I just got an upgrade at work and have an iphone 7 that I'd like to swap for a samsung phone. (we get to keep our old phones from work but I use samsung for personal use and much prefer android).
Is there any way to swap phones or a market place for such? Obviously gumtree but wondered if anyone knew of other marketplaces for this kinda thing?
I'm after a samsung note 8 or s7/s8 and don't mind paying a difference.
Thanks for any advice.
Anywhere to Swap Phones with Decent Reputation?

Last edited 06/08/2019 - 10:39
Decent Reputation
You can sell your phone at mobilemonster.com.au - pretty good service I have used a few times especially for iPhones - if you dont want to mess around with ebay/gumtree selling
I've done Mobile Monster and Mazuma. Pays to check both as you can see $50 diff…
Bingo night is ideal
Mobile Monster will give plus 5% price match guarantee, best site to compare them with is https://www.webuyback.com.au/home
Put your sell order in then reply to their order email with link and screen shot they will match plus 5%.
Mazuma are always lower than MM.Does mobile muster pay cash direct into your bank account ?
they do bank transfer yeah
If you want to swap from iPhone, its best that you sell your phone then buy the phone that you want.Because iPhone have high re-sell value.
the forums? facebook marketplace?