[Free] The Lion King OST on Spotify

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Ah Zabenya…..

To my fellow adults (aka inner-kids). Enjoy the Official Sound Track from The Lion King on Spotify (free) or Apple Music (subscription). Alternatively you may purchase a copy for $19.99 at JB Hi-Fi.

Hakuna Matata, you are all welcome

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  • +7

    How is this a deal?

  • +1

    Listen to every song on Spotify (free) or Apple Music (subscription)

  • +5

    Might start posting every album that comes out as a deal if this is a deal.

  • +1

    This is not a deal since basically every album on Spotify is free on a shuffling account.

  • Meh..

  • +1

    If downvotes require a comment, then upvotes should too.

  • +3

    OP everyone is acting like this is dumb and not a deal but it reminds me that you can even watch the actual film the Lion King for free if you turn on your TV and it's airing at the time.

  • +11

    [Free] 6pm News on Channel 9 every day

      • +1

        how old are you mate?

      • [Free] 8.30 PM Snatched on Channel 7.
        $10.38 at JB Hifi so it's 100% bargain.

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