Free eBook - 7 Keto Cold Brew Smoothie Recipes to Kick Start Your Day

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This new super simple morning coffee habit Is the upgraded route to Bulletproof results… without exercising or drinking butter!

Trade in your morning bulletproof coffee for these delicious keto smoothies.

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What fuel are you running on?

Likely, your answer is carbs, like starches, fruit, and other sugars.

When you walk, or talk, or simply move through your daily routine, you are burning energy, and typically most people get their energy from Dietary Carbohydrates

Much of the time, especially with the modern-day heavy-carb diet, your energy comes from carbohydrates. These are sugars and starches, which are broken down into glucose, which is then used by the body for energy.

Unfortunately, excess glucose that is not fully used as energy converts to glycogen which is then stored as fat.

"Carb overload" is believed by many experts to be the #1 cause for overweight and obesity today.

As you probably know, people living in modern countries are fatter than ever before, in the US for example, 1/3 of all people are obese.

You may have heard of the growing craze for going "Keto", but don't know where to start.

How do you enter ketosis, or a ketogenic state?

Easy! You limit the number of and sources of the carbohydrates you eat. As soon as this happens, your body looks to other fuel to replace carbs as the primary energy source.

This triggers ketosis, and your fat burning switch is flipped on.

The best part of this process … all YOU have to do is LIMIT CARB INTAKE

Your body does the work for you. It knows what to do.

Just eat the right carbs in the right amounts and your body will begin to burn your stored fat…

It's as simple as that…

Remove carbohydrates as your primary energy source, eat moderate amounts of protein and increase intake of healthy fats and your body is forced to burn stored body fat for fuel.

There are many ways to get started, but for me it was drinking a delicious smoothie in the morning, and limiting carb intake for the rest of the day. The keto cold brew smoothies taste great and keep me filled up well into the afternoon.
Andrew, Sydney

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  • Do you have any sources/references/data that keto diet works for fat/weight loss?

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