This was posted 5 years 7 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre Order - PC] Cyberpunk 2077 GoG Key $52.79, [PC] The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY $16.49 GoG Key @ CD Keys

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Great price & cheaper compare to all previous deal Enjoy :)

RECOMMENDED for Cyberpunk 2077 as per CDKEYS
(ALL these specs requirement MAY NOT BE TRUE) & Here is another Spec or wait for exact specs next year near to launch date

Processor: Intel i7-8700K @ 3.70 GHz
Graphics: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Memory: 16 GB RAM
System: Windows 10 64-bit


$16.49 The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY PC - Slightly Cheaper compare to previous deal

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt base game
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone

RECOMMENDED for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition

Processor: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3.4 GHz / AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
Graphics: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 / AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Disk space: 35 GB
System: 64-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or 64-bit Windows 10

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closed Comments

  • +36

    Good price had no issues with them before.

    Although for this game I'd recommend buying from gog directly, CDProjektRed are one of the few companies not (profanity) consumers so it's worth giving them your money instead.

    • +1 is a legit store. They get their keys from official channels, so CDProjektRed does get money for a sale.

      • +10

        I'd love to see a source for that, afaik they're the same as any other seller.

        • +1

 resell keys they buy in bulk from different regions at a discount. They are owned buy a company that has been reselling software for over 30 years.

          G2A, Kinguin, etc, are marketplaces like eBay, where anyone can sell any key, with minimal measures in place to prevent selling of stolen keys, or keys bought with stolen cards/accounts.

          • +1

            @kapone: SuBw00FeR if you neg'd me thinking I'd neg'd your comment, I didn't. Your question is a perfectly valid one.

            But the general consensus on is that they are legit (depending on how you feel about license agreements, regional pricing, etc), while G2A and Kinguin are much more dubious, operating as barely moderated marketplaces that could be considered a haven for those selling illegally obtained keys.

            Polygon did an investigation into G2A and Kinguin a few years ago highlighting all of this, and weren't mentioned in the article because they aren't the same as those marketplaces.

            • +4

              @kapone: they are still not officially authorized unlike gmg, fanatical etc

            • +3

              @kapone: Nah I didn't neg you I actually want to know lol.

              That's still not a source and just cos polygon didnt do research on them cos they're different doesn't really mean much. I'll do some digging when I'm home. On the mobile atm.

          • +1

            @kapone: Haha, a website by 2 anonymous reviewers is hardly evidence.

            You don't know what regions, how they are purchasing from those regions and using what method. Still an element of risk and CDProjektRed are still losing out as the difference in price goes to's pockets.

            No thanks.

          • @kapone: @zeggie

            As I said I've bought from CDKeys a heap of times and never had issues with them, as for legitimacy if they were indeed from the devs themselves, they would no doubt have it in their FAQ somewhere, all I could find is this

            "Why are your products so cheap? Our management team has over thirty years of combined experience within the industry with an extensive network of suppliers and contacts from which to source products. We buy from all corners of the globe to ensure the cheapest possible prices and as we only sell products in a digital format we're able to make significant savings on postage and related expenses - we then pass these reductions on to you, which ensures our pricing is the most competitive around!"

            • @SuBw00FeR: "We buy from all corners of the globe to ensure the cheapest possible prices"
              Region Bypass Confirmed

    • +56

      Definitely buy through if you plan on picking this game up. They have pledged 100% of the proceeds to go to CD Projekt Red (the developers), whereas with Steam they'll take a 30% cut.

      CD Projekt Red is one of the few developers that appear to have the best interests of gamers at heart, they use the most consumer-friendly practices and refuse to use anti-consumer DRMs like Denuvo which is pretty mainstream with big dev companies. They believe in developing quality products that are worth buying to avoid pirating which was hugely successful with The Witcher 3.

      If any company deserves your support its guys like CD Projekt Red.

      • +8

        Not sure why some git negged you for that …so have a + from me. :)

        • +1

          The mysteries of OZBargain, were promoting consumer-friendly practices get negged…

          • +1

            @Oxenfree123: Maybe (and I do not know and assume) the neg was for the not so employee friendly practices at CD Projekt Red (and other gaming companies as well).?

      • +15

        CDProjekt own/run GOG it's the same team. :)

        • They have half a dozen or so company entities. So technically what Oxenfree123 says is correct - 100% of the proceeds will go to the development company entity.

          • +1

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Sure, but for the purposes of simplicity, they're one in the same.

            " is a digital distribution platform for video games and films. It is operated by GOG Sp. z o.o., a wholly owned subsidiary of CD Projekt based in Warsaw, Poland."

            "RED" is their development side of CD Projekt.

            • @SuBw00FeR: Well they're really not but I won't argue accounting semantics. End of the day the GOG arm could easily keep the money from this game and develop Galaxy further, spend the money on better Linux compatibility, hire more staff etc.. They're stating they won't be and it's going towards development and I'm very happy with that :)

      • -5

        Agreed & up voted.
        But the denuvo/DRM hate/noise wears thin. I have 20 years of shady history, before going full-steam. I wholeheartedly support the concept. I'm a legit user, and have nothing to fear. It's never once hindered my use.

      • i was close to buying it the store but going to pick it up from EB games

    • +12

      It's $37 more directly through GOG - for a couple of extra bucks I'd go through them but not that much.

      • +4

        Yeah, as much as I'd like to support them, I don't purchase any games for $90. And in this case they can't even blame markups from middlemen/retailers. Hopefully the price on GOG drops after launch.

      • Now it is. Doubt it's that price early 2020 before release.

    • -6

      oh vey, pay us more money goys

  • +20

    Why preorder a game that is 9 months away?

    • -3

      because you'll forget about that $50 in 9 months time. it not being a steam key is shit but oh well.

      • +19

        Not being Steam is a value-added feature in my book.

      • +14

        Mate it's DRM-Free on GOG. That means you can play offline without Steam or any other DRM. That's better than Steam, what are you talking about?

        That said, I will probably wait and get it on Steam myself, just because all my other games are there :)

        • +2

          Same, bought it on Steam on day 1 without second thoughts

          reasons? all my games and friends (I don't have real-life friends) are on steam, all achievements, trading cards, tradable items, commends, VAC reports are also on Steam.

          • +2

            @sticky8anana: Interestingly, GOG Galaxy currently have a new interface in beta that combines all store services in to one package (GOG,Steam,Epic,Origin,Uplay,Xbox Live,PS4 Network) so all your games and achievements are together. They are planning for combined friends list and everything.

            Hopefully they can get this all to work and talk together so you don't need 10 clients open and can just play through the one interface.

            • @s4sep: I haven’t really looked into gog galaxy but isn’t that just basically the same stuff as a bunch of third party software tries to do? Or even steam itself. Assuming it will just do something like launching the game through the exe file and cause steam/origin/uPlay to open in the background.

        • -5

          When fridges & lighbulbs have connections, why do people make DRM a supposed issue. Support developers to some right to channel how they'd like.

          • +2

            @Ulysses31: Enough with the pretentious pomposity already AssangesCat. Take your pro-DRM crusade to where it belongs on the Steam forums please. Ozbargain is about sourcing the cheapest deal. If you want to pay an extra $40 for DRM that's fantastic but stop thumping on about it here.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Big words, bully behavior. I countered the thumping sheeple comments.
              Ozbargain would love caged eggs, if you were right.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: I enjoy a good GOG deal when they show up but why is it that people that prefer steam are “fanbois” while people that try to shit on it are glorified?

              Personally this being cdkeys is a negative for me. It’s not stole keys so developers won’t be losing money on credit card charge backs but it’s definitely not an authorised reseller.

              • -1

                @SlappersOnly: Because ozbargain's raison d'être is sourcing the cheapest practical deal. This is not the place to bang on about how incredible you are for choosing to pay a heavy premium on Steam for it.

                No one's 'shitting' on Steam as you describe it. It's just that Steam's business approach happens to be the direct antithesis of why people visit this site.

                As for the fanboi thing, well I'm afraid that's probably self inflicted. After careful application of common sense, reasoned thinking and logic, it becomes irrefutably apparent that only a ravening fanboi would try to defend paying an absurd 80% premium in the comments section.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: Let’s be honest here, “sourcing the cheapest price” isn’t the reason for your comment. Your follow up statement about “steam premium” kind of proved that. Steam prices are usually cheaper or similar than gog. This particular case isn’t a case of steam vs gog. This is a case of a game bought with correct regional pricing vs resold from a cheaper country.

                  • @SlappersOnly: Yes ozbargain is frequently a place where informed consumers use arbitrage-style practices to circumvent the artificial mechanism of geo-blocking pricing restrictions in order to source a bargain.

                    The ACCC even put out a paper about it a number of years ago encouraging consumers to pursue such options.

                    • @[Deactivated]: Which is a reasonable response. There are plenty of ozbargains deals for Phillipines Spotify, US Netflix and turkey Xbox gift cards and people can choose what bargains they are ok with. Different from your “it not being steam is a value added feature for me” which goes against your comment of ozbargains is about finding the cheapest price.

                      Honestly I really only responded because of you calling out that other guy for being pro drm on ozbargains while you also made a contradicting comment that wasn’t about finding the cheapest price.

      • You can add a shortcut to it in Steam if you want to kind of add it to your library.

        Cloud saves though… that can be a problem. Not sure if GoG Galaxy does cloud saves.

        • +2

          It has cloud saves listed against it on GOG:

          As per others steam is easier for me!

          • -1

            @Baa: Not sure why you got negged, but I'll balance that out.

            Thanks for looking into it. My work blocks all gaming content, so I couldn't look it up myself. -_-

            • @BadGiraffe: Also plused Baa.

              Surprised you don't have a VPN to get around that, with all the VPN deals on Ozbargain. May I recommend Windscribe? I have a spare code for a 50GB/month permanent allowance upgrade from that deal if you'd like me to PM it to you.

              • @Zazer: I use Ivacy. That's been blocked too. They've blocked the protocol. Frustrates the hell out of our consultants. They have to tether their phones to get their VPNs going.

                  • @Zazer: They want to monitor all traffic. I hate it, but that's policy, I guess. I remember this one time we had to loan a USB modem to a consultant. Totally defeats the purpose. Believe me, I've told them this is stupid. 5 years later, there's no change.

                    • @BadGiraffe: So stupid. Especially if they're just hotspotting anyway.

      • +2

        Valve boot lickers are the only people who actually want DRM. It's sad.

        • I don't know… I don't want DRM, but Steam make it easy to manage my games, cloud save game files, and most importantly, Proton. They've also made their first-party games run great, if not better, on Linux.

          Back when they used to make games. <sigh>

        • -1

          Have anything useful to add, or just lame insults?

    • this!

  • +16

    Processor Intel i7-8700K @ 3.70 GHz
    Graphics GeForce GTX 1080 Ti

    Bloody hell!

    • +8

      Looks like building a new PC is back on the menu, boys !

      • +1

        I might have to get the Xbox One version ;)

        • +4

          If those specs are true would it be reasonable to assume the console versions (OG consoles) will be significantly downgraded?

          • +2

            @putshan: Yep, though they will probably be optimised for next-gen consoles more with Ray Tracing :)

            • @Zazer: True, but who can weight another 7 months to play on next-gen consoles?

              PC building time I think!

              • @putshan: you do realise you'll still be waiting that long to play it on PC as well?

                • @gizmomelb: PC release is April.

                  Next-gen consoles won't release until November next year (at a guess), assuming they get an up-scaled version or re-release.

        • -1


    • I popped in here to say exactly that.

      My god.
      That's some rediculous specs.

      I mean, the tombraiders were almost cinematic, and needed 'half' what this does!

      • +2

        Yeah those specs… sheesh. But Cyberpunk's supposed to be more open world… and open world + AAA graphics… I guess I can see it being necessary even with decently optimised code.

    • +6

      I believe these are just the specs that CDPR used to demo the game at E3 2018, the actual recommended specs haven't been announced yet.

    • +1

      Yeah… but you can also play Crysis.

    • +2

      CD Projekt Red haven't published any minimum requirements yet.

      The requirements quoted there are what the demo PC at E3 was running. I highly doubt they would demo the game on a PC with minimum requirements.

    • jesus

    • +1

      The 'recommended' specs can be reaching any arbitrary performance and graphics setting decided by the developer. That could be the recommended to reach 4k ultra settings 30fps (i doubt it would be 60fps otherwise the game isnt gonna look as good as i hoped).
      Some developers have a 'minimum', a middle recommended for like 1080p 60fps at high settings, then the full recommended specs for as i said above.

      The 'minimum' will obviously be a lot lower, as it is coming out on current consoles which are like 40% of the performance (if that) of this 'recommended' spec.

  • +7

    I recently pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 PC on the 28th when they had it on sale for $59.79. I emailed cdkeys last night asking if they would refund the difference and they did. So it should only take an email if you have already preordered.

    • +5

      What's the point of pre-ordering a game if you're not willing to be comfortable with the price you paid?

      What's the point of pre-ordering anyway?

      • +1

        Well in this case, you're paying about half the cost at the time of the release.

        I have no idea why you would pre-order for the full amount though.

  • Good price considering it will be $80+ when it releases. Plus you can refund if key is not activated yet, I have refunded pre-ordered Rage 2 via CDKeys before so don't think there's any harm to it.

    • +2

      My money is on JB Hi Fi, Costco, et al doing launch deals around $50-60 in 9 months time.

  • +1

    I'm hoping for a special edition NVIDIA GTX 2077, where the game comes free with the graphics card.

  • +4

    Please dont take this deal unless you really need to guys, buy it directly from GOG.

    • +3

      I'm going to buy it from whoever is selling it the cheapest.


      • -4

        Literally nobody asked you and nobody benefited from what you shared.


        • Sorry, you said "guys". It seemed like a plea to a "guy" like me. Maybe don't post if you don't want people responding to you.

  • Luke @Techfast please make a build to run this

  • +3


    • -1

      I agree. I also make an exception when it's CDPR.

  • +4

    Those aren't the recommended specs. Even if it was they're going to shit on 90% of people who don't have those specs.

    • +1

      I almost shat on my office chair reading those requirements.

      anyway I kept it under control and googled this instead

  • Can anyone confirm the key is delivered now, and we aren't relying on an email from cdkeys to be sent out on the release date?

    • +1

      no key yet, "This product is a Pre-Order, it will be available here on or slightly before the release date of 16th April 2020. " is what i get when i click through to "download"

  • As others have said, ignore the recommended specs in OP. They're is no word on the minium/recommended specs yet, all we know is what the early demo ran on at E3.

  • how come its so cheap way before release? i remember 10 years ago paying $50 for a 2 year old game on clearance was considered a bargain.

    • +1

      These would be keys intended for a region where disposable income is considerably less, hence the price difference.

  • @OP: this page says min. requirements are different though

    • Thanks. I copied from CD keys.. I may put note on it

  • I never pre order anything. But if you're the type to, cd projekt red are worth giving your money to.

  • +2

    It is $56.09 when I click the link?

  • +4

    People have been using vpns and connecting to GOG via Russia to get this game for cheap. If you only care about your bottom line and couldn't give a rat's ass about CDPR, why don't you skip the middleman? Personally, I paid full price for this game because I want to support CDPR for the good work they do.

    • Could you explain in a little more detail please? Interested but wasn't able to find any info online.

  • +2

    Lads, just rang Audi and asked if I could buy a car directly through them for RRP because my local dealership was selling it for less and was taking a cut too.

    • +1

      I hope you ordered a car that is still in design phase

    • "Boys, I just rang CDPR and asked for a copy of CP2077 at rrp because there are people taking advantage of regional pricing and making money for themselves by reselling cheaper keys to first world bargain hunters at a stupidly inflated price."

      There, fixed it for you. Thank me later.

      • +1

        Lads, just bought my Audi at the Brighton dealership instead of Doncaster because it was more expensive in that region.

        • doncaster dealers are the worst!

  • +1

    Breathtaking price

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