Convert your Suncorp debit card into Apple Pay. Tap twice to receive a $20 E gift card ( As seen on eftpos Facebook page ) Ends 19/8/2019 valid to the first 2500 people
Receive a Free $20 Gift Card When Converting Your Suncorp Debit Card into Apple Pay

Last edited 16/07/2019 - 22:57 by 1 other user
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all good. thanks.
Registration Success. Thanks!
Last time I used eftpos via Apple Pay it hung the payment terminal.
The terminal was too slow for your ninja speed.
Yes some out of date older devices had some issues with eftpos contactless most of those should be solved now and less it's an albert terminal.
I thought tap or Apple Pay would always be a credit transaction by using visa debit? Or can you tap with eftpos now?
If your card is a debit card, it would be an eftpos transactions. Guess it would be a three way agreement, i.e. Apple, eftpos and the bank.
Yeah I mean, normally if it’s an eftpos transaction I don’t usually tap and it’s swipe or insert and it’s an instant transaction (not pending). When I use V/MC debit (via Apple Pay), it’s always pending transaction. So I’m curious how the EFT/ Apple Pay thing will work. Guess I’ll just try it in store.
G14Classified: I thought tap or Apple Pay would always be a credit transaction by using visa debit? Or can you tap with eftpos now?
You've been able to tap with eftpos for at least two years now if you've had the correct card in Apple Pay.
Dottiedoo: If your card is a debit card, it would be an eftpos transactions. Guess it would be a three way agreement, i.e. Apple, eftpos and the bank.
Actually most debit cards are considered Visa or Mastercard you would need to have an eftpos only card in Apple Pay or a dual network card that supports both currently only two banks offer this ANZ and Suncorp.
G14Classified: Yeah I mean, normally if it’s an eftpos transaction I don’t usually tap and it’s swipe or insert and it’s an instant transaction (not pending). When I use V/MC debit (via Apple Pay), it’s always pending transaction. So I’m curious how the EFT/ Apple Pay thing will work. Guess I’ll just try it in store.
Same is your physical card, but you will need to make sure you're using the eftpos function which if it's not present on your card because you've already added it to Apple Pay before the functionality was rolled out you will need to remove it and re-add it.
Normal debit cards go via Visa or Mastercard depending on the card type and normally go on pending first. eftpos cards via Apple Pay do the same thing as when using it inserted on dual network card but like a normal eftpos transaction they clear immediately same as when you're using the physical card.
An update: it's not recommended to remove and re-add your card as you may experience problems if you're not running iOS version 11.4.1 or higher. When trying to add the card back in to get the dual network card functionality which adds eftpos SAV
Ia it free to open up a Suncorp bank account with the debit card?
Yes it is and they've also extended the offer on one of their paid accounts to make it free as well however I don't think you might get your physical card in time to meet the requirements to pay out on this competition.
If your card is a debit card, it would be an eftpos transactions. Guess it would be a three way agreement, i.e. Apple, eftpos and the bank.
I dont think so, even with debit card most banks still only offer the default visa/mc option. When you add the suncorp card you actually see 2 rows, one visa one SAV, pretty different from the others.
Havent tried it yet but my guess is that when you tap your card you will be able to see the selection menu like when you insert a chip card.Have been using Suncorp debit card on Apple Pay since the beginning of this year. Never been asked for such options.
I have debit card and credit card both saved for Apple Pay. You just tap, select the card you wish to pay from, and confirm (same confirming way as you pay for the apple App Store).Dottiedoo: Have been using Suncorp debit card on Apple Pay since the beginning of this year. Never been asked for such options.
That's because it's a new feature that was added to cards and it can't be pushed out to existing cards you'll need to remove and re-add your card to Apple Pay and the functionality will show up.
Dottiedoo: I have debit card and credit card both saved for Apple Pay. You just tap, select the card you wish to pay from, and confirm (same confirming way as you pay for the apple App Store).
Yeah this card offers different options and allows you to make a transaction go through the eftpos network.
@tonyduffe: An update: it's not recommended to remove and re-add your card as you may experience problems if you're not running iOS version 11.4.1 or higher. When trying to add the card back in to get the dual network card functionality which adds eftpos SAV
Dottiedoo: > If your card is a debit card, it would be an eftpos transactions. Guess it would be a three way agreement, i.e. Apple, eftpos and the bank.
No in most situations that's a Visa Mastercard.
truetypezk: I dont think so, even with debit card most banks still only offer the default visa/mc option. When you add the suncorp card you actually see 2 rows, one visa one SAV, pretty different from the others.
Correct this new type of card available in Apple Pay started with ANZ and was recently provided at Suncorp as well. It allows you to choose eftpos on your Visa debit card without having an eftpos only card in Apple Pay it essentially makes the card work the same way as a physical card that is a dual network card.
truetypezk: Havent tried it yet but my guess is that when you tap your card you will be able to see the selection menu like when you insert a chip card.
Yep however you want to make sure that you don't authorise the transaction as it will go through the default setting mechanism on the card if you do so. E.g. make sure you don't authenticate with touch ID or face ID before you make the selection on the card.
An update: it's not recommended to remove and re-add your card as you may experience problems if you're not running iOS version 11.4.1 or higher. When trying to add the card back in to get the dual network card functionality which adds eftpos SAV
This looks like a pretty convoluted promo just to get people to know how to use eftpos with ApplePay. Why do people use eftpos anyway? I only use it when I need to receive a refund because it shows up instantly, dont really see any benefits when making a purchase.
This looks like a pretty convoluted promo just to get people to know how to use eftpos with ApplePay.
It can be if you've already used Suncorp and Apple Pay before they rolled the functionality out. Which unfortunately is going to be a lot of the people on here. As they have probably done previous Apple Pay and signup bonus related offers from Suncorp this functionality was only added on 7 May 2019 so if you added your card before then you didn't get the eftpos functionality in Apple Pay.
Why do people use eftpos anyway? I only use it when I need to receive a refund because it shows up instantly, dont really see any benefits when making a purchase.
I only use it to avoid surcharges!
@truetypezk: Oh yeah and I forgot the obvious one to get stupid egift card offers.
Now to get an iDevice…well, not an iPad, at any rate.
Can I open acc and still get offer?
I don't see why not but you'll need to add the debit card to your iPhone wallet before you can register for the promotion (as it's asking for the device number) so you may run out of time as it's only open to the first 2,500 registrations!
Yeah by the time you get ur card it will surely run out so maybe dont waste your time.
Agreed I don't think you would get the card in time to be honest.
Thanks for the reply’s..I will leave it
How do I add my eftpos card? I can only see my VISA card?
You need to remove the card that you already have an Apple Pay and re-add it it it'll show up as a second option on the card you have re-added to Apple Pay.
An update: it's not recommended to remove and re-add your card as you may experience problems if you're not running iOS version 11.4.1 or higher. When trying to add the card back in to get the dual network card functionality which adds eftpos SAV
Suncorp why are you leaving Android users out? :(
I'm concerned about this form being on domain. Is this known to be associated with SunCorp ?
Seems to be owned by Nick Sims, at EDGE LOYALTY SYSTEMS PTY LTD, a business in South Yarra, VIC
I've spoken to the Suncorp rep on Facebook because I entered the wrong device number (entered Visa device number) and he recognised the promo
What is the response from the rep, ok to enter the Visa device number instead?
He told me to contact them using this link…
It's a genuine competition the official page the OP should have linked to is this one
Yeah this website looks shadey as hell. Has anyone come across a direct link from a Suncorp website?
The link that you are sent to from the Facebook and Instagram ads is this one I don't know why the OP didn't include that is the deal link
Ok thank you!
You need to select eftpos SAV when you pay with your debit card to be eligible to this offer.
1. Open Apple Pay
2. Select your card
3. Double Cick to pay (on my iPhone XS)
4. There'll be two Payment Option (VISA/MC and eftpos SAV) - VISA will be the default selection, so need to change it to eftpos SAVCorrect which also means if you have the card in Apple Pay before this functionality was rolled out you need to remove your card and re-added before the eftpos SAV option will show up.
An update: it's not recommended to remove and re-add your card as you may experience problems if you're not running iOS version 11.4.1 or higher. When trying to add the card back in to get the dual network card functionality which adds eftpos SAV
Thanks this addresses a question I had previously!
Thank you OP, this card has paid dividends many times over!
Can I add more than 1 Suncorp debit card?
Okay. It says one entry per person per device.
I just did two transactions, one at Coles and one at woolies using the self serve checkouts. At no point was I able to select eftpos savings. What am I doing wrong?
When you open the app, select the Suncorp card. Underneath the picture of the Suncorp card, you can select eftpos sav
no such option came up for me at all :(
Yeah looks like you possibly had your card added to Apple Pay before the functionality was rolled out unfortunately you will need to remove your card and re-add it to Apple Pay and then do your two transactions again making sure you choose the eftpos SAV option which will now be present.
@tonyduffe: yep. just removed my card, tried to add it again and it's saying i have to update iOS before i can proceed. can't do that.
Me neither — all I can see is my VISA Debit card…
It should have, all apple pay should have this function.Just go into your card setup, there is a PAYMENT OPTION - VISA and eftpos SAV, tick the efpos SAV as system defaut it to Visa.
iPwnJ00: For me I never added it to Apple Pay until today.
How did you add it to Apple Pay if you use the Suncorp App, you'll need to do it manually by scanning the card.
tdw: yep. just removed my card, tried to add it again and it's saying i have to update iOS before i can proceed. can't do that.
What iOS version are you running… That is quite possible that you would need to update as it definitely wasn't available in earlier iOS versions. However it sounds like you may be a fair way behind.
AllWins: It should have, all apple pay should have this function.Just go into your card setup, there is a PAYMENT OPTION - VISA and eftpos SAV, tick the efpos SAV as system defaut it to Visa.
Unfortunately there's only two banks that have this set up ANZ and now Suncorp.
tdw: 10.2.1 i was able to add my card earlier this year.
Yeah I'm going to say that's going to be your issue, the reason why you can't add it is this card is different now and requires additional functionality that was added to iOS to support it interestingly it doesn't just fall back to adding a non-dual-network card.
I was going to suggest to get your card up and running minus eftpos functionality use the Suncorp App to load the card virtually but that app requires iOS 10.3
@tdw: Yeah you would need the new version to put your card back on though.
I guess you can always try it won’t give you the functionality required to complete the offer but it least get you back to the way you were before you remove the card.
Suncorp App >> Money >> next to “your accounts” tap “manage” then go to “manage cards” the card in question and then you may be presented with the option to add your card to Apple Pay virtually if the app is new enough.
An update: it's not recommended to remove and re-add your card as you may experience problems if you're not running iOS version 11.4.1 or higher. When trying to add the card back in to get the dual network card functionality which adds eftpos SAV.
@tonyduffe: I’m on IOS 12.2 and had no problems removing and re-adding a card, however keep in mind your device account number changes when you do that which means you need to contact their support to allow you to register the new device account number for the promo.
Slo20: I’m on IOS 12.2 and had no problems removing and re-adding a card.
From my testing because I have a lot of older devices with different versions of iOS anyone running "iOS version 11.4.1 or higher." Should not experience any issues with adding their card back.
Slo20: however keep in mind your device account number changes when you do that which means you need to contact their support to allow you to register the new device account number for the promo.
Correct good catch if you have registered for the promo before removing your card yes you will need to contact them and get that rectified. As you're correct that number will change. Use the contact form on the competition entry website.
Thanks OP!
is it just one $20 credit per person or mobile number apple device or if you have multiple cards can you register them all for promo with same mobile number? do business debit cards also qualify too?
Per mobile number.
yes its per mobile number and i can confirm that business debit cards also qualify too. does anyone know if you can order business cards for employees?
Just received notification of my egift card and claimed it after making my two purchases yesterday. Retailers to choose from are: Rebel Sport, Super Cheap Auto, Myer or BCF.
Same here. The transactions yesterday didn't hit the account until today. As soon as the transactions hit the account I got the notification.
can confirm the same thing happened for me.
I just hit two transactions but still no notification. Is it through email or sms?
Received an SMS the day following my purchases.
Weird I still haven’t receive any sms. Just hit 2 transactions about 8 hours ago
@overule: Hi Overule, did you get the SMS at the end? I think I am on the same boat as you. Still didn’t get the SMS.
I have 2 cards link to 2 mobile numbers but using one IPhone. I got my first SMS voucher the day after I completed 2 transactions . Didn’t get the the SMS message for the second card.
@Barginer: Yes I got it the following Monday. I have to ask them to reset my detail because I entered the wrong eftpos number.
@overule: Thanks Overule. Did you call them or email? Do you have to do 2 more new transactions to qualify?
I’ve removed and re-added my card and can’t seem to get the EFT option. I called up suncorp and was told that I can only use it at a merchant that give me an option to select an EFT option and it is not an option on my phone. I’m not completely sold. Can anyone confirm if I can use it at a self serve check out at Coles/woolies? I think I’m just having issues adding the new Apple Pay features to my phone.
Yes you can use it at any place that accepts Apple Pay. Used mine at Coles and Woolies.
Option to select eftpos will be on your device.
Did you have any issues when re-adding the card?
Didn’t try to re-add the card as it worked the first time I added them.
Don't follow iOS prompts to readd a previously removed/added card. Re-scan the card or manually put in the card details again.
forumninja: Don't follow iOS prompts to readd a previously removed/added card. Re-scan the card or manually put in the card details again.
Correct you can't do it using the prompts to readd card you have to do it all over again manually and you can't do it from in the Suncorp app, Completely manually re-scan your card and add it to Apple Pay that way.
Remember as I noted above.
tonyduffe: An update: it's not recommended to remove and re-add your card as you may experience problems if you're not running iOS version 11.4.1 or higher. When trying to add the card back in to get the dual network card functionality which adds eftpos SAV.
@tonyduffe: I also find that even if you manually add the card to iPhone, it then prompts you to add the card to the Apple Watch. If you add the card through that without manually entering the details again, eftpos will not be available on the watch. To get eftpos on the watch, you have to add it manually.
G14Classified: I called up suncorp and was told that I can only use it at a merchant that give me an option to select an EFT option and it is not an option on my phone. I’m not completely sold.
Your suspicions are correct they have given you the wrong advice. The pictures on the official page show you how the selection works, large version of the image here
G14Classified: Can anyone confirm if I can use it at a self serve check out at Coles/woolies?
Yes you can once the card is loaded onto your device correctly.
Where do I find my 4 digit Device ID? Searched this forum without luck.
after adding your card, tap on the little (i) at the bottom right of your screen.
scroll down until you see Device Account Number.
there should be two; make sure it's the EFTPOS SAV one
Thanks OP, only did my purchases on Friday so thought I might have been too late to the party, but to my surprise got the text this morning (Monday) congratulating me and providing me a link for the $20 voucher. Was hoping to get a supermarket voucher but only Rebel, Myer, Supercheap and BCF available, ah well, beggers can't be choosers! Thanks again!
I tapped twice last Friday but haven't had the voucher yet.
I contacted Suncorp and they said as per the terms and conditions the voucher will be sent on 26 Aug??PROMOTION PERIOD
- The Promotion commences at 9.00am (AEST) on 8th July 2019 and closes at 11:59pm (AEST) on 19th August 2019 (“Promotion Period”) with final gifts awarded on 26th August 2019 in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
I contacted Suncorp and they said as per the terms and conditions the voucher will be sent on 26 Aug??
I don't think that person understands the terms and conditions.
with final gifts awarded on 26th August 2019 in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
As far as I can tell that's just stating that they will have all "gifts" sent out that are completed before the close date of 19 August. By 26 August.
Based on personal experience it's been paid out with in a couple of days of completing your transactions.
You did register your device correctly before making your transactions? and you did insure that you were using the eftpos SAV? function on a dual network card in Apple Pay? Which if your card has been pre-existing in Apple Pay you may not have had the functionality of the dual network card immediately in Apple Pay. Which could mean you may need to remove the card and re-adding it back to get the functionality by completely scanning the card manually.
Otherwise it could be quite possible that they've already paid out to 2,500 people which this offer is restricted to the first of.
adding card to iwallet fails, repeatedly. phone and watch.
whatevs.What device? and operating system version are you running?
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Also thought I would note as I've actually completed the offer already You only get a gift card and you're only given 4 options as far as we can tell rebel, myer, supercheap and BCF. So something to keep in mind.
thanks for the heads-up. myer seems to be the best option as you [should] be able to buy a coles myer group card with it.
Can anyone confirm this for us whether you could buy a Coles Myer gift card with the $20 gift card?
Not that I know. Happy to be corrected. tdw said "should" which is as good as "don't know".
Thanks OP - just checking how long after putting through the 2 transactions did it take for you to receive the gift card?
It was relatively quick. Last transaction was done on Saturday and had received the text message by Monday before midday. It may be quicker during the week.