Just a couple of years ago Aussie supermarkets had mostly Australian peanuts on their shelves. I used to by Aldi (Forrester brand) but they started using imported peanuts some time back. Same with Nobby's. I started buying Coles brand Australian Beer nuts. That has also disappeared. Now among Woolworths, Coles, and Aldi there is only one Coles brand packet that claims to be Australian. I am pretty sure it will disappear soon. So, living in Queensland, the land of peanuts, I cannot get local peanuts easily! Not sure if it is all exported or sent to peanut butter factories. What an incredible lot we Aussies are! The cheapest will do us! Local Bananas are surviving only because of quarantine restrictions.
Australian peanuts seem to be disappearing in supermarkets

Cool story bro.
I used to pick up a bag of them for peanuts.
You are correct however. The ones i used to get were Kingaroy but disappeared a few months ago.
I'm betting on export like the rest of our produce.
Research any traditional "local produce" and you'll find well-to-do farmers selling a good chunk overseas (e.g. live export). Apparently their main problem is that they want to ramp up production but the government won't let them import workers willing to work for $10/hr.
The most notable to me was the price increase for roasted peanuts still in their shell. I used to buy these for $3.50/kg at the markets, but a few years later it is $10. Nuts!
Some peanut farmer was on the radio last week regarding this and it was because bega buys nearly half the of peanut supply in aus and another company or group buys nearly the other half so there is probably less chance of them selling to markets or how they used to sell them
Coles macadamia nuts have also gone also at least at my local one anyway in Melbourne
Have you tried the products from Picky Picky?
I think they get their nuts from Peanut Company of Australia.
What an incredible lot we Aussies are!
More like morons.
Land temps have already gone above 1.5C so the Siberian and Alaskan tundras are melting.
The ocean is soon to follow with no ice on either pole by 2024.
Pentagon is predicting 7C by 2100.
In other words the feedback loops are here already while we fly peanuts around the world claiming climate change is a conspiracy theory.
Less nuts and more seafood.
How apt, a nutcase on a nut thread.
Climate change doesn't make much sense to worry about, as the earth has done unbelievable things to itself many times over. Unbelievable heating and cooling. They have data as such, but they can't say that human activity is truly causing global warming.
Coles brand Australian Beernuts are from Chile. Woolies still stocks these.
The Source bulkfoods should have Aussie products.
Or order Kingaroy peanuts online. https://peanutvan.com.au/
Stop supporting colesworth buy refusing to buy whatever crap they stick on their shelves and they might start restocking local and name brand products again. Oh, unless you are one those who think that saving 5c on your food bill is more important than quality products?
Would I post the above thread if I was "one of those who think that saving 5c on your food bill is more important than quality products". You have missed the point. Also I said "get local peanuts easily", meaning just toss a peanut packet into the trolley while shopping for other things. Yes I will have to start ordering on line.
BEGA has a premium glass jar that uses 100% Australian peanuts for their peanut butter.
And to my knowledge, until Dicksmith totally wraps up his food business. 100% aussie peanut butter too.
Also Kingaroy Peanuts, as someone mentioned. They're always selling at local markets and online.
The irony of it! I have to get on line something grown 200km away while I can get something grown half a world away in the local store.
In looking for Kookaburra peanuts online I accidentally contacted tThe PeaNut Company of Australia, in Kingaroy. They have been extremely helpful in directing me to retailers nearest where I live (which is north of Brisbane) who they supply with their peanuts. They gave me addresses in Fortitude Valley, Sunnybank, Rocklea,, Calamvale.
They will also sell direct - 25 kg bag! For a single bag you need to pick up from Kingaroy. Not practical, I know, but if you happened to be out touring that way, might be useful, and could share the peanuts around :)You're right about peanuts being hard to get now, but wrong about the reasons.
We've had two seasons of the hottest summers on record in Queensland - in both cases we crossed the threshold of survivability for peanuts, and the Queensland crops almost entirely died in the fields. Some crops survived, but Australia is only producing about a third of the peanuts required to keep up with even domestic demand. Climate change is destroying Australian farms.
You can still buy them, but not for what you'd expect (the wholesale price has roughly tripled), and not from Aussie supermarkets who are still looking for an alternative source overseas.
Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-03-18/peanut-growers-face-h…
(Secondary source: my extended family farms in Queensland, the news gets around)
That's nuts!