This offer seems to be back again. Enjoy :)
Get Music Premium to listen ad-free, offline & with your screen off
3-month free trial • $11.99/month
This offer seems to be back again. Enjoy :)
Get Music Premium to listen ad-free, offline & with your screen off
3-month free trial • $11.99/month
haha.. Richard fixed it :)
You can call him Dick.
Free Trial YouTube Music
I listen to music on youtube for free, all the time.
How is this different?
It's basically like Spotify, but with more songs.
So how is that different to Google Play music.
I have wondered what the difference between the two Google products is as they seem to offer the same thing.
Google are phasing out Google play, and have moved on to YouTube music
It's better in that anyone can upload music to YouTube, so you have the ability to access to anything anyone has uploaded, as well as a similar library to GPM. It also is only dark mode, which I personally prefer.
It's worse than GPM in most other ways, such as:
No way to upload your own music
I don't think it has a layout as well designed as GPM
While it has stations, they aren't easily accessible and show up and disappear on the home page based on what Google thinks you should see
There are only four categories for saving music to a library (albums, liked songs, artists, playlists), which would be fine, but any likes on videos categorised as music from YouTube are shown under liked songs
Audio quality for YouTube videos is lower than that of GPM
Search in my experience tends to be worse
Doesn't bother me personally, but no podcast support
Seems I am only able to get a 1 month free Premium offer … must track that I had trialed YouTube Red quite a while ago …
Shout out to Indian VPN hack for YouTube Premium. I have gone from paying $12/mo for one device to $3.80/mo for five!
Yep that's the best.
Teach me more senpai
There was a VPN free trial earlier in the week from tenta. I used beartunnel on the day I set mine up…
Youtube is already adfree with an adblocker and full of music?
Not for mobile.
Is for me for free :))
Only shows 1 month for me
chants cashback cashback cashback
When I look at the comparison of Play Music and Youtube Music, they are going to have to pry Google Play Music from me… Youtube music is a shambles compared to it. Youtube music seems to be made for kids. Sigh… Google kill off some of their best products.
A free trail? 🤔