This was posted 5 years 6 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Steam - Pick and Mix Build Your Own Bundle from $3.19 at Fanatical, Including Valnir Rok


Select 5 games for $3.19, 10 for $4.79 or 15 games for $6.05 (all in AUD). Lots of new games in this selection, along with a few of the regular suspects. Choose from the following:

Bad Dream: Coma - A$14.47
Californium - A$11.25
Deployment - A$11.25
Earth Overclocked - A$8.03
Escape Doodland - A$16.08
Fate Tectonics - A$8.03
Clinically Dead - A$24.12
Mech Rage - A$16.08
ESport Manager - A$16.08
Splatter - Zombie Apocalypse - A$1.59
Out There Somewhere - A$1.61
Plazma Being - A$8.13
Revolution Ace - A$8.03
SkyDrift - A$16.08
The Mysterious Cities of Gold - A$19.29
Valnir Rok Survival RPG - A$30.85
Learn Japanese to survive Hiragana Battle - A$9.49
One Finger Death Punch - A$8.08
Earthworms - A$9.75

My recommendation for the best value would be a selection of 5 games from the following list which have not been included in many bundles previously and rarely go on sale below $3.19 individually (so you can buy one game you want and essentially get 4 more for free):

Escape Doodland - A$16.08
Clinically Dead - A$24.12
Mech Rage - A$16.08
ESport Manager - A$16.08
SkyDrift - A$16.08
The Mysterious Cities of Gold - A$19.29
Valnir Rok Survival RPG - A$30.85 (historical low is $12.67)

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closed Comments

  • +11

    +1 for the deal, but I genuinely reached a point where I know there's absolutely no way I'll get through my collection unless I have a child then use a year's worth of paternity leave,lose my job and take 18 months to find a new one, and then break a leg +/- infection that delays healing.

    I have to stop

    • +1

      Exactly my thought! Epic Games, humble bundle, origin.. all giving so many free games and deals, I have more games to even start than I can handle in a year

      • How about 50 years?

        Realistically we should all live to about 80 or most of us and cross our fingers past 100 thanks to technology and medicine and what not.

    • +1

      Exactly why I make myself finish games the first week they come out, maybe 2 weeks if I'm extremely busy.

      Any longer, and I know I'll probably never start or finish it.

      Shiny toy syndrome in full effect.

      • +1

        You, sir, are living the dream and playing games they're meant to be played.

        I usually wait so long that the concensus of the game has already been met and I know whether it be good/worth playing. The surprise element of it is gone.

        I soooo wished I had the time to do that these days man.

        You enjoy that shit while you can dude!

    • Don't forget there will be a time when all human work or at least what a majority or high percentage of normal people can do will be gone and replaced with A.I. or robots and then what will you do with all that free time plus you have to look on the bright side and hope you make it to age 80 or maybe even 100 and trust me you will thank your younger self that you put all this time and effort to get a great vast library of cheap games for your retired or sick older self to play.

      Don't count yourself out it all comes back and pays off in the end ;)

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