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DeLonghi - DL2401TF - Oil Filled Radiator - 2400W $149 @ Bing Lee

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The DeLonghi DL2401TF features 2400 watts of portable design, with multiple heat settings enabling you pick the heat setting that's right for you ensuring you're warm in any room. Features: The DeLonghi DL2401TF features 2400 watts of portable design, with multiple heat settings enabling you pick the heat setting that's right for you ensuring you're warm in any room. 500W additional fan heater to increase heat and uniformly distribute warm air in the room.

Brand: De'Longhi
Heat source: Combustion
Type: Portable
Feature: Oil Filled, With Thermostat, With Automatic Shut‑off

Product Review rated 4 out of 5 start from 55 reviews.

Best price I've seen for this model. I hope you enjoy.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Only buy these if you're renting and no other choice - 2400w will absolutely punish your power bill.

    Longer term, split system reverse cycle A/C will be much more efficient using probably 1/4 to 1/5 of the power to achieve the same heat, and bonus is can cool in summer.

    • Oh dear. Assuming our next quarter after winter bill will be a big one.

      Bought a 2400 oil and have it on a timer.

      • +7

        Username will check out

      • +1

        If you are curious, get a watt meter for fun. Will give you a rough idea of how much it is costing you to run.

    • +1

      All portables have this drawback.

      • +2

        Portable A/C are also inefficient due to their design I agree. I'm talking about fixed split system air conditioners.

        • +1

          I agree…all portable things tend to be inefficient. If you can install a split system, you totally should.

      • +14

        That's right, a portable heater can only turn 1kw of electricity into 1kw of heat.

        A modern split system inverter air conditioner (Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, etc) can turn 1kw of electricity into 5kw of heat. ie 500% efficient.

        Look it up - Coefficient of Performance.

        • +2

          🤦‍♂️ Today I learned.

    • +5

      Agree but they do have a use. Maybe you've got a room or two where split systems can't be installed or if they can the payback on a split system could be a very long time depending on use. Just because it can do 2400 watts doesnt mean you have to crank it that high. It also doesnt need to be on 24 hours a day. If you don't need cooling and only heat for a few months of the year, oil heaters can be a better choice.

  • +2

    Great finding OP, just bought 5.

  • -5

    You know there is this incredibly efficient, environmentally friendly way to heat yourself up. Plus after you buy it, it does require any electricity to keep it going… It's called a jacket

    • going to wash it by hand then?

      • An average cold wash costs less than 10c and you can throw it in with other clothes. Plus if you buy the right one you don't need to wash too often

        • Do a warm wash every now and then so your washing machine doesn’t clog and die.

  • Expensive! About third of the cost at Bunnings (buy a $10 fan with it if you think it actually helps), e.g.…

    • A fan heater is too noisy to run overnight whilst sleeping.

      An oil filled radiator can be set on low overnight and keeps the chill off the room.

      I personally use an electric convector heater overnight which is silent to run. A split system creates too much noise that I cannot sleep with.

      The average usage overnight for my heater is 500 Watts per hour so about 4kWh overnight or about 500kWh over winter.

  • +3

    2400Watts at 34c/kWh is 81.6c per hour to run this.

    3.5 hours a day for say.. 180 days a year = $514 per year to run this. $5,140 over ten years.

    Like any of these electrical heaters advertised here, this 'bargain' might save you $30 up front or something but compared to the annual running costs $30 either way is peanuts.

    Compare to reverse cycle air con which would produce the same heat for about $100-150 per year.

      • Tell it to a wood fireplace

      • Wrong. Split system A/C is 4-5 times more efficient than plug in heaters. Do some research!

      • to produce the same heat should use the same electricity no matter what


        But air-con will transfer heat rather than produce.

      • +1

        That's only true for a closed system. 1st law of thermodynamics and all that. A 2000W bar heater heats the room the same as a 2000W oil heater or indeed any device like 2000W worth of computers or indeed 2000W worth of air conditioner _IF that air conditioner was entirely enclosed in the room. All any of these devices is doing is converting electrical energy in to thermal energy and so any heater that is enclosed in a room is exactly as 'efficient' as any other.. correct.

        HOWEVER the aircon, like a refrigerator is a heat pump. So while the 1st law holds (it still converts 2000W worth of electrical energy in to heat energy while running the pumps etc) in this case the closed system of indoors PLUS outdoors. BUT an air con is not a simple electrical energy -> heat converter. It is creating a temperature difference via the refrigeration cycle (in reverse) it is 'pumping' heat from outside to inside. So while the total system (inside+outside) is still getting 2000W of thermal energy, essentially it is cooling down outside to heat up inside resulting in the much more thermal energy inside the room. In this way it produces typically around 4.5x as much heat in your room for the same input of electrical energy.

        So yeah.. it is good that you know some basic physics and all but sometimes knowing a little bit can lead you astray. I'm sure you can wiki 'heat pumps' if you want to know more.

  • +4

    I have this model. The fan is useless. Get the cheaper version without the fan. We use it for about 4 hours a night in the living room with all the doors closed. These are the most cost effective portable solution. The thermostat means the heater temporarily shuts off and the residual heat in the oil keeps radiating heat for about 20 minutes before it switches back on. This saves a bit of power. Once the room is warm you can switch it from high to medium and turn the dial down so it cycles on and off at the desired temp. Uses about 5kwh ($0.2222 per kWh fixed rate energy Australia) a night which for us is $1.11 a night to run. It added about $60ish dollars to our bill last winter. With the fan off it draws 1800 watts according to my power metre.

    • Still quite expensive to run given it's only heating one room and using 5kwh.

      Also there's no free lunch here with the cycling on/off and oil radiating heat. When the heater is first turned on, you get nothing for 10 minutes as the oil is heating up. This oil is really just a 'battery' of heat. It doesn't give bonus heat or anything compared to a fan heater. The benefit lies only in that it smoothes out the heating, so you don't get too hot, then too cold that you'd get with a fan heater cycling on/off.

      If you can't install a split system A/C, then yes, oil heater is the most comfortable form of plug in heater. But running costs of a fan heater and oil heater will be the same. All plug in heaters have the same efficiency, despite what the advertising says (ie ceramic heaters claim they are more efficient).

      • -2

        LOL now you know All plug in heaters have the same efficiency. You are a fast learner :)

        • Huh? When did I say they didn't??

          • @placard: split system reverse cycle A/C will be much more efficient using probably 1/4 to 1/5 of the power to achieve the same heat

            • @RichardF89: But noisy if used in the bedroom at night

            • @RichardF89: A split system reverse cycle A/C is not a plug in electric heater though. I never said different plug in electric heaters are different efficiencies.

  • +2

    Who needs a heater when you can stay warm reading all the toasty comments on ozbargain

  • Try and give one of these away. No one will take them. Number 1 hard rubbish item!

    • I'll take it. Why not. Would save me $149. :-)

      • Drive around on hard rubbish day..I guarantee you will find plenty. I left mine at my old job 3 years ago, apparently they are still there!

        • definitely not a working one and there's lots of tight people out there.

          • @tempura: I guarantee there will be 3 working units on the next hard rubbish collection. Mates turfing his after finding the cost to run them. If you're in SA and want them send me a PM. But honestly, don't use these. A crappy 1200w blow heater from Kmart is more efficient.

  • +1

    I had a DC Dimplex oil heater also at 2400W and sold it cos it too added heaps to my power bill. I have to agree with the split system air con comments.

    • How much does split system cost to operate? We used to have central ducted gas heating, and would cost us around $600 a quarter to run. 3 space heaters (like these - 2400 watt oil column heaters) were about the same, but didn't suffer the gas supply charges over summer (when we weren't using gas, because nothing else in the house ran on it).

      I didn't find them terribly inefficient compared to the central gas system. Way less convenient though, and not fast to heat up a space.

      Can't much see the point of the fan on the end though.

      • Split system cant remember but every quarter it was only like 30/40 bucks. Oil was like 70/80 or even higher.

        Cons are like you said takes ages to heat up rooms. And oil gets toasty warm to the point of death like feeling haha.

        • +2

          30/40 bucks lol…I want your winters!

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