PS3 internal HD options

Hey Ozbargain Crew,

My intention is to upgrade my PS3 internal HD. I know MSY sells some HD's that I pretty much just pop into the PS3 but being the cheap-scape that I am, I don't want my 80gb HD sitting in the PS3 to go to waste.

I was thinking about buying a USB powered 2.5" HD and swap the internal disks. That way I can upgrade my PS3 and also have a spare working 80Gb USB HD.

Any thoughts or if you can confirm that the following HDs are compatible would be very helpful. Is the case easy to open, I really want to avoid smashing it open if it doesn't have screws.……



  • Is capacity the only thing you're looking to upgrade?
    Because if you buy a 7200rpm one, it'll load stuff faster.
    I don't think any external hard drives come with 7200rpms inside.

    Also apparently according to some guy:

    There are two problems with this. First, most 2.5” external drives now use special versions of laptop drives with the USB connector onboard, so they’re not compatible with SATA devices. Second, current models of 1TB 2.5” drives are 12.5mm thick and won’t physically fit in a PS3.

  • Thanks for your quick reply.

    I've heard of the heat issues concerned with 7200rpm drives so I rather stick with 5400rpm. I'm worried if the drive is 12mm instead of the PS3 standard 9.5mm. Any ideas on that ?

    • Stick with 500gb and you can't go wrong. There are bigger standard sized drives available but I guess you just gotta measure them or simply ask. Speed increase wouldn't be significant with 7200 anyway.

      • Thanks mate. I might pop into DSE and ask. I hope the staff know their products well enough to help me

        • dont go to dse to get one, a simple search on ebay will show you suitable drives to replace the hdd in your ps3 with, the only thing you need to worry about is making sure the hdd you install is formatted to fat32 and to be careful with the screws taking them out.

          for less confusion there are plenty of how to guides on the net

  • i have bought this for my ps3 -… - works great (I did a backup to usb external disk on PS3 and restored after changing the HDD)

    • thanks, I was about to buy it but they are out of stock.

  • I got a WD Blue 500GB and put that into my PS3. Bought a cheapie USB2 2.5" case off ebay to put the 40GB PS3 HDD into and it works fine.

  • i got a 500gb western digital blue if ur interested.. didnt use it for long as i put it in my macbook and annoyed me due to it being 5400rpm. shoot me a msg if ur interested. =)

  • i have a phat 60gb, replaced it with a 160gb 5400rpm but it kaput. so now i have a 7200rpm 320gb notebook hdd bought from ebay. works great.
    bought from this seller exact same item.…

  • What do you guys put on the HDD anyway?
    Is it because of music, videos and photos that you guys put the larger HDDs in?
    Cause I'm just gaming on my PS3 and a 40GB has done me fine (but I'm wondering if I need a bigger HDD for the 2 free games they're offering)

    Also I'm just curious, but has anyone shoved a SSD into the PS3 yet? lol

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