Anyone use the Ballistix rgb ram… Just wondering what the OC capabilities are. I've linked the set I want to buy. Seems like a steal tbh.…
239 for 32gb (8x4).
Runs stock at 2666 cl16 and has a built in OC of 3000 c16.
Just curious how well this fits with the ryzen 3xxx series
Where are you getting this OC to 3000mhz figure? 2666 is already an OC for DDR4
EDIT: Also 2666 at C16 isn't that great. I run 3000MHz at C15 and Ryzen can go much better than that. I think the Ryzen 2 sweet spot was 3600 before the Infinity fabric changes to a 2:1 ratio. But I would need to verify that.