Ballistix RGB RAM

Anyone use the Ballistix rgb ram… Just wondering what the OC capabilities are. I've linked the set I want to buy. Seems like a steal tbh.…

239 for 32gb (8x4).

Runs stock at 2666 cl16 and has a built in OC of 3000 c16.

Just curious how well this fits with the ryzen 3xxx series


  • Where are you getting this OC to 3000mhz figure? 2666 is already an OC for DDR4

    EDIT: Also 2666 at C16 isn't that great. I run 3000MHz at C15 and Ryzen can go much better than that. I think the Ryzen 2 sweet spot was 3600 before the Infinity fabric changes to a 2:1 ratio. But I would need to verify that.

    • I found it on tomshardware. I've seen it elsewhere. Lot's of people have said that the ballistix ram OC's very well… Here's a link where they managed to get 3200 CL16……

      • Okay I see. When you said it has a built in OC of 3000 I didn't see what you meant. Because technically it has a built in OC of 2666 but it can be user overclocked higher.

        Being able to overclock to 3000mhz is great, but that article you linked said it did it at C19, which is horrible. You would be much better of with a 3000MHz factory speed with a C15 or C16.

        It saying all this, unless you are using this as a production machine, you aren't going to notice much difference at all.

  • +1

    You can run it at 3000 and see if it's stable, it might well be. RAM speeds are much less important for Ryzen 3 than it is for Ryzen 2. LTT made a good video on this a week or so ago -

    Basically, the long and short of it is that you do get better performance with 3600 vs. slower speeds, but only if you're not willing to tinker. If you want to tinker, decouple the infinity fabric from RAM speeds and overclock it manually, even with 2400 speed RAM, you'll get basically the same performance.

    Have a look at the graphs around 4:08, basically the bottom one (DDR4-2133 OC FCLK 1900) is DDR4-2133 with an OC infinity fabric. You'll see that it performs significantly better than DDR4-2133 with the FCLK at only 1066. Furthermore, it's also faster than even DDR4-3200 with CL14 timings with no infinity fabric OC.

    I think what it comes down to is how much you're willing to tinker. If you just want to put everything together and have it be super fast from the get go, get the DDR4-3200 at minimum and let precision boost OC automatically. If you want to play around and tinker, then you'll be fine with slower RAM, you just have to OC the FCLK.

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