Anyone know someone who can write a good cover letter for a reasonable price (less than $30) ?
I am in Sydney.
Thanks in advance.
Anyone know someone who can write a good cover letter for a reasonable price (less than $30) ?
I am in Sydney.
Thanks in advance.
for a job
What job?
Are you talking about somebody to make a resume or CV?
Or just a covering letter?
Is the job in communications? :-D
Just a cover letter
In a transport industry
I had someone professionally write for me a cover letter last year when going for a job and I was hired in the interview because of how well written the cover letter was! (I still had to back it up with my interview skills.)
She was $150 but from that one page cover letter, has got me the dream job that i wanted and only had to have one interview. I highly recommend her, but seems to be way out of your price range.
but seriously though,
if you think back to it $150 is not alot to get to your dream job
but to OP
just having a good covering letter may not get you the job(unlike Tuhan, who is VERY lucky!)
A cover letter for what? :-)