I recently purchased clothing from Selfridges.com website.
I was charged for GST when I purchased and I only get a refund with the tax-free prize.
I've called the customer service and they said they can not do a refund for GST paid to Australian border.
Does anyone have similar experiences? and how to get back in this situation?
How to Get GST Back from Returned Item to Selfridges Website?
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Thank you for your advice. I checked ATO website and there is nothing helpful. I suppose they should figure out some kinds of solution to this situation since they start charging GST on overseas online shopping.
I got similar issue when I bought something from a seller on Amazon.com.au.
The price on the website already includes GST.But after few days, the seller canceled the order due to their issue with custom.
and I only got refunded the amount less GST.It took a few emails going back and forth and my threatening email to escalate this to Amazon or other government agency, they finally refunded the GST amount.
I might be wrong, but claiming the GST from a refund is not buyer problem, but the seller.
Don't know if it applies to overseas seller, but I'd assume it's the same.That's what I'm thinking. The GST should be refunded if I return the goods to the seller. So I call the customer service again and finally get GST refunded.
The most interesting thing is that the GST I paid actually shown as 'import duties' on the checkout page whereas the website says we don't need to pay extra import duties if it's under $1000 AUD. However, when I called them saying about this, they then told me I'm actually paying the GST BUT NOT IMPORT DUTIES shown on their web pages. I think they need to figure out the problems with their pages too.
Ah the Qantas reacharound. Looks like some businesses are trying it on refunds.
GST should be refunded when an item is returned. It applies to all stores selling to Australia, including overseas retailers. This information can be found on ATO website.
I am a frequent buyer from Selfridges because some brands I like are not available in Australia, but I really hate this store. When there is anything wrong, their customer service is horrible. They used to charge me double GST and refused to refund me. They refused to refund GST when an item is returned. I am thinking of reporting it to ATO and Fair Trading. I will also try to dispute it to my credit card. Unfortunately, the credit card service in Australia is also bad. I am not sure whether I can get it back from the dispute.
I suggest you keep talking to them and show the ATO information. Refusing to refund GST is malpractice, if not illegal. Report it to ATO. Selfridges is supposed to get GST back from ATO. It is stealing money from their customers.
Please keep us updated. Good luck!Feeling bad with your experience. I called the customer service again on that day and one of their customer consultants agreed to ISSUE A REFUND ON GST I paid after discussed with his colleagues (or managers? can't remember). They then send me the refund information via email and I finally got the GST back. I suggest you maybe can try to call their customer service again as I feel like it really depends on the attitude of different consultants. GOOD LUCK!!
How long has it been since you received the refund of tax free price?
Interestingly i've purchased from a singapore website before and had to refund it, somehow the refund of GST and product sold price came in as seperate transaction and on different days (few business days apart).
I hope yours will be a similar situation and fingers crossed the GST you paid will land on your account soon
It should be refunded, but if it's not, you can see if you can apply for it to be refunded directly by the ATO.