So it's not uncommon to be put on hold while the customer service representative sorts something out. Usually while we're on hold, we hear music (often "Opus 1", written in 1989 by a 16 year old kid). And while we're on hold, we say all sorts of things about what's going on, usually under the expectation that nobody is listening, because all we can hear is the hold music. What I wanna know from any OzB customer service reps is, are you actually listening in on what we say while we're on hold?
Bonus points: and if so, do you edit the best bits together for the annual Christmas party?
The call center tracks the call, so if they put you on hold, it links to another channel on the call centers end, and you both, the caller and the csr hear what the hold channel is playing, unless they just put you on mute instead of hold, then they can hear what you are saying.