From 30 June to 13July
Page 80-81
XBOX 360 4GB Kinect console bundle includes Xbox 360 4GB console, Kinect sensor, wireless controller, Kinect Adventures, Sonic Free Riders and Joy Ride.
Also thanks to Kirt for posting in another thread
From 30 June to 13July
Page 80-81
XBOX 360 4GB Kinect console bundle includes Xbox 360 4GB console, Kinect sensor, wireless controller, Kinect Adventures, Sonic Free Riders and Joy Ride.
Also thanks to Kirt for posting in another thread
who wants to get a kinect and go half-half with me?
The kinect wont work on old xbox 360's without the adapter, there is no adapter in this kit
this is a very good deal, I purchased this for $299 without sonic free riders + joy ride.
Only want the xbox and controller =P
FYI If interested.
Excellent deal.
i didnt see your post in the other thread before i posted but ill thank you anyway
I wish there was a deal without the whole Kinect and bundle of games.
Do you want to split it halfway? I only want the Kinect and games..
FYI If interested.
Deal starts in the new financial year. Is that a hint that xbox 360 prices in Australia might drop in the near future?
I was looking through the online catalogue last night & it was priced @ $229. I gather it was incorrectly priced?
Here is a screen cap
lol 'Magnet sexing' ???
It's about one way of trying to find out the sex your birds.
Btw here is the link…
Lol thanks for the clarification… Pretty funny tho
Do you find that you're always a day late for things?
should have hit the laybuy button and see if what happens… $229 would be awesome.
That Internet Explorer man.
That Internet Explorer man.
That Internet Explorer man.
this Bundle Dropped $100 in the last few weeks in the US, we must get the same deal. so im guessing Kmart has seen the price drop coming and priced accordingly. i would wait until all the other stores have deals up…..they will be much better…
I believe that was a typo (…), ummm! just like the $229.00 typo for Australia's Kmart ummmm! conspiracy? Maybe consumer affairs should be made aware of this 'typos'. That seem to attract attention.
im sure it wasnt a mistake but a proper price drop on its way. they probably had to wait till a certain date to diplay
Does the AMEX $50 off apply to Kmart? or can I get a price match anywhere?
I price mathced mine at JB HI-FI @ $299 months ago(Not the current offer, but its from K-mart too). So I am guessing you can do it.
thanks fo the info!
Question: Will Buying this one and adding a 250 GB HDD to it give you the same unit, which others are selling for 499 dollars?
Mostly, yes. The only difference is the case. The 250GB model is shiny, compared to a matte like 4GB model. Personally, I prefer it without the shine - but these are the differences.
agreed…. much prefer the matte black, no fingerprints.
Thanks guys. I asked as my existing XBox 360 Arcade without HDD does not come with HDMI ports.
I did not want the same with this 4GB one.
If you were to buy this and add a 250GB HDD, you'd have the same thing except it'd be matte instead of glossy, as already mentioned. The only other difference is that you won't get a headset as the 4GB console doesn't come with one.
Only different is the Elite is chrome finish, and this is matte, and has headset as well. You can just add a USB harddrive if you dont want to spend microsoft cost for internal. It works the exactly same way.
nevermind DB
Lightsaber ON
good bundle i guess, you get 3 kinect games
and that comment itself shows the flaws of this package (3 kinect games rather than real ones :P)
So is it $229 or $299??????
I might actually buy this for my little brother to replace the last one that I broke on his little head.
I think I might also owe him some compensation. Meh, let Medicare deal with that.
Wow !!! Thats a really good price !!
I paid so much more getting the bundle n the kinect sensor seperate, even though I bought them at the best possible sale prices..
i think you should vote if you think its so amazing
Im in, this will be my third xbox but I want one for my bedroom and a kinetic for the lounge just for the wa*ky media browser
Is there any difference between this 4gb and the 250gb or is it purely 100% just the HDD size?
Funny, I was preparing myself to go buy one tonight from Game. But If I get this, then the HDD seperately its $50 cheaper.
There is a noob sensor that will beep and say "please insert device and choose location to save data"
250gig is gloss black 4gig is matte black
firstly if u get the 4GB you cannot play co-op over Xbox Live on some games (all Halo games affected) becasue you need a larger hdd to play ONLINE co-op (split screen not affected, competitive multiplayer not affected) and you also cant upload video's (eg. upload halo reach/shift 2 video to youtube from Xbox)
4GB is Matte vs 250GB Gloss Finish
4GB Controller is Matte vs 250GB Controller is Glossy
250Gb comes with a Headset vs 4GB does not have one
the 250gb comes with more demo's, video's, gamer pics bla bla bla
and lastly the 250GB are more likely to have the latest Lite-on DVD-Drives, Which use less power and are quieter (normal person wouldnt notice)
If anything, the matte just makes it sound even more attractive. And for people like me who only boot up their console to play single player games like LA Noire, Bioware games etc, this is perfect.
not much difference to me. You can buy a cheap 250GB HDD from overseas. Such as this…
not sure whether they can send to AU, but I'm sure you can find a lot of game sites have cheap xobx HDDs
looks like bigw also going to have similiar xbox deal in their new toys catalogue. but no prices yet
Robinh00d, how do you know?, do you have links to a 'new' catalogue, or just your gut feeling?
The Big W catalogue is out, but the prices aren't officially announced. They're still waiting on the 30th and I doubt it'll be as good.
heres a link to their new toy sale. xbox is on last page 132
pack has diff games + extra controller. probably wont be as cheap as the kmart one.
The Big-W price is $398
anyone in Newcastle NSW interested in splitting this pack? I am only interested in the console and controller. Cheers
Doubt if EB would pricematch this, I've got a bunch of unused credit I can't get rid of :P
does anybody know if Bing Lee or DSE would price match it?
I am looking forward to buy a 250GB model which was priced at $449 at DSE at the start of this month. But, it is back to $499 again.
Do not pay that price.
In the U.S. the 250GB 360 Slim is only $299 (AU$285)…
Will my 250gb hdd on the old white 360 console work OK with the new slim 360?
My 250gb hdd actually has a black casing as well.
NVM, a guy from Kmart said that I would be able to remove the 360 Slim's 4GB hdd from it's casing and replace it with my 250GB hdd after I remove it from the old 360 hdd casing.
Starting 21st July Target will have the 4gb kinect bundle for $399 or the 250gb kinect bundle for $499 which includes the following 5 games
Kinect Adventures
Joy Ride
Dance Central
Your Shape
Carnival Games
I price matched the $229 error today at Toys r us…..i then traded the 2 games in at JB for $42…..and got Dirt 3 for $26
How did you get them to price match the $229? Did you just show a screenshot?
I price matched at Harvey Norman so I'll be pretty happy after $50 cashback from Amex.
Can you give us/post a copy of the receipt? so we can try at HN etc.
please post your receipt
can you please tell us @ which Toyr R us ?
Tried this unsuccessfully at 2 Toys R Us in Adl. At firs one was told they couldn't price match cos they didn't have the exact same pack. At the 2nd one, the guy had the Kmart catalogue on hand and also looked up the website. Fail :)
Got one last thursday and its great! thanks ozbargain
anyone had any luck with price matching the $229 error?
cosmicgates reckons he/she did but didn't post the receipt!
FYI they extended this sale until the 17th (today). Kmart had no stock anywhere in Brisbane but I was able to get a price match from EB Games who had their 4Gb Kinect bundle (with just Kinect Adventures) at $449. $150 Kmart pricematch discount applied and I was walking out happy.
Guys i am thinking about getting this
is it worth it