This was posted 5 years 7 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Pre-Order, PC] Borderlands 3 $48 (Was $68) @ Harvey Norman


Enjoy :)

Pre-Order NOW! Available 13th September 2019

Traverse different planets, find and take advantage of various weapons, unlock abilities, and battle it out with the dangerous Calypso Twins in Borderlands 3. Whether playing solo or with friends, it’s up to you to foil the twins’ plans and save the whole galaxy.

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +4

    MediEvil Remaster is cheap at $33

    • It looks like the standard RRP is ~$50 so that is indeed an awesome deal!

  • +1

    Is it better with PC or console?

    • +7

      PC to play with friends/discord/etc. $20 cheaper too.

    • +3


    • -7


    • +2

      PC is better but only consoles get local co-op if that matters to you

  • +7

    Consoles are $68, it's only $48 on PC.

  • Does Harvey ship a few days before release?

    • As per their website "On Pre-Order: Typically dispatched in 2-4 business days after the release date." So, not great if you're planning on playing it during the first week of release then. Hopefully Amazon decides to price match, at least they'll ship early

      • +3

        oh geez wtf 2-4 days AFTER? Spose I could just pick it up. Hope amazon grab it though.

  • +1

    Why is it so cheap on PC? At JB it's $68.

    • +3

      Cos it's on epic launcher so people are waiting for steam release

      • That's going to be a long wait.

  • +14

    Great fan of Borderlands 1, but I would still not support pre order of games.

    • +3

      I only pre order if its significantly cheaper than it will be untill a few months after release. I would rather save money than pay more for the same product later.

  • +3

    Hopefully Amazon pricematch, only other time ive purchased a game from HN they took 2 months before realizing they dont have it in stock and canceled the order.

    • price matched on amazon

  • +8

    It’s EPIC key not Steam.

    • -1

      Epic is great. So many free games. Lesser interest charged and more profit to developers. Good competition the way i see it at least for both developers and consumers

      • +11

        But they have scummy anti-consumer practises in terms of locked down exclusivity so the few freebies aren't enough to support them.

          • +16

            @timps: First party exclusives to the specific store are a non-issue. If Epic are the publisher of a game then no problem at all.

            Purchasing exclusivity rights at the last minute for multi-platform titles including those that pre-ordered on Steam for example is the issue.

            • +10

              @Hybroid: BuT EpIC GaVe Me AlL TheSe GaMeS fOr FrEe

              No. You are the product. They're buying you into their ecosystem.

            • -2

              @Hybroid: Epic bad

            • @Hybroid: ???

              Epic supply Unreal, the engine that previously cost 30% of your sales. Unreal, the engine that powers most games.

              Now, the cost of running Unreal and listing on Epic is cheaper than just listing on Steam.

              Let me write that again. Epic supplies store, engine and assets for less than Steam charged for access to their store. Even if you didn't have the exclusivity payments, most smart publishers using Unreal should publish Epic exclusively anyway.

      • +4

        You're delusional if you think the devs see any of that money, it all goes to the publishers, devs get paid a salary.

        • -1

          Why do you care about who makes how much money. Just play the game.

          • +5

            @baldur: Because I care about where my money goes? I don't wanna give epic any money because I hate their practices and how they treat consumers, same reason I wont give telstra money, I hate their practices and how they treat consumers as well as other things, so i wont give them my money either.

            If you dont care about where your money goes too, more power to you.

            • -1

              @SuBw00FeR: So you care about the distribution of your money in a company?
              That's another level at being social justice warrior.

    • -1

      Yuck. Removed vote.

  • +6

    Wanna pre order so badly but (profanity) epic

  • Thanks just reminded me to go order cyberpunk2077 from gog, cheers

  • -3

    Finally something to use up the bloody $17 giftcard that HN refunded me from the Zelda sale months ago. Still so annoyed they wouldn't refund me to another card (as I had cancelled the card I had made the purchase from).

    • +3

      Thats pretty standard across all retailers. You cant get a refund to a different card.

      • Yep, it's purely a fraud protection measure.

        Stops people ordering on one stolen card, cancelling the order, and then cashing out the amount paid for the product/service to another card, stealing money from the business.

        • Hmm so what would have happened if I had used paypal, but used the card via PayPal, and then cancelled the card. Would they have been able to credit the PayPal account?

          • +1

            @Sammyboy: Yeah, as the PayPal account is still valid it would have gone onto your PayPal balance anyway if the company executed the transaction the way it was meant to be done (ie through PP instead of using an external method).

            Unless you used PayPal's no-account card payments, which then the onus is on the seller to refund you through another method, as there's no account or card to refund to in that case.

            • @maybe a bot: So pretty much always use paypal, especially if one is in the process of churning and burning cards for points!

  • +3

    Real friends don't let their friends pre-order games.

    Not even once.

    • This, please.

      You have no idea if it's going to be any good. After many big name flops like fallout, mass effect etc., you're taking a fair risk pre-ordering.

  • Was gonna wait for steam release next year but this is cheap. Has to be price error so decided to preorder. Thx OP

  • +1

    Don't want the game but want to support Epic so gonna do it.

    • Lol

    • Upvote for good troll lol

  • gone, for the undecided like me :/

    • +4

      I rang my local and they said you can still get it at that price if you pre order in-store this weekend.

  • +1

    What's the deal with everyone not happy with EPIC?

    • +6

      TL;DR Practices that alienate consumers, lots of missing features present on other platforms and concerns about security

      Basically, Epic Games, the folks behind the Unreal Engine and games like Gears of War and Fortnite, released a game store late last year. While they tout that they want to be more friendly to the developers and publishers than other platforms like Steam by giving them a larger share of the sales (88% rather than Steam's 70%) and also waiving the licencing fees for Unreal Engine 4 for games that use their store, the consumer side of things have been quite the opposite, where games previously slated to launch on Steam and GOG becoming exclusive to the Epic Games Store on PC for an unspecified amount of time (generally a year, some like Borderlands are 6 months). Major titles affected are Metro Exodus (acquired after Steam preorders had been available, was meant to be cheaper to make up for the fact but it was a US exclusive deal), Borderlands 3, Shenmue 3 (which led to a massive outcry on the game's Kickstarter page), the Quantic Dream games (Heavy Rain, Beyond and Detroit), Journey, Tetris Effect (These 3 were PS3/4 exclusive until their Epic launch), The Outer Wilds (from the original Fallout and Fallout New Vegas teams), just to name the larger ones

      This is coupled with the EGS launcher lacking a lot of features from not only Steam, but other "lesser" launchers like Origin and Uplay, like achievements, download limiting, a shopping cart, cloud saves, Australian dollar support and backing up and restoring games, not to mention the Steam only features like universal controller support, Linux support, library categories, the Steamworks multiplayer framework and servers for developers, and so forth.

      Also among this is privacy and security concerns. Epic has had data breaches a couple times in the past and since Fortnite is the biggest thing on the planet there's no slowing down the hacking efforts. The privacy concerns suggest that they are spying on user's Steam data and/or reporting to Tencent (who own 40% of the company), however there is no proof to these

      Personally, I originally would have been happy to support Epic, but the constant buying up of exclusives with nothing else to give to consumers (they have missed feature deadlines for the launcher for months now according to their publicly available timeline) has just left a sour taste in my, and loads of others', mouth.

      • +1

        EGS has Aussie dollar support I'm pretty sure and Steam only added the Aussie dollar fairly recently.

        • I just had a quick look to double check this considering I only use the store for the free games so I could have been wrong, but taking a game through to checkout states clearly that the prices are in USD. Maybe they have basic AUD support for Fortnite microtransactions or something?

      • They lost me when they got a whiff of money and dropped the Unreal Tournament community without any aclnowedgement in favour of Fortnite. I get the drive for money, but steam rolling the community they had supporting and testing their development process really brought their priorities into light.

  • As a consumer, I don't like Epic; but Epic are charging publishers and developers much less for distribution both as an e-tailer and for physical key in box activations and I can respect why publishers are using them. More money in their pocket = more to invest in future games.

    I'd expect many more publishers to start shipping retail physical keys on ANY platform but Steam from now on.

    What's baffling to me is why Steam hasn't slashed their fees (even further) by now. They're losing business, and seemingly not caring.

  • +5

    This is the game with microtransactions that Randy Pitchford, who apparently thinks his customers are idiots, said has no microtransactions.

    Personally I think gamers that are supporting developers by paying for full price games that implement further monetisation are fools who are supporting the largest players in the industry ruining their own past time. While the pathetically bad gaming press publishes articles justifying making games shit.

    The game is always compromised because now the point of the game is to have you spend more money.

    • In their eyes, it can't have micro transactions if you just call them something else like 'surprise mechanics'. :p

    • +2

      The microtransactions are just skins and cosmetics, the same as in BL2. Not pay2win. You dont need to pay extra for content. lol at how blown out of proportion your post is.

      • When you buy a full pricd game I think its reasonable to expect it to have the content from the start. If years down the track a dev includes dlc that adds somthing significant to the game thats fine, but having to pay more money on top of the full price game at launch is ridiculous.

  • on amazon for 48

    • damnit, missed out!

  • +1

    Back in stock. You can again preorder the PC version for $48

  • -5

    Big discounts pre release. Not overly promising.

    • +1

      RDR2, God of War, Spiderman, Original Sin 2, Monster Hunter World, Hitman 2, Detroit are just some of the great games that went on these exact deals pre release last year.
      This doesn't say anything and is nothing new.

  • +1

    I bought Sekiro cheap on pre-order at HN.

    Still haven't played it, do i dare fall for the trap once again?


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