Sakata Rice Crackers 90-100g are 2-for-$3 at Woolworths from tomorrow & Coles from this Thursday
Sakata Rice Crackers 90-100g Are 2-for- $3 at Woolworths from Tomorrow & Coles from This Thursday

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PPS - Tomorrow and this Wednesday are one and the same. :D
thanks guys - corrected :)
Didn't they use to be $1 during specials? Or was that the Fantastic brand?
I remember Woolworth's Home Brand rice crackers being that price on special. From memory, Sakata is generally 2 for $4, so this is a pretty good deal, imo.
Yes, they were just a few years ago. $1 for 100g on special (normally were $1.50). Then they positioned themselves at the top end as other rice cracker brands entered the market (I guess to cover costs for their TV ads). We are getting too used to inflated food prices to realise…
The barbeque one is still the best. I LOVE the wholegrain one, though, which I initially thought would taste like crap.
Also love that their range is entirely gluten free.
who eats this unhealthy crap
Aldi home brand = 99c everyday
They also have fewer flavours, and don't taste as nice.
Good post: For the last couple of years the cheapest you can get them are two for $3.50. You have to go back a good couple of years for this price. I only buy Sakata and I stock up whenever they are on special (regularly 2-3 weeks at either Coles or Woolies). Sakata are Australian.. all the others are either Thai or Chinese imports (that goes for fantastic or the store brands).
I have a huge gripe about cheap food imports and what they put in them. Aldi is getting worse every week: their range of food seems to be more and more imports (biscuits, canned and frozen veg etc). According to their rice crackers are $1.49.
Sakata as far as I'm concerned is the best quality and is the only brand that provides a wholegrain rice cracker, that as far as I know is the only one that uses no added flavoring or preservatives which is great for those health conscious or have allergies like myself and my better half. Sakata wholegrain ingredients: wholegrain rice (90%), inulin, linseed, vegetable oil, salt, poppy seed, sesame seed. Love it!
Aldi reduced their everyday price to 99c but this line is imported. From their current product listing:
"DAMORA ® Rice Crackers - BBQ or Chicken 100g ($0.99 per 100g) $0.99"Don't know why rice crackers aren't around $1 - $1.50 for all brands (given the ingredients/weight) when local made Tim Tams are on sold for $2 (for 200g) regularly. Feeling peckish now… ;-)
Loved their wholegrain basil & pesto, however my local Woolies doesn't stock them anymore :(
PS - Woolworths specials start Wed, and Coles specials start Thurs