This was posted 5 years 7 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW, ACT] Beef Eye Fillet $15/kg + Delivery/Pickup in store @ Harris Farm


Beef Eye Fillet - wife just got back from Harris Farm with this beauty! Checked online and it looks like its available in NSW/ACT, currently ~$43/kg at Coles.

This product is a variable weight product, so the relevant quote is the $/kg price:

When you buy, you will pay for the heaviest weight quoted for this product.
Harris farm will select the product in store, will weigh it and refund you for the difference between the weight paid and the actual weight received.

We took advantage of the last deal they did on these and they delivered in a Styrofoam box with dry ice packets :)

Related Stores

Harris Farm Markets
Harris Farm Markets

closed Comments

    • +15

      move along hippie! :P

        • +12

          thanks captain planet, might want to consider a name change considering humor obviously isn't your strong suite.

        • +7

          So many atrocities committed against animals

          Yea, such as killing them to keep vegan crops safe.

          • @haru: You have no idea about the atrocities committed on animals in order to grow vegetables.

            Converting bush-land into farmland will displace all the animals that once lived there.

            82% of Australian cows feed solely on grass. You don't need to burn any bush-land to feed those cows.

            The typical plantation needs to shoots thousands of birds each year. Because most consumers want their food looking nice and without holes.

            The typical plantation needs to gas, trap or poison mice/rats. They may die horribly in uncontrolled agony.

            Any offspring of the above animals who have both their parents killed will starve slowly to death.

            The good news is you dont need to shoot birds or poison mice or other insects to protect grasslands

            A study showed that going from 1kg of bovine protein to 1 kg of plant protein would result in 25X more sentient beings that would suffer.

        • +1

          When someone deliberately hijacks a meat deal to talk about being a hippie, that makes them a hippie

        • +4

          People are unkind to spinach and potatoes also but no one talks about it…

    • +27

      If God didn’t want us to eat cows, he wouldn’t have made them out of beef

        • +2


      • -7

        With that logic we should be eating other human beings as well.
        Morals out the window as long as it's edible.

      • which God?

  • +2


    • +2

      We got Harris Scarfe but no Harris Farms

  • +1

    No longer available?

  • +1

    Been this price for a while now, the harris market near mine and near my work. sometimes even 13.99KG. They call it economy cut. Bit harder than coles/woolies eye fillet. But for the price it's spot on value for the cut.

    Would recommend getting.

    • educate me please…there's cheaper cut of eye fillet? So this is not the same as the 40+/kg version in Coles and Woolies?

  • +1

    Don't think there's delivery on this, at least not for me in Sydney.

    • I found a delivery open in the calendar for Sydney but its in 2-3 months time.

  • -1

    Hows the taste though? Is this legit eye fillet? At that price you never know.

    • +3

      lets just say tonights dinner was a damn sight better than the pasta that was planned :)

    • Had it tonight, 3rd night in a row. Nice steak, tasty and tender, you will not complain at this price.

  • it's "Economy Eye Fillet" what does this mean? vs premium or even normal Eye Fillet?

    • +5

      I believe "economy" is code for old dairy cattle. But don't let that put you off, it is still good to eat just not as tender as younger cattle.

      • +2

        In 2010 beef labelling requirements were introduced that place obligations on retailers when beef is labelled for sale. The aim of this legislation is to help consumers know more about what they're buying.

        Under these requirements beef must be categorised based on age – the youngest cuts warrant a premium price tag while the oldest cuts are the least expensive. They are categorised based on the following descriptions and ages:

        Yearling - 18 months or less
        Young - 18 months or 2.5 years
        Intermediate - 2.5 to 3 years
        Mature - 3 to 3.5 years
        Economy - 3.5 years or more

    • Bull

  • +2

    There ain't any Harris stores from Western Sydney downwards.

    • +9

      Good deals on accomodation in Mascot and Homebush tower blocks.

      • -2

        How's this relevant? no store nearby mascot

    • Ironically, according to the About Us page, the first Harris Farm store was opened in Villawood in 1971. Now they totally snob the western suburbs.

  • +2

    Also good cause offer:

    Help our drought affected farmers.
    We'll give $1 to GIVIT drought relief for every kilo of our economy beef eye fillet sold.
    Running from 24/07/19 - 30/07/19

    • -2

      What if it's not an extra $1, what if its the price they pay to the farmer for the meat. $1kg.

  • +4

    No button adding to cart

  • How does Harris Farm prices compare with Asian groceries produce and deli stores?

    • Good produce, sometimes they have good specials. But normal prices it's a bit more expensive

  • These economy beef fillets are high quality and great value of money. It has even passed the fussy wife test. Highly recommended!!

  • -1

    What a confusing price structure! What, they don't know the per kilo price of the product they are selling?

    And looking at the rest of the website (selecting "beef") as the criteria, their other products are very expensive.
    Rump, eye fillets etc… are what you'd expect them to be.
    But these "economy eye fillets" are cheaper than their chuck steak per kilo. I seriously doubt you'll be getting what's in the picture…. and if you do it's bound to be stringy as hell.

    Actual eye fillet for this cheap? Something doesn't add up. When eye fillet is $43 at Coles, I'd be very interested to hear from those buying these 'economy eye fillets' for around $20 and how they taste.

    • +1

      I saw the price display says 'saved $3'. So it seems the normal price for the "economy version" is only $18 anyway. And you are correct, it's not like in the picture. It still has a silver strip on one side and quite a bit of fat around. My guess they come from the old cow and not much labour/care in the butchering stage. But that hopefully won't affect the taste too much.

      Edit: I have had a second look at the pictures again. The second picture shows the actual product.

      • In store it says $10 off

  • Bought two pieces today, have had them before and they are good. Mind you, I never buy more expensive eye fillet so I can't compare.

    Not sure if it's glued together smaller pieces of not. Some pieces are firm with a silver strip along one side, but others are softer with just random bits of fat here and there that may be patchwork pieces?

  • It’s probably bull eye fillet. Not the best but really good value for the price. Good for stroganoff, fajitas, etc

  • dam..that's one dam tasty bargain! Any smilar way to buy from in WA? Anyone here know?

  • Seems like I can add it to my cart now, so it's working now for delivery in Sydney.

  • Website has gone back to $23.99 per kg.

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