so the other day i was in woolies and i noticed this lady in her 40's go up and grab 2 pieces of fruit took a bite of one and put one in her basket i assume to eat while shopping but she did not have any kids with her!! What's everyone's thoughts on this? I feel guilty grabbing one for the kids if i am only buying a couple of items personally.
Free Fruit for Kids - Adults eating it at Coles/Woolies

Last edited 13/08/2019 - 12:53 by 1 other user
Stealing is stealing.
I thought OP was asking for our opinions. I gave mine.
It sounds like you don't have enough to fill your day or mind. :~/
That's a bit rich coming from someone who writes in non-rythming verse🤣
You'll be OK with people teaching their kids that? That's its OK to commit crimes or be immoral because you're disadvantaged.
I'm more pissed off about people who eating the free banana either kids or adults then leave the fricken banana peal on shelf.
Scumbags gonna scumbag I guess.
Be glad that at least it seems she's not going to pass on her scumbag genes or habits onto any progeny (yet).
No different from taking/eating stuff from the racks/aisles…stealing!
A victim is allowed to steal?
Can drive a car but cannot afford 2 piece of a fruit?
No time for lunch, but cannot wait to grab the fruit, check out and pay and eat while she walks to her car?MAY BE YOU NEED TO THINK LOGICALLY, once in a while.
Thanks, needed a laugh
lol wtf?
Each store have certain budget that they can use for “free fruit for kids” each day. If adults chooses to take one or two while shopping, its the kids that are going to miss out. It’s for kids, please don’t abused it or it will be taken away.
If you want to try a piece of fruit, ask the staff.
I've never seen such a fruit box empty…
But I have seen some with fruit
close to being "too old" to be there.'just sayin'
Depends where you live. The one at my local is often empty if I go after school pickup time.
IVI I can't believe you are defending this so hard; the lady is stealing food from the store.
If you did not make so many posts trying to defend this woman (or more importantly your own argument) I would have been inclined to think you are purposely stirring up opinionated conflict.
First, Woolies had this "deal" first (for Kids)
No, this is not a deal, this is a large company making the decision to offer a policy encouraging children to eat fruit. Regardless of ulterior reasons, publicity, end of life stock or profits that the company makes. This is not for adults to partake.
Do you know the woman's situation…?
She may be one of the women on lower women's rates of pay
Her situation might even be known to WooliesAs an individual, I cannot help but sympathize with anyone who is experiencing financial hardship, but these points are irrelevant in light of the black and white truth that this woman has stolen products.
But - if she's (as I suggested above)
getting less per hour than her male
colleagues, doing same work, she may
be a victim of an Employer stealing
from her pay, & you just never see it.Maybe she's running between 2 jobs, &
doesn't have time to stop for lunch.Maybe this fruit reduces the chance,
that she loses focus, & drive into
another vehicle or living creature.Irrelevant, and at this stage, you have to be joking. No one would follow this thought process into the fantasy story you have created around your arguments to help validate your points of contention.
If you were coming across from the point of view of being sympathetic to this individual for the reason of being in hardship I could understand, but you are not.
Instead, your wording and arguments are trying to justify her actions based on circumstantial theories that you plucked out of the air.
Honestly I am sure a large amount of that fruit gets wasted anyway - I personally never see any kids eating them but that's just my experience. I wouldn't be concerned.
We "RICH" people tend Not to buy "imPerfect" fruit, etc.
Says who? I routinely buy the odd bunch fruits and veggies from woolies. They're just as delicious and healthy as the better looking ones.
Every year, around 25% of edible fresh produce is thrown away due to visual imperfection or cosmetic damage.Not only are these fruits and veggies cheaper but by buying them, you'll also be helping Aussie farmers sell more of their produce. You should try it.
Odd Bunch fruit and veg is great. Unless absolutely necessary we don't buy anything else.
Yup. Perfectly fine fruit for cheap? Sign me up.
As a former supermarket employee in the F&V section, I can confirm that the amount thrown away each day ("shrinkage") is significant. Most days I would throw away 4-6 'bins' (each a bit smaller than a 44-gallon drum) of F&V that was mostly fine.
I used to scoff a few mangoes, plums, or peaches whilst weighing it before chucking it all into a giant skip. So it wasn't all wasted.
Not right to take kiddies free fruit but I can understand why she put it back .
Last few times I've been to my local Woollies the quality of the fruit in the kids basket is only suitable for the bin .
Would love to post it on social media what I've seen .
I feel guilty grabbing one for the kids if i am only buying a couple of items personally.
I sometimes specifically go there to get the free fruit for my child, irrespective of whether I need to buy anything. We always do buy something but it might be small. I'd rather have the fruit than free marshmallows at a cafe, for example.
I'm a terrible person.
I think, most importantly, why do you care? The free fruit is a marketing ploy to get parents in the store buying stuff - no more, no less.
WW and Coles do not offer the fruit to be good corporate citizens.
WW and Coles do not offer the fruit to be good corporate citizens.
And I don't exercise morality depending on whether the other party deserves it or not, I exercise morality because I decide to be moral.
I'm not saying the woman is right. I am just saying, I don't care - I have more important things to think about.
If she wants to pinch an apple from the free fruit basket, then, as far as I am concerned, crack on - not my problem.
Fair enough - I guess I was more answering:
why do you care?
And the direct answer is: Because morality (or more accurately, ethics) shouldn't be subjective. Though we're really just commenting on a random online forum, it's not like we actually care all that much anyway.
I'm not saying the woman is right. I am just saying, I don't care - I have more important things to think about.
Like for example, how am I going to word my reply about not caring in a topic I do not really care about?
I completely understand what you are saying and I am the same, I just wanted to take the mickey out of your comment as I found it funny. We all do it though.
That's half the problem - if parents are like you and don't care, we aren't teaching our kids that it's not okay to steal. If I saw that I'd say something in front of my kids. Not enough people stand up and say something when other's are behaving inappropriately.
I find it hard to get my kids to eat fruit at home, but they will always eat it from the free fruit bin.
I think it is because they are tightarses like me and it is the satisfaction they get from getting something for free. If I bought it for them they wouldn't eat it
Maybe she's a child at heart.
Personally, I wouldn't give a toss. Be more worried about the ones stealing cheese from the gourmet section or the baby milk bandits.
edit: Why is this different from those that taste grapes, olives, mandarins in-store?
Depends on what kind of store. I don't taste stuff unless it's obviously there meant for tasting.
Do you know if she was hungry? or she has a kid at home?….better if you use your time doing something instead of using it to see what others are doing……..
It is the principle we are more concerned with, not the value of a piece of fruit.
You are happy to turn a blind eye to someone stealing fruit because they may or may not have a financial hardship (completely speculative) and then tell the OP to mind his own business.
What if it was your piece of fruit?
If it is acceptable to steal from a company it has to be acceptable to steal from an individual by the principles you are outlining with your comment.
"Oh no, that is different" You might say.
Well, what people who make comments like yours do not realize is that by doing or saying nothing when you witness an act like the one OP has described, because it does not affect you, inadvertently sets a precedent that allows it to happen to you.
I for one do not want someone to steal my piece of fruit, mobile phone or car. So I will not tolerate seeing someone steal someone else's piece of fruit, mobile phone or car.
That is what a principle is all about. And that is why I find your comment ridiculous to comprehend.
I was brought up not to question about food, if someone else wants it can have it…..thats my principle…..
the other subject you bring up (not part of the OP post) is to observe a crime and say nothing….which I do not do….If I see a crime I will do what I can to stop it and bring the person to justice. So dont issue judgments without knowing me.
If you find my comment ridiculous to comprehend you must have serious issues.
the other subject you bring up (not part of the OP post) is to observe a crime and say nothing….which I do not do….If I see a crime I will do what I can to stop it and bring the person to justice. So dont issue judgments without knowing me.
Unless you see them stealing produce at the Supermarket because you have been raised on the principle that that is OK?
@hey aj: you dont understand that supermarket put that fruit for customer kids…….I just said that Op does not know what she will do with the fruit…..better things to worry about…..seems that you have not seen hunger or poor people……be thankful that your parents seem to have given you a lot so you see that your food is your food and nobody should take it. have a good weekend.
so the other day i was in woolies and i noticed this lady in her 40's go up and grab 2 pieces of fruit took a bite of one and put one in her basket i assume to eat while shopping but she did not have any kids with her!!
She took two pieces of fruit and ate one of those pieces of fruit while shopping at the Supermarket. There were no children with her at the time.
I would expect that she will eat the other piece of fruit later. Regardless of the second piece of fruit has she not broken the rules of the Supermarket with her first action? What is there to understand?
That's nothing, I've seen a bloke (scrawny uni looking type) take a couple of "hands" of bananas out of the kids fruit basket and put it in his bag, no care in the world.
People steal anything and everything if they can get away with it.
Yeah as soon as you label something as "free" even if the two words after it say "for kids" people put on their blinkers and lose or all sense of morality.
Woman in the OPs story probably parks in the cars with pram/disabled car spots.
On one hand I agree it's "stealing". But as I've aged, and become very wise and thoughtful, I've come to realise there are some things in life that are just not worth worrying about. A person occasionally taking a piece of fruit from the supermarket (to eat) is not something I'm going to get annoyed about.
She could have been born on feb 29 in a leap year.
Or be breastfeeding. Did you consider this?they don't say that the fruits are for physically and mentally kids.
maybe she is still mentally kids so I guess it's okay?it's one banana jj Brisbane. What could it cost?
10 dollars?"Ten thousand dollars? What can you get for ten thousand dollars? An orange!?"
- Billionaire philanthropist Cecil Tunt, Archer season 8.
Reminds me of a time I was shopping at Coles.
While in the fresh fruit section, a man in his 50s/60s next to me grabbed a plum off a tray, took a big bite out of it and placed the plum back in the tray, bite-side down.
I was frozen in disgust as he walked away.
Old people; old enough to know better, old enough not to care.
I saw a lady on her way to school get her kids to run in and grab the free fruit and run out. School fruit sorted.
I always finish my kid’s half eaten banana
I've witnessed a trolley collector grabbing multiple pieces from the free fruit for kids stand.. That was next level inappropriate in my mind!
Supermarkets would prob throw away a shitload more than the insignificant amount she is eating
"We are all childen in the eyes of God" as every Priest says.
So go ahead and eat the fruit. Thats what its there for.
They make enough money out of you so dont feel any shame eating the fruit they put out.And dont forget everyone is a child of thier parents no matter how old you are.
Oh you're one of those imposing your beliefs on others. So based on your theory I can just eat whatever I want at the supermarket as it's there for eating 🤦🏽‍♂️
Some people have no shame.