Officeworks have price matched the offer from the Post Office.
$50 = $42.50
$30 = $25.50
Officeworks have price matched the offer from the Post Office.
$50 = $42.50
$30 = $25.50
Wouldn't let me, had to be posted or click and collect
Awesome, now I can save money when I pay back the ATO
Hi mate.
I'm just wondering how can you pay back the ato?
What do you means?
The ATO calls you telling you that you owe them money. They give payment options. Itunes gift cards being one of them.
You being the savy person that you are know theres 15% off itunes gift cards. Youre saving money paying back ATO with discounted itunes gift cards. Winning.
It's a joke, ask a store like Woolworths who sell iTunes cards to explain it to you if you don't get it.
Yes. Last i was at coles the checkouts has these warnings printed out and stuck on the wall in full view of customers.
Easier to do at th Post Shop
Can we claim GST for these?
There is no GST on gift cards
For TRS I mean
Goodness, that is a tough question. I guess, technically, you will have presented the "goods" if you bring the card with you, but I imagine they will say gift card is treated as cash and not a tangible good. It's certainly not in the spirit of what the system is intended for, which is to sell goods duty-free to compete with international markets - but that credit can only truly be spent as AUD on the Australian iTunes store. I think the only way to know is to take your chances.
There is no GST on gift cards.
Tax is accounted for when the gift card is redeemed, not sold.
I can finally pay off the money I owe to the ATO with them so they can stop sending me emails!
Be careful.
They initially said I'd get a discount on my tax when I paid with these but then after I sent them they said the policy has changed and I needed to send the full amount.
Wait what ? You can pay the ATO with iTunes card ?
Totally legit. Nothing suss.
If you're currently paying for Netflix via PayPal, can you switch to iTunes Gift Cards?
What other services can this be used for?
I would like to know this too but pretty sure you can't without creating a new account and doing via an iOS device.
Also I seem to recall pricing was different via iOS as well, due to the higher cut Apple charges or something?
(could be wrong on both of the above so if someone else can confirm, but that's what I recall from when I last looked ages ago).
I am currently doing it via Google Play but discounts on Google gift cards are few and far between these days so am thinking of swapping to iTunes gift cards as well.
Paying Netflix via iTunes gift card is possible for accounts which sign up for Netflix via the App Store in the past. Netflix have now closed that door but still allow users who have in the pass sign up via App Store to continue payment via App Store (iTunes gift card).
Unfortunately will not allow other users paying with other payment method to switch.
I made an account to say thanks, so thanks OP!
This saved me $10 (bought 2 $30 gift cards for my cousins)
Is that after paying the $10 ozbargain membership fee?
Could I buy iTunes card with officeworks gift card?
Do Officeworks do digital delivery?