This was posted 5 years 7 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Weber Original Kettle BBQ $199 + Shipping (Free with Club Catch) @ Catch


Great deal on this iconic charcoal BBQ. My Weber kettle still going strong at 34 years of age.

Please be aware I believe this is the grey import so if you can deal with not having the local warranty and some charcoal baskets, then this is a steal.

RRP $329 at the Aussie Weber store.

Don't forget the usual cashbacks should apply on CR and SB

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  • Last time appliances online price matched if you want to try

  • +1

    I'm in the market for a pellet smoker, obviously this is not one however significantly cheaper ($700). Can you smoke with these?

    Was also about to purchase "the big Green egg" for a $700 deal (medium size) not sure which way to go. Any experts?

    • +3

      Yes sir you can smoke with these. And IMO it turns out great and is quite simple.

      I can't compare with a pellet smoker as I have never used one but if you look up the snake method, temperature can easily be controlled for smoking.

      If you want to step it up, people seem to recommend the slow n sear product as a great aid for smoking in a kettle but the product itself is more expensive than the kettle so I have never tried it.

      • +1

        I just looked up the snake method, cheers, looks great.

    • +4

      good place to start mate. Kamado grills have the advantage of stable heat because of the thick ceramics, but i've done my share of brisket in webers. Also, webers have a LOT of aftermarket stuff to go along with it. Pizza oven mods, smoking mods, wok cooking mods, and my current favorite, arteflame inserts (which coincidentally are also available for kamado grills)

      • Thanks for the responses 💪 just looked at catch and the weber smokey mountain is on there for $349. Maybe that's a better option? Bit intimidated by the charcoal process but I guess practice makes perfect?

        • I have both and can say the WSM is much better for smoking. But in terms of versatility and ease of use, the kettle trumps.

          When you want to do some reverse sear or hot and fast over charcoal, you will be thankful you've got the kettle.

        • If you want a straight smoker yes

          but its so easy with a webber as long as you dont buy the self lighting coal

          Buy a chimney and either some newspaper or firelighters around $30

          let coal get white/red

          have a pile of unlit coals in the middle of the webber and topped with wet smoking woodchips or chunks of wood

          pour over hot charcoal and then throw some wet chips on top

          Put in meat or other items

          and then every half hour open the lid and top with a handful of wet chips until done

        • just like what everyone else says.. it depends on you. Purpose built smokers.. well.. smoke. Webers are a grill first, but can barbecue as well. If you're just getting into it, this is the place to go. BTW, i've an offset smoker, but i've only taken the investment after playing around with a kettle for 3 years. At least I know what I was looking for exactly when i felt ready to take the plunge. If money wasn't an issue though.. i'd have an offset smoker, a pizza oven, and a gas flat/char grill.

        • get a chimney starter as well.. makes getting charcoal started a lot easier

    • Egg is hotter and more heat efficient

      while webber is cheaper and lighter so you can move it around easier

    • Prosmoke offset is going for 699 at the moment at bbqs galore if you dont mind the work maintaining it. Otherwise gmg do great pellet units.

    • +1

      I've got one similar to this (a $30 gumtree job :P)and it does work quite well! Limitations I have run into:
      - When opening to inspect, temp drops a lot. I use a heat sink (brick) to assist recovery - however as they say, lookin ain't cookin.
      - Much much higher heat loss - need to keep the coal burning much faster to sustain a given temp. Less suited to a 10h+ smoke, but still possible with a snake layout. Just harder.
      - Getting an even heat can be hard (snake wont be even). I have a fairly tight 3 tier; coal/deflector/meat stack in mine. Takes a bit more fiddling.
      - Haven't tried a cold smoke (e.g. bacon), not sure how it'll go.
      - Low temp (<120degC) is difficult on mine as the air vents dont seal well enough. Coal layout can mitigate this, just need more patience to get the burn going.

      These kettles however ARE amazing at dual purpose; can bbq when needed, whereas a smoker cant.

      I'm personally looking at getting a ~$300 smoker from bunnings and seeing how it goes. Reviews look…pretty decent (instead of going an all out $700 egg!)

      • Thanks for the replies all, definitely glad I asked. For me:

        • the egg appearance wise looks amazing, love the colour and he build. Just a little expensive (even at the reduced price of $700)
        • the Webber smokey mountain for the medium size is around $700. Would get an egg over that. The small WSM is around $340 however not sure if too small.
        • bunnings pitstop pallet smoker is $700. Very tempted by the 'apparently stated' ese of cooking and the 'set and forget' benifits. Again pretty expensive though. Also the recent zgrills has me conflicted, extra $70 is it worth it?
        • Webber kettle seems good for versitility. I already have a family q so just after a dedicated smoker. So I think the kettle is out?

        Jeez it all to hard haha

        • Kamados are the most versatile bbqs out there. Easy to use for smoking, grilling and roasting, bread making and even for the odd pizza. Very fuel efficient thanks to their insulation.

          Pellet grills are as easy to use as your indoor oven (set the temperature and off you go), but they use wood to cook so you get a wood cooked flavour (generally milder smoke flavour). Like your oven, not ideal for grilling.

          Weber kettles are great, but ergonomically they lose out to all the others and the temperature control is more fiddly.

          If I only had to have one BBQ and not spend too much, I'd go with a Akorn from Bunnings or a Dragon from BBQ Galore. They are both metal kamados and great value for money at around the $400-$500.

    • Get a Weber kettle, can use it for so many more things then a pellet grill.
      Add a ring for rotisserie /pizza. Offset plate, Kone for hour and fast…

  • +2

    These are excellent bought one from Costco for $150 7 years ago. Not missed a beat, great price - but might be worth checking if Costco stock them.

  • +1

    Grey imports don't have the hinge grate either which IMO is a must.

  • +1

    For someone wanting to get into 'smoking' this is a pretty good deal, although if you can find an older model it may be better and slightly cheaper.

    The latest Weber Porcelain enamelled is not made in America anymore and quality has slightly gone down hill.

    Weber after sales is where it is at though.

    • +2

      Excellent point mine is USA made.

  • What is the reason people buy this rather than gas bbq?

    • +1

      Charcoal heat beads and wood chunks add flavour to food.

    • It's a very different flavour. I prefer it to a great extent, but the time to get the coals hot is a killer for weeknight after work cooking.

      (PS I'm an amateur unlike the others in the thread)

      • Thank you. I dont hv a bbq. Nvr had one.
        Is it easy to mantain (clean)?

      • Loof lighter gets the charcoal going in ten minutes.

      • +1

        Get this… So easy to light coals or charcoal

      • Get a charcoal chimney and a heat gun.

  • +1

    Webers are great but the new ones which are made in China are quality are very poor with very thin enamel that chips easily.

    I would recommend getting a decent used MADE IN USA Weber for around 100.

  • Great, I bought one from catch onlyast week for $250…

  • Just put another 129$ and you get:
    * Local 10 year warranty. They replace anything broken
    * Support local business
    * Local version comes with lots of extra accessories that are worth more than 129$
    * Don't have to wait for shipping

    • +1

      *support price gouging

  • +1

    Not for $129

  • Just a heads up, as I bought this Weber only 2 weeks ago, this is the base model Weber Original Kettle. It doesn't have a lid thermometer or the fancy hinged grill grate which lets you ad more charcoal easily.

    I got stung with this and had to buy the smoking baskets and thermometer seperately. The Weber you buy anywhere else has these options included.

  • Hey all, I just ordered one from Appliance Online who price matched and they have confirmed to me that this is Australian stock and covered by Weber Australia so will find out tomorrow once it arrives and let you all know.

  • Weber just arrived, can confirm it's Australian stock!

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