I have worked for MSY for few years in HQ, feel free to ask me anything regarding to MSY HQ.
All reply comment is base on my own comment and does not represent to MSY.
I have worked for MSY for few years in HQ, feel free to ask me anything regarding to MSY HQ.
All reply comment is base on my own comment and does not represent to MSY.
Yea I saw another guy was from msy ex-staff from nsw and ppl is asking about hq things, so why not I can give some info about hq things.. as I used to work in hq.
What does MSY stand for?
From my understanding the MSY is stand for the initial of the three investors name.
The website. Explain it.
What would you like me to explain? The old website or the new website?
The old one was very unique…
The new one is closer to your regular shopping cart but is less polished than most.
Do you think they're more successful because they're different or less successful as a result?
Absolutely no.. msy website has been complaint for many many years. But honestly there are some words I need to explain.
MSY is a low margin profit company, it is hardly for MSY throw huge money in, to make a fantastic website. So everyone in HQ is working hard to do as much as we can to give the customer a good experience. But we are not website designer so…
The loading page is still using a very old style is because director doesn't want us to forget why MSY is starting up. In the 1990s computer parts are extremely expensive, that is why MSY has started to provide the best price with low margin to our customer. It is the company culture where it should be remained.
Parts and notebook Price list is also a traditional of MSY. As there are many customer already used to the pdf form type.
MSY used to have only programmer and not designer. So everything is on the point of programmer view which I know it is pain for the customer. I know that they have already hire designer to help to do the design Jobs.
@Kkmod1976: In the old days we are even on the top 10 wrost website in Aus. But that time we are easy to use. All you need to click is the parts pdf or notebook pdf. Nothing more. Lol..
Since 2011 we started the first online shopping this is when all the disaster coming.
The old website is from 2010 until now, it was done by the programmer. So basically he just bought the theme and apply the theme that's it. So I do understand it is very difficult to use. So customer still use the pdf instead.
The new website was actually develop by outsource. But due to the products and data sync, the data structures that they design having issue. So the website can't be load within 1s. Where our programmer has to took back to do it by himself and fix the data sync issue. But as you said the new website should need more polish on it. But he is just a programmer. He don't understand what is UI.
I think they now have putting more resource to do it better. Which I hope it will.
Not to say I was actually quit impress when I saw MSY catalogue in the newspaper. The catalogue looks very professional. And also one of the website aio.msy.com.au looks modem website design. And it is also responsible website too. So I believe they have art desinger and website designer as well.
@Kkmod1976: Could you please arrange a link to parts.pdf on the aio site, and we'll call it done & dusted and use it instead? :)
@xuqi: Lol… I no longer work in MSY but I can pass the msg to them…. Lol..I will just screenshot and send to the feedback team. Hahaa…
What a fresh breath of air….
(compared to yesterday's MSY AMA)
Ha.. is that better? But he was working as in branch so not really info that he got so don't compliant on him.
He was not entirely bad however a lot of people said his AMA was dull.
Personally I didnt learn much other than come at certain time of the week for quiet times.
Where is HQ? How many staff work at HQ?
HQ is in Melbourne, there are around 15 staffs.
Give him a break. We can all understand him, it's obvious English isn't his first language.
@knk: This is what I say. I can read and write English quite well, but I could not care less about grammar and spelling from others. If what they are saying, or meaning to say is communicated, who cares about spelling.
@smpantsonfire: Especially in this context. Like if you needed perfect grammar for work fair enough, but we're in a forum lol.
Ah casual racism, my old friend.
@ozoner: This isn't racism.
I live out past Penriff does that make me a skin head bogan. Staffs is not plural of staff.
Meanwhile.. Cheap Huawei phones
Thanks guys, I won't want to raise this up to racism. So I am just thanks for him to pick up my gammer issue as I don't use auto corrections. ^^
In your experience, which PC parts brand has:
- The highest reliability
- The lowest reliability?
Honestly for the parts like tier 1 branding normally have less warranty as their QC requirement are always higher. Tier 1 such as Asus/Gigabyte/MSI. On the other hand normally Tier 2 branding they all use the reference board so the only issue would be the quality control.
So it is really hard to say which brand is highest or lowest reliability.
Normally if it is a big issue will be a common issue with the chipset design so vendor will have firmware update to fix that. But normally customer will think it is a faulty product where as it is not. Especially new cpu on the old mb. For sure need BIOS update in order to support. But a lot of customer doesn't really know and they will think the branding isn't that good. But it is not a fault of MB.
So really it is hard to say which is good or which is bad.
Thanks for your reply. Sounds like PEBCAK is the most common problem ;)
Well, yea a lot of time that customer did not have enough parts to test all so they only can assume. Of coz there are a lot of compatible issue as well especially with AMD Ram in old days. Not all RAM will support AMD cpu. But nowadays are fine.
@Kkmod1976: Also in a lot of time that customer having issue with intermittent problem. This would took a lot more time to found out the issue. Sometime found the issue and vendor service center did not found out the issue and send us back say NFF (not fault found) and we need to apply again and tell them how to replicate the fault. So I know some warranty would took longer and some shorter. It depending on each suitation.
"[AMA] MSY Ex HQ Staff, Feel Ask Me Anything"
I'd rather ask than feel you…..
You can feel me, baby
Lol… Yea don't feel me… Just ask me…update the missing 2 words "FREE TO"
Yea don't feel me
What if its a hot girl?
Do you ever pee in the shower?
Yea of coz, to save water right….
only if you ask me….
Try to pee in the shower would save you some money on the water bill and use that for more drinks.. lol
"feel free to ask me anything regarding to MSY HQ."
and general shower/urine based questions.
Please ask question relate to MSY. Maybe we can open another forums for this matter? Lol
I thought this was an "ask me anything"?
Anything to MSY HQ…. Hehee
Do you have a shower/toilet at work?
Or else where should we go pee? Of coz got toilet…
It's all pipes
What's the difference!
Different pipes go to different places. You're gonna mix them up!
Can you tell us a funny / strange story from your experiences?
One time I serve a customer who bought the cpu and mb, then I offer him that I install the cpu on mb for him without charge. I told as we have many customer putting the cpu on mb and bent the cpu socket pins.
He reject my offer and say he build system for more than 20 years. So all I can say ok. So lets check the socket before you go. So everything has been done and check. Then he say he will put the cpu to the mb. Maybe want to show me that he was really experience. So I gave him a cutter to cut the cpu box. And next he bent the cpu socket pin when he put on.
So in the sudden the whole shop was like freeze. He look at me and say what to do. I say well I will see what I can do. So I actually fix the bent pin to the right position. And this time I put in for him and power up the system.
After everything done, there is no thank you or any appetciate wording from him. He just took the thing and walk away after I said have good day…
Ha.. however there are a lot of good customers and stories too. If I got time I will post here later.
if you haven't bent a cpu pin on a mobo you haven't lived
True. But the point is MSY offering you, then MSY is taking the responsible if the staff bent pin the MB, MSY will take responsible and not the customer. But if customer bent pin than he will actually either pay $55 to fix the bent pin or buy a new board. And that actually need to go back to vendor to repair. MSY don't repair for bent pin.
i once caught my mojo on my zip.
Was this the 90s? ZIFs have been around since the first pentiums, how do you bend a pin with them?
You don't bent the pin, but you can broke the side locks… Lol
Another story come out from my memory, when I was sales. A customer bough a 4tb HDD few years back which was expensive. Before he left my counter, I told him be careful and don't drop the HDD as it is very expensive that time.
So while he walk towards to the door, he drop the HDD. >_<
So he came back to me again and ask me, you think this will still ok? So I call our RA guy and check the HDD and got approval replacement for him. And send that drop HDD as faulty unit to our RA guy.
Good guy kkmod
You probably jinxed him. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. :)
The reason is be coz he put the HDD on top of all the parts he bough
Definitely jinxed. Any time my mum told me not to spill my drink I always spilt my drink. Then she was all like "I told you not to spill it." Was fine if she didn't tell me not to.
After government change on consumer law, what MSY think as 'reasonable' time for warranty? Just say it's a $300 motherboard and manufacturer only specify 1 year.
I think it would be manufacturer warranty is a reference to reasonable time of the product life.
That is why MSY has a compliance officer to deal these.
That is why MSY and Apple and many others have been slapped in Australia. Reasonable life isn't what the manufacturer says, it is based on cost and reasonable expectations for the consumer. Manufacturers like to keep it to 12 months which in most cases is not reasonable.
Total agree. True… So far from my understanding with consumer law. It is the product and the cost to depend on the life of the product. The manufacturer warranty is as to mean that the product parts can be repair or replace within a time frame. Just like if you bought a TV for 32" and 60" the price is too much different but the warranty is the same. But the functionalities are different as well. Which make the price different. Therefore it is hard to do as a standardised life time of a product.
Example for graphic card. You maybe buying a gtx1060 for 3 years and start having issue. This could mean anything the life time of the capacitors, the heat produce to damage the chipset, the dust and all sort of possible reason.
Every year there is always a new thing came out. Let end of last year was rtx20xx and this year was gtx16xx and now rtx20xx super. So every year the vendor or chipset (Intel/And/Nvidia/ati) make new standard. So it is so difficult to deal so.
So it is really hard to say
So one day I did call ACCC and ask how to identify the reasonable time frame. They provide me an example if a lighter A cost $1 and a gold lighter cost $1000. You won't expected the $1 lighter will last you for a year right. But the gold lighter which cost $1000 should last longer.
But they did not consider about the material was used in the lighter. The lighter are function all the same. But the material that was used can be different cost plastic and gold. So you are paying the money for the gold and not the lighter.
You get what I mean, it is not just the product only. The money that you pay for include the material, the technology, the artcraft, the designer and all sort of other costs.
Know anything about the LANKA GRAPHITE LIMITED (LGR) ASX listing?
Not much I know about this as I have already leave MSY. I also saw this on ozbargin. Some of the information are highly confidential which we would not know.
Thanks for the answer!
Are staff trained to be as least helpful as possible? (Sort of a genuine question, also partly loaded with much frustration from dealings with MSY :( )
I'm not talking about system knowledge, i mean in terms of general service and resources they offer, eg ordering in X item by X date because it's OOS, only to be advised month later that order wasn't actually placed as it was discontinued, aaaand so many other occurances
Well most of the staffs are trained to know the products as like in the warehouse style, such as stock take, stock dispatch and etc before they go to the branch to do as sales training. Once the staff has send to the branch to do sales training, in the shop as sales training, they will be teach how to use the POS system and where are those stocks. Even we have SOP on training for at least standard customer service, I believe the branch supervisors does not really have that time to teach them. So it come down to staff personality. So sales are very passion on what they do, some of those has been very long with MSY they seems not do follow the SOP. So you will found different store may have different customer service. So far I know those state managers are monitoring their sales to provide at least a standard customer service. So normally you will see staff in and out regularly.
However sometime msy internal system are not mature so some of the online orders either you see online there is stock, but the shop doesn't really have stock. And customer may keep coming then they may just forget about it.
Don't forget too, MSY is a very low margin business so sometimes there is only one staff per shop that need to handle everything within the day. Doing sales, answering emails, answering calls, put back the stock, stock count, stock take, reserved online orders, internal stock transfer and etc. It is really very hard for a staff to do everything and everything done it well. So I think that is the reason why customer service is always not the highest priority to staff member. So you can't have it both ways.
But I know they have been improving their customer service. I would say don't rely on the website stock level, as it is not very accurate which they are finding ways to fix this. But if you are urgent needed stock call the shop mobile or the online chat from the msy page. They may able to help you directly. Like many people in the forum said it is good idea to have alternative with you if they are out of stock.
So we actually work very hard to do everything well, but sometimes we will miss out something. Please forgive us. We are just human, so we will forget things. Of course they are some unfriendly staff, which you can always complaint to msy feedback so they can take actions. On the other hand if the staff is doing well please do not hesitate to give them a good feedback. I have recieved a thank you post card from our customer before which really make our day.
Where is MSY HQ (Suburb)? Is it an actual office space or warehouse?
I always thought the Dandenong South store was HQ as that's where all of the online returns are sent to and the address is always at the bottom of each promotion email MSY sends.
Also, do most MSY customers come in and immediately know what they're after?
Yes. It is at dandenong. There is office for the HQ.
I would really say 90% of our customer does know what they want maybe not the brand or model but they will know what spec they want. Normally MSY will stock multiple similar product different brand in case of sold out. So alternative is a good way to avoid making a empty hand trip. Most of the time sales will provide you the alternative product if you don't have one.
Customer don't go window shopping in MSY. And if you planning to buy a pc you won't just go there and only start planning. You will at least know what you want before you go to store right. Coz most likely you are spending few hundred and not few gold coins.
Thanks OP for a very interesting thread!
No worries I hope I can answer for most of the questions as I have been working for MSY in different areas before.
Is there a career or promotion path for the average MSY employee?
Yes but will need to wait for the position to be available.
Does MSY make false invoice to fake the purchase date of items? One reason to do so is to offer a longer warranty period than other competitors without actually covering the cost.
No.. it is actually illegal to do so. All warranties are based on customer invoice. So in some cases the management will make refund or replacement to customer even it is out of warranty. Those stock are sold as refurbished.
So with MSY there is two types:
Open box: never been used, the sales open up and customer doesn't want then this will under open box product.
Ex-Demo/Refurbished: could be product we use to display or bring to event use. And includes the warranty return from manufacturer repair. For those normally will be tested in house once recieved from the RA team.
Which part is illegal?
Making invoice? Maybe I should say I believe it is illegal when making up customer invoice.
Just wanted to say the parts.pdf is really great and I hope MSY continues it.
I believe the pdf are MSY one of the the traditional MSY style. and this will be keep using.
But the notebook pdf is a lot better looking than before.
Did you get staff discounts or can you offer special prices to friends and family?
Some product yes but it is subject to approval by PM and State Manager.
For friends or family normally we can't unless buying bulk buy. But we can request to our manager.
Do you know anything in relation to that? Given the OP didn't answer or elaborate on it.
In the old days manager is authorize to overwrite the selling price. However there are manager doing wrong things which the MSY backend management system pick up. The selling price is not been authorize. And to avoid this happen again in the future so they have disable the authorize of overwrite selling price.
I remember at the Clayton store there were photos of shoplifters and people who paid with fake cheques. Were any of those people caught?
I am not sure but I am sure all those has report to police.
Since things have wound down, Kkmod1976 has asked us to close the comments.
Thanks everyone for your comments/questions.
wasn't everything answered in this MSY AMA from yesterday?