Anyone in cairns chasing a great quality TV for a really good price.
Would like to see if anyone keen to get a price match for this model in different parts of QLD
[QLD] Ex-Display LG C8 55" 4K UHD AI Smart OLED TV $1488 Pickup @ JB Hi-Fi (Cairns, Stockland)

Last edited 30/07/2019 - 13:21 by 2 other users
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Does the warranty still apply on ex display? I just got this for mum and didn't check that side of it.
No I don't think it applies the same way.
Would have thought that was the first question you ask the sales guy.
I think so. But I believe people complain a lot about screen burn-in because these things are cranked on max brightness 24/7 in the shops. I'm not that well versed in TV's so someone else could probably answer better than I can.
Yes it applies the same.
Where does it say ex-display?
In the title of the JB Hifi listing. And in the URL. And in a red text box.
On Reddit I have read a number of reports from people who got these OLED display models super cheap from the big retailers in the USA, much much better deals than this. And they said they contacted LG warranty immediately after purchase about a replacement panel due to burn in and they obliged. So they are pretty much getting brand new OLED TV's for well under 1k.
what is the normal price?
About 2k was the best deal around Christmas time
not worth it for $200 saving
Wouldn't touch an ex display OLED even at half the price. You think you are saving money, but you aren't. They have been cranked to 100% brightness 8-10 hrs a day, and these are last years models so possibly for up to a year or so.
Where does it say ex-display?
It's in the Ad itself
Massive TV Clearance
- This TV is “Ex-Display*” stock
- Strictly limited quantities
- Available in selected areas only, while stocks last
A friend of mine bought an ex-display C8 from the goodguys recently with significant burn-in. Managed to get LG to come by his place and replace the panel so might be something to consider.
Thanks mate. Yeah I'd imagine they would have to get the customer to sign some forms if the warranty didn't apply the same way.
Given the warranty doesn't cover burn in that's crazy how this got through.
@onlinepred: It's likely because he contacted the Goodguys first. They organised the repair with LG. I could fish for more details and I'll edit this later.
@Icecold Inc: Yea perhaps they got a special extended care warranty thing or something. As LG will charge to repair burn in as it's not covered on their end at all.
Either way, super lucky.
@onlinepred: If you push hard enough, under ACL you will be covered.
I have read MANY reports of people in the USA getting bargain OLED ex-displays and having the panel replaced by LG. I think they want to keep customers who have just purchased a new TV happy and avoid bad publicity.
That's insanely lucky, as LG doesn't cover burn in.
why is burn in not covered?
Seems like a major problem with OLED TVs..
So why should we trust to buy an OLED TVs
without this burn in issue being covered..Can't we complain it is under being defective?
@pinkybrain: I don't want to get into OLED tv's on this as it's been discussed so many times and there are many sources available. Yes it's a trait/flaw of OLED, just LCD's inability to show true blacks/high contrast, if you don't know what OLED is or how it should be used then you can run into issues, just like old Plasmas etc.
Think of burn in like lcd stuck pixels. Some manufacturers have a dead pixel warranty while others don't etc. If you don't know how OLED works and you ruin your tv, it shouldn't be covered by warranty IMO. It is a trait of OLED.
@onlinepred: For the mass consumer, should they be expected to know how OLED works?
They just want to watch TV, play games like any other TV…This is shit that OLED is not covered and should not be considered acceptable that is not covered..
Your example of stuck pixels is reaching
cos I have not heard of stuck pixels being common problem in LCD TVs nowadays..
and I am sure if it were to occur, you would be able to get warranty on it..As for LCD monitors, they usually do have some sort of policy e.g. greater than 3 or 5 pixels etc..
If it they didn't I just wouldn't buy it from that brand.For LG to blank say no warranty on this burn issue
is shit and I would not accept it..
Since the only major known problem in regards to OLED is burn in..
To not be covered for the one major problem is shit..and not worse the risk of getting it…@pinkybrain: Does the average consumer know about LCD dead pixel warranty coverage?
Everyone will make a mistake due to lack of knowledge. It's just life. It's like not knowing a car needs oil over time, or that diesel won't work in a petrol engine. You need to put some effort into reading a manual - and if you don't read a manual then really who else is to blame. There are many cautions/warnings in the box and papers. Would Toyota accept a warranty claim when a car breaks down as you didn't put oil in it for over 50,000km's?
@onlinepred: Does the average consumer know about LCD dead pixel warranty coverage?
Not sure what is your point with this question..butProbably not..
but if they were to get dead pixels
they would be covered by most brands if it were greater than x amount of pixels like 3 to 5 etc..
Because guess what, there is actually warranty policy for dead pixels
unlike burn in which not covered AT ALL.Also you are trying to mixed in LCD monitors
and LCD TVs to muddle your arguments..
since I have not heard of any mass reported or any reported dead pixels in LCD TVs..
and if were to occur, I am sure they can get it replaced under warranty.If you someone got burn in by watching one TV channel all day
or playing the same game for many hours
Are you gonna tell your mom, grand dad or child why they didn't read the manual?Most People buy TVs so they can watch TV, play games, and watch movies..
they should not be expected to know how to used an OLED TV the "correct" way to avoid a burn in..
vs how they use any other TV…People like you who keep defending this crap "no burn in warranty policy" by LG
is why they are able to get a way with this crapYour defense of this burn in issue is akin to how Steve Jobs
says people were holding it wrong in regards to "AntennaGate""Apple fueled criticism by initially telling iPhone 4 owners to simply hold the phone differently"…
@pinkybrain: It depends on the company, some require a row of dead pixels for warranty. So that is my point, you don't know what the warranty is, what common issues with certain technology is that you are buying. You just proved this by saying LCD tv's don't get dead pixels, which is entirely incorrect, they even get stuck pixels too! Most warranties, like Samsung's LCD warranty, only covers dead pixels within in the first few months of purchase. I have had to push Samsung hard on ACL to get it covered before.
Also if you didn't know, dead pixels on TV are a common known issue, they are the same tech as computer monitors. A quick google will show you this. Quick example from ozb:
Again, if you don't read your manual or do some research, I understand there may be frustration, but this is life.
@pinkybrain: Just don't worry about it. Most people with OLED will not experience burn in problems, and the tech has improved a lot in the last couple of years. If you do experience an issue in a few years time, ACL will have you covered.
@nubzy: It is hard not to worry about burn in
since every thread I seen on ozbargain..
burn in always seems to get mentioned at some point@pinkybrain: Yes as a warning, if you watch or play exactly the same thing for 8 hours a day every day for a few months, then you should get an LCD. Pretty simply
@onlinepred: Dude you didn't even read my comment before making your statement..
Of course I know LCD TV and LCD monitor used the same tech..I never said LCD TV don't get dead pixels..
Go read my comment again..
All I said was, while I heard dead pixels being mention in some threads about LCD monitorsI have not read or heard much mention of people getting dead pixels in LCD TVs..
Also my own experience of using like 5 LCDs TV and not having experienced any dead pixels ever shows that
it is not as common in LCD TVs..Not sure why you are keep defending this crap policy by LG
Do you work for them or something or just sour about someone hating the dumb burn in of OLED tech..When these people get burn in
Are you gonna tell all the mums, dads, grandpa, and little kids why they didn't read the manual?People should be protected by warranty for burn in,
just like they are protected by warranty for dead pixels (by the most of the big brands)STOP DEFENDING LG's CRAP NO BURN IN POLICY/WARRANTY.
You are just as bad as they are.
@pinkybrain: I'm not defending it. I'm just stating what it is and why.
If anything it sounds like you are sour about OLED?
If it doesn't suit you, luckily you don't have to buy it. Now you are informed, and you can make a decision that suits you.
Not sure why you got so emotional. BTW my dad's OLED he had for 3 months got burn in while he left channel 9 on 9 hours a day for the dog. It really sucks, but that's life. It's in the manual, and I also told him when he bought it, and the jbhifi salesperson told him.
Burn in is different to dead pixels. Burn in is caused by misuse. Dead pixels is caused by prodoct failure or defect.
@onlinepred: LOL you really drunk the LG kool aid, didn't you?
Burn is not caused by misused…
How is misused if you are using your TV like any other TV?If people like watching TV for the 9 hrs on the same channel
when they did it on their LCD, why they can't continue to do what they normally do?
Or people like to game for X amount of hours..Burn is caused by a tech that has a dumb flaw..
which the mass consumer would not know about it until they get..
and they would not know this is not covered by warranty until it has occurred.And since this is the only major problem of that tech that people would likely experienced
then they should be protected by a warranty…Not emotional about anything
But you constantly defending this crap annoyingSo you gonna tell your dad why he didn't RTFM?
Or why he didn't remember to listen to what you told him?
Now you just tell him that's just life, now live with this crappy burn in forever that you/him wasted so much money on?
How your dad feel about his crappy OLED burn in TV now?LOL, why would I be sour about OLED, if I don't even own one?
You are the one that is sour since you own it, and now feel compelled to go to every thread of OLED to defend this crap burn in policy..You are defending the crap policy..
Why do you need to keep stating what is and why in every OLED thread?Are you some LG spokeperson that needs to do this, so that people can feel comfortable to buy their crappy product?
@pinkybrain: Zzzzz he tried by going into the store etc and calling lg. It's not covered through warranty. I don't like it, but it is what it is.
Anyway peace out mate, clearly touchy about this.
@onlinepred: So your dad still using the burn in TV?
Any luck with getting a refund or replacement under ACL?That is shame, if only there was warranty for burn in..
What a freaking waste of money for your dad..
He should have just bought an LCD, since he can't RTFM or listen to your advice..You should go out there in the world and tell all mum, dad, child that got the burn in..
that they should have RTFM..
Tell them to suck shit..tough luck that is life..Not touchy about anything
other than you constantly being a rep for LG..which is freaking annoying as hell..People like you are the type that big corporation love most..
@pinkybrain: Acl has a firm standing that warranty doesn't cover misuse unfortunately. Yep very dissapointed as he came from an lcd and was so impressed with the picture.
I play by the rules, I'm a goody. But I do stand up for my rights when applicable.
@onlinepred: LOL, how is this considered misuse though?
A TV was bought to watch TV..or play games/videos
Whether someone likes to watch one channel for 9 hours a day that is their choice..There is a defect..
the defect is the crappy OLED tech itself which has a serious design flaw.
That is why they are moving to microLED..So your dad still watching the TV with the crappy burn channel logo now?
What waste of freaking money for him..
He must feel like he wasted his money now and should have just got an LCD..How much did he pay for it
and what was the model?@pinkybrain: Instructions tell you not to do something, if you do it you are misusing it. OLED is fantastic, the best picture available. If you read the manual and have a typical use case you will be fine.
He got 55" c8 for $1500. He is going to buy c9 65" as he was so impressed with it. Still using the burn in TV, only see it on a bright blue screen. Just the channel 9 logo and a box for the ticker.I am super picky with tv so can't go lcd. OLED is incredible.
I concur (ex TV salesman of JB) these run from 8am - 5.30 7 days a week and whats worse is they turn the power off to the store in the switch board every night its super bad for OLED's doing it this way instead of turning them all individually off as they run a sub program that essentially cleans the screen
Finally. An answer that makes sense
My oled tv manual states never turn the tv off the power outlet. Use the remote and turn it off there. The tv will run a maintenance routine when you do this.
If you dont do as it says your tv will likely degrade quicker.
Avoid ex-display tbh. Especially OLED's.