Cheapest way to get Microsoft office

Hi guys,

A family member not on a high income just told me he's paying $10 a month basically indefinitely so he can have Microsoft word and excel on his win 10 computer.

Is ms office all download and update now and no physically buying the disc like before? Could we buy an older version of office on disc and just not update it? There must be a cheaper way?



  • +5

    what happened when you searched on ozbargain for MS office?

    you obviously didn't so here is a link

  • Cheers for the link. I did notice this one but thought it might only be for people whose employers are subscribers?

  • +10

    As a free alternative, get Libre Office.

  • -1

    Get an edu email address
    Free office with edu addresses

  • +1

    $10 a month = $120 a year

    Wait for ebay sales and get a copy of Office 365 Home for about $80 after frequent 20% discount codes. If you don't want to wait and need it now, you can grab it for around $94 now at…

    This includes the right to install on five machines.

    Split halvies with your family member = $80/2 = $40 each/year (or $94/2 = $47 each/year)

    Split with more family members to get it even cheaper…

    • Thanks OK. And you don't need to keep paying subscription fees in the future with this type?

      • +1

        365 = subscription

        20XX = one-off

      • You do need to pay subscription, however, you get 5 licences to install on 5 devices, plus always being updated, plus some free Skype points, plus 1 TB of OneDrive space for every device.

        They're practically giving it away at $10 a month. If you wait till there's a sale on eBay, you can get a year's worth of subscription for around $70. Not that expensive if you ask me. Certainly better than paying hundreds of dollars for 1 copy just to stay away from the subscription model.

  • Do they really need office?

    I got my parents on Google docs and they have been quite happy with it

    • +1

      You can't really replace excel with google docs if you need it for work.

      • +1

        OP didn't say they need it for work, but I get your point.

        However I use it exclusively at work myself.

        For most people, they don't need all the bells and whistles of office. My mum and dad included.

        • It comes with 1tb of onedrive and five extra accounts. The OneDrive app for iOS is decent, you can move and manipulate any file to Amy other app, or save anyvfilexto your OneDrive.

  • -2

    You get free office online with a microsoft email address (eg hotmail,

  • Cheapest way to get Microsoft office

    Get, or go out of their way to pay an amount of money for?
    You realise there are several ways of getting it for free. One involving copyright infringement, and others being perfectly legal.

    Office still has a standalone version where you just buy it once.…
    It's $200.
    You buy it once then that's it, no automatic updates included but it keeps working.

  • I think I just paid office works $99 for a digital 365 Home. Couldn't be bothered searching when my 365 ran out and I needed office right then.

  • Shane, PM me. You don't accept messages so I can't send you it.

  • Either LibreOffice (free)
    or Office 2016 (no monthly or yearly fees) I doubt they need 365 and 2016 will be fine for ages unless it's for business use.

    • +2

      Also keep in mind Word and Excel is free online if you have a free Outlook email account.

      Word is pretty close to fully functional. Only issue I've had with it is citations and footnotes (limited features).

  • I use the Office 365 Home, which can be had for $80 from Bing Lee sales. Each subscription is for 12 months , and includes licence for 6 users (any friend or family). I basically find 5 other family/friend willing to share it, and it works out about $15/year/person.

    • And comes with 1tb OneDrive per user.

  • +1 Free…

    i use this at home(im a tight arse).. bring my word docs and excel documents to work which has proper Microsoft office and they all work.

    • +1

      I'd recommend using Libre Office now. It's by the original guys who made Open Office. Long story short internal politics made them split into 2 companies. They key programmers left to make Libre Office.

      • +1

        no worries any is fine, i'm just lazy to update or uninstall/reinstall so i'll just leave with what i have haha

  • +1

    Microsoft home use program (HUP)- if you, your relative or any family member is employed by any large company or local government you should be able to get a copy of Microsoft office for a one off fee. Around $20.

    Use the following link out put in your work emails to see if you are eligible for HUP

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