Catch up with Risk GM - Preparation

I have a catch up with GM in my organisation to discuss about the work i am currently doing and need assistance in preparing myself in having the right conversation and more importantly saying the right words ( as english is not my first language) .. I am particularly looking for an individual who is currently working in Risk and in Financial Industry..

Happy to do this over the phone and send a gift or a gift card online for their help :)


  • +2

    I don't think anyone can really help you to the extent that you may want. I work in IT / Change / Risk and in the Finance Industry.

    Overall they are the same with many little variants.

    Go in there with :

    1) What are the risks you have identified from what you are planning on delivering?

    2) What is the likelihood, and impact on the business?

    3) What mitigants do you have in place?

    4) Who will own this risk?

    5) When will you next re-assess the risk?

    • True. Its quite broad and vague for anyone to assist :(

  • having the right conversation and more importantly saying the right words

    What outcome are you looking for from your conversation with the Risk GM? E.g. FYI, whistle blowing, some particular action, getting a job in his area, etc.?

    • Ummmm.. None of the above to be honest.. GM has invited me to explain the work i am currently doing in one of the projects and he just wants to get an overview of my responsibilities.

      Just wanted to walk away with a good impression for now as i am the sole representative for the project !

      • +2

        Uh oh. He may want to know if your department and/or you is expendable.

      • Well how do you expect us to help with that…

        No one here knows what you do in detail, let alone your job

        Its the Risk GM job to determine the Risk, not yours.

        Just do exactly as asked, explain your job, project.

        What the project is about, what would happened without the project etc

  • +6

    Dress for success.
    Always smile.
    Never break eye contact.
    Be dominant.
    Shake their hand until it nearly breaks.
    Slap them on the back.
    Offer them a drink, when they ask why their glass contains whisky tell them that water is for chumps.
    Throw the words Synergy, Bleeding Edge, Move the Needle, Transformative, Roadmap and Hyperlocal into the conversation somewhere early.
    Tell them you want to be a Disruptor, a Game Changer in the industry. Throwing in a suggestion to go Omnichannel is appropriate here.
    Show them a powerpoint with B2C, B2B and as many acronyms and you can find. Use pie charts. Throw in a quote from Trump.
    Tell them the next step is Eating your own dogfood as further innovation is required in your department. Tell them you have a 5 point plan in store and it's time to take the Risk department to a new event horizon.
    Wait for the congratulations and accolades and take them out for a 5 hour steak lunch. Order a bottle of Lagavulin 37 for the table. Use the corporate card.

    I think I touched all the essentials.

    • Which is where i suck ! Can do you the work but cant talk BIG ! :(

      • +1

        OP you just need that Big D confidence that I swing around on the daily, projecting my alpha dominance onto all the beta males in my line of sight.

        Get surgery?

        • +1

          OP you just need that Big D confidence

          That's right brother!

          high five

          fist bump

  • +1

    What exactly are you hoping for from this conversation?

    I think you're put too much emphasis on a conversation with this guy. You're almost making it sound like you're about to meet a God or something!

    Relax and just let the conversation flow.

  • Can't help you with wording because any complex words which are actually relevant would also be incredibly context-dependent, but generally the rule is: "What value am I providing to the company". Since it's the GM - they're likely plugged into wider questions about company policy and strategy, and so they'd be interested in exactly why and how you are valuable to the company.

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