is the same Amex deal. I purchased the earphones prior to this offer but through Sony on a different deal. The main gotcha was to make sure you added shipping or a third item to pass $500.
Damn I don’t have offer notifications turned on so I don’t have a code
same :( have switched them on in the unlikely event there is another send…
Qantas was selling them at this price, now Sony too! Having missed out on both, I hope we see this price again soon =p
Code I got.
What's the difference between the standard headset and the gold beside dual mic?(not sure what that is even for)
One-time redemption code :-(
Hmm, I've not received email from PS Plus, though an active membership.
me either - also checked spam
I have Playstation Plus but how do you go about getting a code? I don't even get emails from them, ever.
Same here
Did you check. Spam.
Yeah not in there. I switched promo emails back on but I guess it’s too late
Same, I have never got any platinum rewards either. I have called them and they dont do anything about it
Never got anything from psn. I assume you have to turn on spam.
Haha, I have promotional email turned off… Typical! Now I will turn it back on and they'll never send through another great deal.
They send through lots of good stuff, well worth having it turned on.
Thanks mate. I've enabled it now. Pity you can't get all offers related to you from the website as I've had PS+ for years
I have these, they're absolutely fantastic. Just ordered some new SpinFit tips for them :)
which ones did you order?
The WF's / In-Ears, I love them.
Also might be worth noting, the total comes out to $499.90 on Sony once you go through checkout. Those who have the AMEX code will need $500 in order to get the cashback
check out as guest and you pay $6 for shipping.( NSW postcode 21xx)
They also have earbuds for around $10 if you’d rather get something you can gift to a kid or whatever for the money.
no more the $8 earphone sold out
Maybe the post should include how to become member? I have no idea Sony has membership thingies. Enlightenment needed…. Thanks
Playstation plus is a paid subscription for online services on playstation
Does this apply to PS Plus AU only? I've got PS Plus US 😣
Looks like someone has taken this, thanks anyway
USED cheers mate :)
you just beat me to it!
Haha missed it by a few seconds :( :D
Damn I saw the post at 2 sec, applied the code, then quickly clicked on PayPal checkout cause I thought it'd be quicker, then realised crap I can't go through PayPal with the amex deal, clicked back and discount disappeared.
Hey, are you allowed to ask for codes on public posts?
We are helping each other, shut up ur mouth & use the code
code can only be used once…
Anyone know whether or not I will get a code if I sign-up now?
I'm guessing not…
Can anyone please advise how much the WF-SP900 are reduced to (if at all), with use of a code please?
Thanks mate.
Ps + member with notifications on but no code otherwise I’d be happy to pass it on.
Check trash or spam folder? If you find it can you please pm me
He/she just said he/she didn't get it.. lol
Is it single use only, means you can only buy one?
Can someone with code do a group buy,?
So people have been able to buy more than 1?
Group buy people.
I know how we can use multiple amex cards but just need one code.
Can anyone help me try to price match the headphones?
only god can…
Apparently code allows you buy a max of 5 headphones
It's a good deal if you can get access. But even if you can except don't have AMEX or don't intend to buy two of them to get $150 off, I think it will eventually go on sale at this price or below.
I doubt $175 will ever be beaten though (PS+ and splitting with another using AMEX). That's quite a high barrier of entry to achieve though.
Given that two deals already,, I would imagine this is going to be the normal price in few months, if not in few weeks, time
Oh bummer, looks like I'm still an L-plater, and can't post in the classifieds yet to get a code :-(
haha same :(
not a member. so sad :(
wondering what is the chance of being targeted if join now
I am a member, but no code as yet.,
looks like it's slim then, no point joining now
Perfect timing!
Bought two: one for my sister whose birthday is coming up this month, and one for me to go with my new headphone jack-less smartphone. :)
So I guess there are other benefits of being a PS plus member. Sony should really do more of these promotions.
did you use 1 code for both? or 2 separate ones?
I signed up for PS plus for 1 month, is there somewhere I can find a code in the platform? I obviously don't have the code in the earlier email….
Oh wtf I just paid $365 for the xm3s
Anyone using the AMEX Offer have a confirmation email after purchsing from AMEX?
Same boat. No email yet from Amex after spending 500+.
Want a code? Request it in the Code Request/Giveaway Megathread
We've discussed this and come up with the new guidelines:
Currently we either leave in comments in the deal OR remove and link to classifieds. If left in comments, it creates a mess and makes it difficult for users to find on-topic discussion. We can't mark off-topic as then people will miss the comments. Moving to classifieds creates a huge amount of classified wanted posts and restricts members under 1 year.
For deals like these, we will:
(Keep in mind selling or wanting to buy codes in comments is not permitted and falls under selling in comments rule.)
No requests in the comments in this deal. Only the giveaway post.