Just sharing who is interesting for the Apple Watch series 3, just sign up the life insurance at RAC , trying to be more active to reaching Silver status for rewarding the Apple Watch for both of us!!!
[WA] Free Apple Watch for Joining RAC Life Insurance When Reaching Silver Status on AIA Vitality

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Only if you're in healthy ranges. Outside is 3000
Have to be WA Resident to qualify.
I think the title is slightly misleading. Joining alone will not qualify you for a free watch. There are activities you'd need to do to 'earn' it.
You to to reach silver status with AIA to qualify for the watch; which is relatively easy to do. The online quizzes alone will get you half way there. Sucks that this is for WA residents only.
oh man - WA only…
no WAy
No mention of 38mm or 42mm in the small-print. I’m gonna say it’s the 38mm. Also by the time you get this in September, it’ll be two-generations behind.
guessing not cellular either.
guessing theres some fine prin5 too like must be a member for 3 months etc
only WA :(
Hang on… where does it say WA only?
first questions
Currently residing permanently in Western Australia
Looks very easy to achieve, a bit too easy for my liking, insurance companies run for profit.
This is too much work for lazy ass
cheapest one is $17.41 per month, have to stay with 3 months ( let's say 4 to get the watch ) $52.23 - $69.64 to get a $399 watch. seems ok ..
I signed up, did the whole questionnaire thing and when I input my payment details on the website it said something about a network error and when I refreshed it took me back to step 1, 10/10
yeh credit card payment failed, but just did direct debit fortnightly,
Dont really want an old model apple watch but love a bargain…mmm can I be bothered.
What if I'm already an AIA member who is almost at silver status? Still eligible?
What about if we don't have any device to capture how many walks we have done?
Do all the quizzes and health assessment, that's more than enough points…
Got my 10,000, self report and the health check at chemist. Now to wait..
Nice little bonus got my $20 and $40 rewards Woolies gift cards for vitality for getting to silver 10,000 status..
Has anyone found out if this is a 38mm or 42mm watch or do you get to choose?
OKay, Finally reached 10k points. Haven't heard anything about an Apple Watch so far.. Have contacted support, will update with an answer.
Do we need to link our device in order for them to keep track the steps? Which device will be qualified as Approved?
Fitbit, Garmin, Google Fit, Polar, Strava
Yep those are the devices supported as mentioned by maxchange. However you can connect Applications which support other devices, such as Strava: supports Apple Watch and Samsung Gear. I did not bother connecting any of my devices as you can get over 10k just through quizzes and medical exam, and the points you get through doing exercise is a mediocre amount.
Cheers, I was wondering if I need to buy such device as I don't have one
@yht: You could always use the activity tracker on your phone if you are going for a walk/run/cycle/etc linked to Strava etc.
have you heard back yet?
Yes only this morning actually! I made the mistake of contacting AIA support instead of Rac though. "For your clarification we have never run a competition involving points and Apple Watches as a prize."
Contacted RAC now…What did RAC say?
Any reply from RAC yet?
"As long as you were a direct recipient of the email advising of the Apple watch promotion, you are eligible to be sent your Apple Watch if you hold the policy for three months and achieve AIA Vitality Silver status within that period.
Once the three month period has passed you will be sent out the watch, please allow up to two weeks for delivery."
Looks like this is targeted guys. RIP. You still get a $40 woolies voucher so you make profit. I got $60 voucher could've been a glitch.
yup got the same email, and 2nd confirmed email just in case.
definitely targeted, should update post.
I just contacted RAC life insurance after reaching silver status. The guy on the phone said I won't be getting an apple watch because it's only eligible for people that have been specifically invited by RAC. He referred to the following terms and conditions; "Offer only available to addressee of RAC email direct communications, RAC members and new AIA Vitality members only."
I feel like I should be eligible. Anyone else got their apple watch?
That is sucks ! Are you RAC member ? If so, it should be in their July's member benefit email and I believe it is for all RAC members.
Well I use my father's name to insure my car with RAC because it's cheaper. I pay for it though and all communications come to my email. I just checked and I did receive the apple watch promo email but wondering if I can refer to that as it's in my father's name…
hey mate, can you please forward the promo email to me as I can't seem to find July's but all other months. thanks
Yes, luckily I happen to be a memeber, and I just told them I 'couldn't find the email' and to please let me know if I was in the mailing list.
Hi anyone who has reached the 10K points, I was wondering, what would be the most difficult activity to reach the maximum points ? What if you have a medium cholestrol, a high blood pressure and don't record walking, running, etc activities ? And I assume the total point within 3 months won't be 10K. What else that you can do to reach 10K points ?
Cheersdid you get the rac email regarding the promotion - if not you wont be eligible for the watch.
ps . i got to 10k points easily with standard med check and doing the quiz'sI did receive the monthly email from RAC as part of their monthly email. Btw, do you know how the points works ? I mean if you are a very healthy person, you could get 10K points easily, but if you have cholestrol and high blood pressure, how much point you will lose ?
not sure on that one regarding how much you lose.
signed up early but wasn't targeted, ( initially didn't know i needed to )
confirmed via email i wouldn't get the watch.
called up and cancelled insurance, they actually advised within 1 month so they will refund full amount of payments made. have now received all my payments back.
Worked out infront as i had already received the $60 woolies vouchers from AIA.
Getting free full health check was good too.how can we get targeted? i was about to sign up
hey, turns out me and my wife are both targeted…
I'm now at the Silver status, just emailed to see what the next step is.
I guess wait for the next 3 months ?
Yep, got my reply they review at 3 month mark. I have the email for the offer so now to wait and see which series/size of watch it is…
Reached 10k within 2 weeks by having health checks, smoking declaration, flu vaccine, dental checks and surveys. Anyone is going to 20k ? If so, what thinga that you can do easily and free? Will do eye check, but only 1k points, seems there is no further tests that I can do as I am not 50 as yet.
So far got $60 wish gc, paying premium about $18 per month.
Pretty much have to do that to guarantee you'll qualify