Brisbane Southside Solar Panel Check Recommendations

Hi guys

I suspect our panels are not outputting enough as they're pretty old.
Anyone got suggestions for service/check technicians for Brisbane southside?


  • I had a inverter replaced by Gold Coast Solar Power Solutions. They were prompt and didn't screw me around or anything. Pretty good experience. And they travel to Brisbane so should be fine.

    They also replaced it all through home and contents insurance so that was also a bonus.

  • Probably not really the issue - but have you washed them lately / is there much dirt / grime on them?

    How olds your system?

  • i can pm you some people that offer good rates if you like?

    they're on the southside

  • Can recommend Positronic. They've been in business for years, they did my system, and are highly rated on Whirlpool.

  • Nice one thanks guys ill look into it!

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