I'm looking to get some 18650 Li-ion batteries. I need decent quality, and I want protection circuits inside the cells (i.e. I don't want my house to burn down while charging). They are for a bike light/torch. I don't quite trust Aliexpress or the like, and ebay sellers can be hit and miss. I saw this post https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/433850 but doesn't really discuss quality or safety. Any pointers?
Where to Get Decent Quality Protected 18650 Li-ion Batteries

How? Do you need a soldering iron?
Where do you get old laptop batteries?
hard rubbish, discarded laptops, garage sales, ebay, gumtree, talk to computer shops, etc
There's not too many brands that make quality cells, Panasonic and Sanyo come to mind. here's an old, but probably still relevant test.
I've bought many from aliexpress & ebay and have had no probs with panasonic 18650 2900-3400mah batteries.
If you're running them in a torch you probably want to be using the type that are made for high draw devices. Depends on your torch but if in doubt just buy the high draw ones rather than clowning around with old laptop batteries and such.
You'll want to look for Samsung 30Q (pink ones) or LG HG2 (brown). If you buy from a vape shop then anything they are selling will be a reputable high draw battery so whatever is cheapest, but if you buy them elsewhere keep an eye out for thee two models they're rated highly by torch enthusiasts. Best place to buy these is from any vape shops, you won't find any bargains doing this but they will be much more likely to be genuine. The 18650 market is full of chinese counterfeit batteries where they're selling dodgy cells as quality brand/models. All you need to do to counterfeit a battery is heat shrink it so if you buy from aliexpress or ebay expect fakes. Your care factor here may be different depending on whether your torch is any good or not and whether or not you need high draw batteries.
Something to consider is whether or not your torch receives flat top or button top batteries, google image that. Vape places usually sell flat tops, don't reckon I've ever seen a button top but then I'm not buying those.
https://www.fasttech.com/category/1420/batteriesactually that may not be valid anymore. Looks like there's been some change to shipping laws around lithium batteries
More information here http://budgetlightforum.com/node/63587
I get my 18650 batteries from supersport600
https://www.ozbargain.com.au/search/node/supersport600%20typ…He also gives good, considered advice when you ask any questions.
Agree with supersport600. When I was vaping 18650 mods he got all my business :)
get a decent charger like the Liitokala Lii-500 and recovery 18650 batteries from an old laptop battery.
laptop batteries "die" when 1 cell drops below a certain level of performance.
the remaining cells are fine and (if it is a genuine battery) the 18650 cells will be a quality branded product.
i've recovered ~200 cells this way. i use them in battery packs. never had an issue. and i know from testing the cells in the charger what their real capacity is.