Dog has heart disease:( Online meds recommendation?

Can you recommend an online vet/store that is reliable?
Our dog has heart disease which doesn’t end well, but we can keep him alive with ongoing expensive meds, which we’re doing.
Our vet charges $15 for digital prescriptions, so as long as the pimobendan turns out cheaper then we’re good.

Last bill from vet was $259 for 100 10mg flavoured cardisure.

We’ve found these via google:





$184 $8 delivery…


  • Could try your local cheap pharmacy to see if they can supply it. Sometimes you get lucky.

    • Thank you I will do more searching:)

  • +1

    Last year we had to get quite expensive medication for our dog. The vet was charging about $300 for a 3 month supply. I ended up contacting a compund pharmacy in our area and managed to get the 3 month supply for about $50! so a huge saving. Maybe contact a local compound pharmacy and see what they can do

    • Thank you wow what a saving I will try to find a compound pharmacy sounds great!

  • My dog had a heart condition and was on 3 different types of medication for several years, including Vetmedin, which has the same active ingredient as Cardisure (pimobendan). We used and found them to be very reliable and fast, and about one third the cost of the vet. They are located in Sydney. Oops, just realised they are the same company as one you listed - Petceutics.

    • Thank you it’s good to know that one of those google results has come through with the goods:)

  • My dog had heart disease too. The vet gave her 6 months but with medication she lasted another 3 years before she had to be put down. It did make a dramatic difference when she started on the meds though.

    We used Petceutics for Vetace and Vetmedin, buying a 3 or 6 months supply each time. We never had issues with Petceutics - they were always quick and reliable, but we did have issues with getting the vet to write out the prescription. They wanted us to buy the medication from them so besides charging $50 per written prescription they were either slow filling it out (as in it took them weeks), had to be chased up, or they would only put enough on the prescription for 1 month supply even though I asked for 3 or 6 months.

    • +1

      My vet was the same - very reluctant to write the repeat prescription as he wanted us to buy the medication from him at his exorbitant price. Would just scribble something illegible on a scrap of paper and charge $20. I would get about 3-6 month's worth each time. Really helped the poor dog and she had a normal life for a further 3 years until contracting kidney disease.

      • I’m glad you got a nice extended time with your friend:) tough deal tho ey

    • +1

      Good to know about petceutics:)
      And I’m banking on one the 5 or 6 nearby vets being a tiny bit understanding and accommodating, although I can also totally get their position in wanting to sell their own gear:(

      • +1

        I wouldn’t trust vets that are so greedy. Did they not become vets because they loved and truly cared for animals? Do they not make enough money from other patients who are not terminally ill? This is so upsetting. Sorry I just had to rant.

  • I know it's your dog and you love it, but why not let he/she live out its days without the medication?

    • +2

      In the euthanasia debate I’m all for it.
      But for our dog, we’ll go totally by their quality of life, and if they’re suffering then that will drive our decision. But if they are still staring at me wagging, then it’s totally worth it:)

    • +1

      I would continue if the med makes the dog comfortable.

    • +1

      The medication does make a significant difference to the dogs quality of life. Our dog could barely move without her heart medication, not even able to move a few meters to wee on the grass. Within a couple of days on the meds she was back to her hyperactive self again, at least until the medication stopped being effective for her.

  • @radnom

    I can highly recommend The Animal Pharmacy having used them for over 2 years for our dog's various medications (until we had to have put to sleep earlier this year)

    Their customer service and speed of delivery was always excellent.
    For the record they are actually owned by the same company as Petceutics.

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